Commit 2ee030b6 authored by Brian Tiger Chow's avatar Brian Tiger Chow Committed by Jeromy

refactor(bitswap) perform Publish in HasBlock

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarBrian Tiger Chow <>
parent 2be5de8f
......@@ -224,8 +224,10 @@ func (bs *bitswap) loop(parent context.Context) {
// HasBlock announces the existance of a block to this bitswap service. The
// service will potentially notify its peers.
func (bs *bitswap) HasBlock(ctx context.Context, blk *blocks.Block) error {
// TODO check all errors
log.Debugf("Has Block %s", blk.Key())
bs.sendToPeersThatWant(ctx, blk)
return bs.routing.Provide(ctx, blk.Key())
......@@ -258,8 +260,6 @@ func (bs *bitswap) ReceiveMessage(ctx context.Context, p peer.Peer, incoming bsm
log.Criticalf("error putting block: %s", err)
continue // FIXME(brian): err ignored
err := bs.HasBlock(ctx, block)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("HasBlock errored: %s", err)
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