# DMS3 Draft documentation To add support diagrams in markdown documents, add Atom packages: "Markdown Preview Enhanced". Use mkdocs to generate documentation site using markdown. mkdocs setup: References: - https://www.mkdocs.org/ - https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/ - https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/ - https://github.com/shd101wyy/markdown-preview-enhanced/blob/master/docs/diagrams.md Use mkdocs pymdown-extensions with superfences and custom fences to support diagrams in mkdocs: - https://facelessuser.github.io/pymdown-extensions/ - https://facelessuser.github.io/pymdown-extensions/extensions/superfences/ - https://mermaidjs.github.io/#/ - https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/issues/693 - https://cdnjs.com/ - https://github.com/mermaid-https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-python-3-and-set-up-a-programming-environment-on-debian-10js/mermaid/ ```bash mkdir -p ~/Work/dapp/dms3 mkdir -p ~/Work/dapp/dms3/dms3-docs cd ~/Work/dapp/dms3 ``` Initial install was via cloning the repo as below. Use clone of repo mermaid - cdnjs version has bad css that when a style is added to flowchart svg, the page is disabled. To build mermaid locally after cloning repo: ```bash git clone https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid.git cd mermaid/ nvm list nvm use stable npm install webpack npm install yarn npm run build npm run release ls -alg dist/ cp -v dist/mermaid.min.js* ../mkdocs-docs/docs/js/ cp -v dist/mermaid.js* ../mkdocs-docs/docs/js/ cd ../ python --version pip --version #sudo apt-get install python-pip # #wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py #sudo python get-pip.py ``` Later install followed this instead to setup a virtual python environment - https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-python-3-and- set-up-a-programming-environment-on-debian-10 ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt -y upgrade python3 -V sudo apt install -y python3-pip sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev sudo apt install -y python3-venv mkdir python_env cd python_env python3.7 -m venv mkdocs_env ls mkdocs_env source mkdocs_env/bin/activate nano hello.py print("Hello, World!") python hello.py pip install mkdocs mkdocs --version mkdocs new mkdocs-docs cd mkdocs-docs mkdocs serve pip install pymdown-extensions pip install mkdocs-rtd-dropdown mkdocs build mkdocs serve ``` To support math rendering: - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27882261/mkdocs-and-mathjax/31926644 - https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/extensions/pymdown/ - https://facelessuser.github.io/pymdown-extensions/extensions/arithmatex/ - roboto-slab fonts were downloaded from: - Free download fonts at http://sharefonts.net - unzip and move missing fonts into mkdocs-docs/docs/fonts/ ## Usage ```bash cd ~/Work/dapp/dms3-docs # build mkdocs build # local live reload server mkdocs serve # defaults to mkdocs serve --dev-addr= # deploy rsync -rv site/* gitlab.dms3.io:~/dms3-docs/site/ /sbin/apache2ctl restart ```