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{{ $root := . }}
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<title>{{ .Path }}</title>
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          Index of
          {{ range .Breadcrumbs -}}
          /{{ if .Path }}<a href="{{ $root.GatewayURL }}{{ .Path | urlEscape }}">{{ .Name }}</a>{{ else }}{{ .Name }}{{ end }}
          {{- else }}
          {{ .Path }}
          {{ end }}
        {{ if .Hash }}
        <div class="ipfs-hash">
          {{ .Hash }}
        {{ end }}
      {{ if .Size }}
      <div class="no-linebreak flex-shrink-1 ml-auto">
        <strong>&nbsp;{{ .Size }}</strong>
      {{ end }}
    <div class="table-responsive">
        <td class="type-icon">
          <div class="ipfs-_blank">&nbsp;</div>
          <a href="{{.BackLink | urlEscape}}">..</a>
      {{ range .Listing }}
        <td class="type-icon">
          <div class="{{iconFromExt .Name}}">&nbsp;</div>
          <a href="{{ .Path | urlEscape }}">{{ .Name }}</a>
        <td class="no-linebreak">
          {{ if .Hash }}
          <a class="ipfs-hash" href="{{ $root.GatewayURL }}/ipfs/{{ .Hash | urlEscape }}">
            {{ .ShortHash }}
          {{ end }}
        <td class="no-linebreak">{{ .Size }}</td>
      {{ end }}