Unverified Commit 56430042 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #374 from ipfs/refactor/unref-want-mgr

refactor: remove WantManager
parents ba0eb21b 26fbfbf0
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import (
bssim "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/sessioninterestmanager"
bssm "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/sessionmanager"
bsspm "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/sessionpeermanager"
bswm "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/wantmanager"
bsmsg "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/message"
bsnet "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/network"
blocks "github.com/ipfs/go-block-format"
......@@ -123,13 +122,13 @@ func New(parent context.Context, network bsnet.BitSwapNetwork,
return nil
var wm *bswm.WantManager
// onDontHaveTimeout is called when a want-block is sent to a peer that
// has an old version of Bitswap that doesn't support DONT_HAVE messages,
// or when no response is received within a timeout.
var sm *bssm.SessionManager
onDontHaveTimeout := func(p peer.ID, dontHaves []cid.Cid) {
// Simulate a DONT_HAVE message arriving to the WantManager
wm.ReceiveFrom(ctx, p, nil, nil, dontHaves)
// Simulate a message arriving with DONT_HAVEs
sm.ReceiveFrom(ctx, p, nil, nil, dontHaves)
peerQueueFactory := func(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID) bspm.PeerQueue {
return bsmq.New(ctx, p, network, onDontHaveTimeout)
......@@ -138,10 +137,9 @@ func New(parent context.Context, network bsnet.BitSwapNetwork,
sim := bssim.New()
bpm := bsbpm.New()
pm := bspm.New(ctx, peerQueueFactory, network.Self())
wm = bswm.New(ctx, pm, sim, bpm)
pqm := bspqm.New(ctx, network)
sessionFactory := func(ctx context.Context, id uint64, spm bssession.SessionPeerManager,
sessionFactory := func(sessctx context.Context, id uint64, spm bssession.SessionPeerManager,
sim *bssim.SessionInterestManager,
pm bssession.PeerManager,
bpm *bsbpm.BlockPresenceManager,
......@@ -149,14 +147,13 @@ func New(parent context.Context, network bsnet.BitSwapNetwork,
provSearchDelay time.Duration,
rebroadcastDelay delay.D,
self peer.ID) bssm.Session {
return bssession.New(ctx, id, wm, spm, pqm, sim, pm, bpm, notif, provSearchDelay, rebroadcastDelay, self)
return bssession.New(ctx, sessctx, id, spm, pqm, sim, pm, bpm, notif, provSearchDelay, rebroadcastDelay, self)
sessionPeerManagerFactory := func(ctx context.Context, id uint64) bssession.SessionPeerManager {
return bsspm.New(id, network.ConnectionManager())
notif := notifications.New()
sm := bssm.New(ctx, sessionFactory, sim, sessionPeerManagerFactory, bpm, pm, notif, network.Self())
sm = bssm.New(ctx, sessionFactory, sim, sessionPeerManagerFactory, bpm, pm, notif, network.Self())
engine := decision.NewEngine(ctx, bstore, network.ConnectionManager(), network.Self())
bs := &Bitswap{
......@@ -166,7 +163,6 @@ func New(parent context.Context, network bsnet.BitSwapNetwork,
process: px,
newBlocks: make(chan cid.Cid, HasBlockBufferSize),
provideKeys: make(chan cid.Cid, provideKeysBufferSize),
wm: wm,
pm: pm,
pqm: pqm,
sm: sm,
......@@ -207,9 +203,6 @@ func New(parent context.Context, network bsnet.BitSwapNetwork,
// Bitswap instances implement the bitswap protocol.
type Bitswap struct {
// the wantlist tracks global wants for bitswap
wm *bswm.WantManager
pm *bspm.PeerManager
// the provider query manager manages requests to find providers
......@@ -357,7 +350,7 @@ func (bs *Bitswap) receiveBlocksFrom(ctx context.Context, from peer.ID, blks []b
// Send all block keys (including duplicates) to any sessions that want them.
// (The duplicates are needed by sessions for accounting purposes)
bs.wm.ReceiveFrom(ctx, from, allKs, haves, dontHaves)
bs.sm.ReceiveFrom(ctx, from, allKs, haves, dontHaves)
// Send wanted blocks to decision engine
bs.engine.ReceiveFrom(from, wanted, haves)
......@@ -480,14 +473,14 @@ func (bs *Bitswap) blockstoreHas(blks []blocks.Block) []bool {
// PeerConnected is called by the network interface
// when a peer initiates a new connection to bitswap.
func (bs *Bitswap) PeerConnected(p peer.ID) {
// PeerDisconnected is called by the network interface when a peer
// closes a connection
func (bs *Bitswap) PeerDisconnected(p peer.ID) {

82.9 KB | W: | H:


80 KB | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
......@@ -11,13 +11,6 @@ node "Sending Blocks" {
[Engine] --> [TaskWorker (workers.go)]
node "Requesting Blocks" {
[Bitswap] --* [WantManager]
[WantManager] --> [BlockPresenceManager]
[WantManager] --> [PeerManager]
[PeerManager] --* [MessageQueue]
node "Providing" {
[Bitswap] --* [Provide Collector (workers.go)]
[Provide Collector (workers.go)] --* [Provide Worker (workers.go)]
......@@ -31,14 +24,19 @@ node "Sessions (smart requests)" {
[Bitswap] --* [SessionManager]
[SessionManager] --> [SessionInterestManager]
[SessionManager] --o [Session]
[SessionManager] --> [BlockPresenceManager]
[Session] --* [sessionWantSender]
[Session] --* [SessionPeerManager]
[Session] --> [WantManager]
[Session] --> [ProvideQueryManager]
[Session] --* [sessionWants]
[Session] --> [SessionInterestManager]
[sessionWantSender] --> [BlockPresenceManager]
node "Requesting Blocks" {
[SessionManager] --> [PeerManager]
[sessionWantSender] --> [PeerManager]
[PeerManager] --* [MessageQueue]
node "Network" {
......@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ When a message is received, Bitswap
So that the Engine can send responses to the wants
- Informs the Engine of any received blocks
So that the Engine can send the received blocks to any peers that want them
- Informs the WantManager of received blocks, HAVEs and DONT_HAVEs
So that the WantManager can inform interested sessions
- Informs the SessionManager of received blocks, HAVEs and DONT_HAVEs
So that the SessionManager can inform interested sessions
When the client makes an API call, Bitswap creates a new Session and calls the corresponding method (eg `GetBlocks()`).
......@@ -101,9 +101,10 @@ The PeerTaskQueue prioritizes tasks such that the peers with the least amount of
### Requesting Blocks
When the WantManager is informed of a new message, it
- informs the SessionManager
The SessionManager informs the Sessions that are interested in the received blocks and wants
When the SessionManager is informed of a new message, it
- informs the BlockPresenceManager
The BlockPresenceManager keeps track of which peers have sent HAVES and DONT_HAVEs for each block
- informs the Sessions that are interested in the received blocks and wants
- informs the PeerManager of received blocks
The PeerManager checks if any wants were send to a peer for the received blocks. If so it sends a `CANCEL` message to those peers.
......@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ The Session starts in "discovery" mode. This means it doesn't have any peers yet
When the client initially requests blocks from a Session, the Session
- informs the SessionInterestManager that it is interested in the want
- informs the sessionWantManager of the want
- tells the WantManager to broadcast a `want-have` to all connected peers so as to discover which peers have the block
- tells the PeerManager to broadcast a `want-have` to all connected peers so as to discover which peers have the block
- queries the ProviderQueryManager to discover which peers have the block
When the session receives a message with `HAVE` or a `block`, it informs the SessionPeerManager. The SessionPeerManager keeps track of all peers in the session.
......@@ -25,17 +25,6 @@ const (
broadcastLiveWantsLimit = 64
// WantManager is an interface that can be used to request blocks
// from given peers.
type WantManager interface {
// BroadcastWantHaves sends want-haves to all connected peers (used for
// session discovery)
BroadcastWantHaves(context.Context, uint64, []cid.Cid)
// RemoveSession removes the session from the WantManager (when the
// session shuts down)
RemoveSession(context.Context, uint64)
// PeerManager keeps track of which sessions are interested in which peers
// and takes care of sending wants for the sessions
type PeerManager interface {
......@@ -47,6 +36,11 @@ type PeerManager interface {
// SendWants tells the PeerManager to send wants to the given peer
SendWants(ctx context.Context, peerId peer.ID, wantBlocks []cid.Cid, wantHaves []cid.Cid)
// BroadcastWantHaves sends want-haves to all connected peers (used for
// session discovery)
BroadcastWantHaves(context.Context, []cid.Cid)
// SendCancels tells the PeerManager to send cancels to all peers
SendCancels(context.Context, []cid.Cid)
// SessionPeerManager keeps track of peers in the session
......@@ -97,8 +91,10 @@ type op struct {
// info to, and who to request blocks from.
type Session struct {
// dependencies
ctx context.Context
wm WantManager
bsctx context.Context // context for bitswap
ctx context.Context // context for session
pm PeerManager
bpm *bsbpm.BlockPresenceManager
sprm SessionPeerManager
providerFinder ProviderFinder
sim *bssim.SessionInterestManager
......@@ -129,9 +125,10 @@ type Session struct {
// New creates a new bitswap session whose lifetime is bounded by the
// given context.
func New(ctx context.Context,
func New(
bsctx context.Context, // context for bitswap
ctx context.Context, // context for this session
id uint64,
wm WantManager,
sprm SessionPeerManager,
providerFinder ProviderFinder,
sim *bssim.SessionInterestManager,
......@@ -144,8 +141,10 @@ func New(ctx context.Context,
s := &Session{
sw: newSessionWants(broadcastLiveWantsLimit),
tickDelayReqs: make(chan time.Duration),
bsctx: bsctx,
ctx: ctx,
wm: wm,
pm: pm,
bpm: bpm,
sprm: sprm,
providerFinder: providerFinder,
sim: sim,
......@@ -301,13 +300,13 @@ func (s *Session) run(ctx context.Context) {
case opBroadcast:
// Broadcast want-haves to all peers
s.broadcastWantHaves(ctx, oper.keys)
s.broadcast(ctx, oper.keys)
panic("unhandled operation")
case <-s.idleTick.C:
// The session hasn't received blocks for a while, broadcast
s.broadcastWantHaves(ctx, nil)
s.broadcast(ctx, nil)
case <-s.periodicSearchTimer.C:
// Periodically search for a random live want
......@@ -325,7 +324,7 @@ func (s *Session) run(ctx context.Context) {
// Called when the session hasn't received any blocks for some time, or when
// all peers in the session have sent DONT_HAVE for a particular set of CIDs.
// Send want-haves to all connected peers, and search for new peers with the CID.
func (s *Session) broadcastWantHaves(ctx context.Context, wants []cid.Cid) {
func (s *Session) broadcast(ctx context.Context, wants []cid.Cid) {
// If this broadcast is because of an idle timeout (we haven't received
// any blocks for a while) then broadcast all pending wants
if wants == nil {
......@@ -333,7 +332,7 @@ func (s *Session) broadcastWantHaves(ctx context.Context, wants []cid.Cid) {
// Broadcast a want-have for the live wants to everyone we're connected to
s.wm.BroadcastWantHaves(ctx, s.id, wants)
s.broadcastWantHaves(ctx, wants)
// do not find providers on consecutive ticks
// -- just rely on periodic search widening
......@@ -341,7 +340,7 @@ func (s *Session) broadcastWantHaves(ctx context.Context, wants []cid.Cid) {
// Search for providers who have the first want in the list.
// Typically if the provider has the first block they will have
// the rest of the blocks also.
log.Debugf("Ses%d: FindMorePeers with want %s (1st of %d wants)", s.id, wants[0], len(wants))
log.Debugw("FindMorePeers", "session", s.id, "cid", wants[0], "pending", len(wants))
s.findMorePeers(ctx, wants[0])
......@@ -364,7 +363,7 @@ func (s *Session) handlePeriodicSearch(ctx context.Context) {
// for new providers for blocks.
s.findMorePeers(ctx, randomWant)
s.wm.BroadcastWantHaves(ctx, s.id, []cid.Cid{randomWant})
s.broadcastWantHaves(ctx, []cid.Cid{randomWant})
......@@ -390,8 +389,19 @@ func (s *Session) handleShutdown() {
// Shut down the sessionWantSender (blocks until sessionWantSender stops
// sending)
// Remove the session from the want manager
s.wm.RemoveSession(s.ctx, s.id)
// Remove session's interest in the given blocks.
cancelKs := s.sim.RemoveSessionInterest(s.id)
// Free up block presence tracking for keys that no session is interested
// in anymore
// Send CANCEL to all peers for blocks that no session is interested in
// anymore.
// Note: use bitswap context because session context has already been
// cancelled.
s.pm.SendCancels(s.bsctx, cancelKs)
// handleReceive is called when the session receives blocks from a peer
......@@ -439,11 +449,17 @@ func (s *Session) wantBlocks(ctx context.Context, newks []cid.Cid) {
// No peers discovered yet, broadcast some want-haves
ks := s.sw.GetNextWants()
if len(ks) > 0 {
log.Infof("Ses%d: No peers - broadcasting %d want HAVE requests\n", s.id, len(ks))
s.wm.BroadcastWantHaves(ctx, s.id, ks)
log.Infow("No peers - broadcasting", "session", s.id, "want-count", len(ks))
s.broadcastWantHaves(ctx, ks)
// Send want-haves to all connected peers
func (s *Session) broadcastWantHaves(ctx context.Context, wants []cid.Cid) {
log.Debugw("broadcastWantHaves", "session", s.id, "cids", wants)
s.pm.BroadcastWantHaves(ctx, wants)
// The session will broadcast if it has outstanding wants and doesn't receive
// any blocks for some time.
// The length of time is calculated
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package session
import (
......@@ -17,28 +18,6 @@ import (
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/peer"
type wantReq struct {
cids []cid.Cid
type fakeWantManager struct {
wantReqs chan wantReq
func newFakeWantManager() *fakeWantManager {
return &fakeWantManager{
wantReqs: make(chan wantReq, 1),
func (fwm *fakeWantManager) BroadcastWantHaves(ctx context.Context, sesid uint64, cids []cid.Cid) {
select {
case fwm.wantReqs <- wantReq{cids}:
case <-ctx.Done():
func (fwm *fakeWantManager) RemoveSession(context.Context, uint64) {}
func newFakeSessionPeerManager() *bsspm.SessionPeerManager {
return bsspm.New(1, newFakePeerTagger())
......@@ -76,11 +55,20 @@ func (fpf *fakeProviderFinder) FindProvidersAsync(ctx context.Context, k cid.Cid
return make(chan peer.ID)
type wantReq struct {
cids []cid.Cid
type fakePeerManager struct {
wantReqs chan wantReq
lk sync.Mutex
cancels []cid.Cid
func newFakePeerManager() *fakePeerManager {
return &fakePeerManager{}
return &fakePeerManager{
wantReqs: make(chan wantReq, 1),
func (pm *fakePeerManager) RegisterSession(peer.ID, bspm.Session) bool {
......@@ -88,19 +76,34 @@ func (pm *fakePeerManager) RegisterSession(peer.ID, bspm.Session) bool {
func (pm *fakePeerManager) UnregisterSession(uint64) {}
func (pm *fakePeerManager) SendWants(context.Context, peer.ID, []cid.Cid, []cid.Cid) {}
func (pm *fakePeerManager) BroadcastWantHaves(ctx context.Context, cids []cid.Cid) {
select {
case pm.wantReqs <- wantReq{cids}:
case <-ctx.Done():
func (pm *fakePeerManager) SendCancels(ctx context.Context, cancels []cid.Cid) {
defer pm.lk.Unlock()
pm.cancels = append(pm.cancels, cancels...)
func (pm *fakePeerManager) allCancels() []cid.Cid {
defer pm.lk.Unlock()
return append([]cid.Cid{}, pm.cancels...)
func TestSessionGetBlocks(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 100*time.Millisecond)
defer cancel()
fwm := newFakeWantManager()
fpm := newFakeSessionPeerManager()
fpm := newFakePeerManager()
fspm := newFakeSessionPeerManager()
fpf := newFakeProviderFinder()
sim := bssim.New()
bpm := bsbpm.New()
notif := notifications.New()
defer notif.Shutdown()
id := testutil.GenerateSessionID()
session := New(ctx, id, fwm, fpm, fpf, sim, newFakePeerManager(), bpm, notif, time.Second, delay.Fixed(time.Minute), "")
session := New(ctx, ctx, id, fspm, fpf, sim, fpm, bpm, notif, time.Second, delay.Fixed(time.Minute), "")
blockGenerator := blocksutil.NewBlockGenerator()
blks := blockGenerator.Blocks(broadcastLiveWantsLimit * 2)
var cids []cid.Cid
......@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ func TestSessionGetBlocks(t *testing.T) {
// Wait for initial want request
receivedWantReq := <-fwm.wantReqs
receivedWantReq := <-fpm.wantReqs
// Should have registered session's interest in blocks
intSes := sim.FilterSessionInterested(id, cids)
......@@ -138,7 +141,7 @@ func TestSessionGetBlocks(t *testing.T) {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
// Verify new peers were recorded
if !testutil.MatchPeersIgnoreOrder(fpm.Peers(), peers) {
if !testutil.MatchPeersIgnoreOrder(fspm.Peers(), peers) {
t.Fatal("peers not recorded by the peer manager")
......@@ -172,20 +175,30 @@ func TestSessionGetBlocks(t *testing.T) {
if len(wanted) != len(blks)-1 {
t.Fatal("session wants incorrect number of blocks")
// Shut down session
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
// Verify wants were cancelled
if len(fpm.allCancels()) != len(blks) {
t.Fatal("expected cancels to be sent for all wants")
func TestSessionFindMorePeers(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 900*time.Millisecond)
defer cancel()
fwm := newFakeWantManager()
fpm := newFakeSessionPeerManager()
fpm := newFakePeerManager()
fspm := newFakeSessionPeerManager()
fpf := newFakeProviderFinder()
sim := bssim.New()
bpm := bsbpm.New()
notif := notifications.New()
defer notif.Shutdown()
id := testutil.GenerateSessionID()
session := New(ctx, id, fwm, fpm, fpf, sim, newFakePeerManager(), bpm, notif, time.Second, delay.Fixed(time.Minute), "")
session := New(ctx, ctx, id, fspm, fpf, sim, fpm, bpm, notif, time.Second, delay.Fixed(time.Minute), "")
session.SetBaseTickDelay(200 * time.Microsecond)
blockGenerator := blocksutil.NewBlockGenerator()
blks := blockGenerator.Blocks(broadcastLiveWantsLimit * 2)
......@@ -200,7 +213,7 @@ func TestSessionFindMorePeers(t *testing.T) {
// The session should initially broadcast want-haves
select {
case <-fwm.wantReqs:
case <-fpm.wantReqs:
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatal("Did not make first want request ")
......@@ -217,14 +230,14 @@ func TestSessionFindMorePeers(t *testing.T) {
// The session should now time out waiting for a response and broadcast
// want-haves again
select {
case <-fwm.wantReqs:
case <-fpm.wantReqs:
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatal("Did not make second want request ")
// The session should keep broadcasting periodically until it receives a response
select {
case receivedWantReq := <-fwm.wantReqs:
case receivedWantReq := <-fpm.wantReqs:
if len(receivedWantReq.cids) != broadcastLiveWantsLimit {
t.Fatal("did not rebroadcast whole live list")
......@@ -250,8 +263,8 @@ func TestSessionFindMorePeers(t *testing.T) {
func TestSessionOnPeersExhausted(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Millisecond)
defer cancel()
fwm := newFakeWantManager()
fpm := newFakeSessionPeerManager()
fpm := newFakePeerManager()
fspm := newFakeSessionPeerManager()
fpf := newFakeProviderFinder()
sim := bssim.New()
......@@ -259,7 +272,7 @@ func TestSessionOnPeersExhausted(t *testing.T) {
notif := notifications.New()
defer notif.Shutdown()
id := testutil.GenerateSessionID()
session := New(ctx, id, fwm, fpm, fpf, sim, newFakePeerManager(), bpm, notif, time.Second, delay.Fixed(time.Minute), "")
session := New(ctx, ctx, id, fspm, fpf, sim, fpm, bpm, notif, time.Second, delay.Fixed(time.Minute), "")
blockGenerator := blocksutil.NewBlockGenerator()
blks := blockGenerator.Blocks(broadcastLiveWantsLimit + 5)
var cids []cid.Cid
......@@ -273,7 +286,7 @@ func TestSessionOnPeersExhausted(t *testing.T) {
// Wait for initial want request
receivedWantReq := <-fwm.wantReqs
receivedWantReq := <-fpm.wantReqs
// Should have sent out broadcast request for wants
if len(receivedWantReq.cids) != broadcastLiveWantsLimit {
......@@ -284,7 +297,7 @@ func TestSessionOnPeersExhausted(t *testing.T) {
// Wait for want request
receivedWantReq = <-fwm.wantReqs
receivedWantReq = <-fpm.wantReqs
// Should have sent out broadcast request for wants
if len(receivedWantReq.cids) != 2 {
......@@ -295,15 +308,15 @@ func TestSessionOnPeersExhausted(t *testing.T) {
func TestSessionFailingToGetFirstBlock(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)
defer cancel()
fwm := newFakeWantManager()
fpm := newFakeSessionPeerManager()
fpm := newFakePeerManager()
fspm := newFakeSessionPeerManager()
fpf := newFakeProviderFinder()
sim := bssim.New()
bpm := bsbpm.New()
notif := notifications.New()
defer notif.Shutdown()
id := testutil.GenerateSessionID()
session := New(ctx, id, fwm, fpm, fpf, sim, newFakePeerManager(), bpm, notif, 10*time.Millisecond, delay.Fixed(100*time.Millisecond), "")
session := New(ctx, ctx, id, fspm, fpf, sim, fpm, bpm, notif, 10*time.Millisecond, delay.Fixed(100*time.Millisecond), "")
blockGenerator := blocksutil.NewBlockGenerator()
blks := blockGenerator.Blocks(4)
var cids []cid.Cid
......@@ -318,14 +331,14 @@ func TestSessionFailingToGetFirstBlock(t *testing.T) {
// The session should initially broadcast want-haves
select {
case <-fwm.wantReqs:
case <-fpm.wantReqs:
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatal("Did not make first want request ")
// Verify a broadcast was made
select {
case receivedWantReq := <-fwm.wantReqs:
case receivedWantReq := <-fpm.wantReqs:
if len(receivedWantReq.cids) < len(cids) {
t.Fatal("did not rebroadcast whole live list")
......@@ -346,7 +359,7 @@ func TestSessionFailingToGetFirstBlock(t *testing.T) {
// Wait for another broadcast to occur
select {
case receivedWantReq := <-fwm.wantReqs:
case receivedWantReq := <-fpm.wantReqs:
if len(receivedWantReq.cids) < len(cids) {
t.Fatal("did not rebroadcast whole live list")
......@@ -357,7 +370,7 @@ func TestSessionFailingToGetFirstBlock(t *testing.T) {
// Wait for another broadcast to occur
startTick = time.Now()
select {
case receivedWantReq := <-fwm.wantReqs:
case receivedWantReq := <-fpm.wantReqs:
if len(receivedWantReq.cids) < len(cids) {
t.Fatal("did not rebroadcast whole live list")
......@@ -374,7 +387,7 @@ func TestSessionFailingToGetFirstBlock(t *testing.T) {
// Wait for another broadcast to occur
startTick = time.Now()
select {
case receivedWantReq := <-fwm.wantReqs:
case receivedWantReq := <-fpm.wantReqs:
if len(receivedWantReq.cids) < len(cids) {
t.Fatal("did not rebroadcast whole live list")
......@@ -407,8 +420,8 @@ func TestSessionFailingToGetFirstBlock(t *testing.T) {
func TestSessionCtxCancelClosesGetBlocksChannel(t *testing.T) {
fwm := newFakeWantManager()
fpm := newFakeSessionPeerManager()
fpm := newFakePeerManager()
fspm := newFakeSessionPeerManager()
fpf := newFakeProviderFinder()
sim := bssim.New()
bpm := bsbpm.New()
......@@ -418,7 +431,7 @@ func TestSessionCtxCancelClosesGetBlocksChannel(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new session with its own context
sessctx, sesscancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 100*time.Millisecond)
session := New(sessctx, id, fwm, fpm, fpf, sim, newFakePeerManager(), bpm, notif, time.Second, delay.Fixed(time.Minute), "")
session := New(context.Background(), sessctx, id, fspm, fpf, sim, fpm, bpm, notif, time.Second, delay.Fixed(time.Minute), "")
timerCtx, timerCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Millisecond)
defer timerCancel()
......@@ -450,8 +463,8 @@ func TestSessionCtxCancelClosesGetBlocksChannel(t *testing.T) {
func TestSessionReceiveMessageAfterShutdown(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Millisecond)
fwm := newFakeWantManager()
fpm := newFakeSessionPeerManager()
fpm := newFakePeerManager()
fspm := newFakeSessionPeerManager()
fpf := newFakeProviderFinder()
sim := bssim.New()
......@@ -459,7 +472,7 @@ func TestSessionReceiveMessageAfterShutdown(t *testing.T) {
notif := notifications.New()
defer notif.Shutdown()
id := testutil.GenerateSessionID()
session := New(ctx, id, fwm, fpm, fpf, sim, newFakePeerManager(), bpm, notif, time.Second, delay.Fixed(time.Minute), "")
session := New(ctx, ctx, id, fspm, fpf, sim, fpm, bpm, notif, time.Second, delay.Fixed(time.Minute), "")
blockGenerator := blocksutil.NewBlockGenerator()
blks := blockGenerator.Blocks(2)
cids := []cid.Cid{blks[0].Cid(), blks[1].Cid()}
......@@ -470,7 +483,7 @@ func TestSessionReceiveMessageAfterShutdown(t *testing.T) {
// Wait for initial want request
// Shut down session
......@@ -66,8 +66,9 @@ func (pm *mockPeerManager) RegisterSession(p peer.ID, sess bspm.Session) bool {
return true
func (pm *mockPeerManager) UnregisterSession(sesid uint64) {
func (*mockPeerManager) UnregisterSession(uint64) {}
func (*mockPeerManager) BroadcastWantHaves(context.Context, []cid.Cid) {}
func (*mockPeerManager) SendCancels(context.Context, []cid.Cid) {}
func (pm *mockPeerManager) SendWants(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID, wantBlocks []cid.Cid, wantHaves []cid.Cid) {
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ func (sim *SessionInterestManager) SplitWantedUnwanted(blks []blocks.Block) ([]b
return wantedBlks, notWantedBlks
// When the WantManager receives a message is calls InterestedSessions() to
// When the SessionManager receives a message it calls InterestedSessions() to
// find out which sessions are interested in the message.
func (sim *SessionInterestManager) InterestedSessions(blks []cid.Cid, haves []cid.Cid, dontHaves []cid.Cid) []uint64 {
......@@ -109,8 +109,10 @@ func (sm *SessionManager) GetNextSessionID() uint64 {
return sm.sessID
func (sm *SessionManager) ReceiveFrom(p peer.ID, blks []cid.Cid, haves []cid.Cid, dontHaves []cid.Cid) []Session {
sessions := make([]Session, 0)
// ReceiveFrom is called when a new message is received
func (sm *SessionManager) ReceiveFrom(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID, blks []cid.Cid, haves []cid.Cid, dontHaves []cid.Cid) {
// Record block presence for HAVE / DONT_HAVE
sm.blockPresenceManager.ReceiveFrom(p, haves, dontHaves)
// Notify each session that is interested in the blocks / HAVEs / DONT_HAVEs
for _, id := range sm.sessionInterestManager.InterestedSessions(blks, haves, dontHaves) {
......@@ -120,9 +122,9 @@ func (sm *SessionManager) ReceiveFrom(p peer.ID, blks []cid.Cid, haves []cid.Cid
if ok {
sess.ReceiveFrom(p, blks, haves, dontHaves)
sessions = append(sessions, sess)
return sessions
// Send CANCEL to all peers with want-have / want-block
sm.peerManager.SendCancels(ctx, blks)
......@@ -53,11 +53,16 @@ func (*fakeSesPeerManager) RemovePeer(peer.ID) bool { return false }
func (*fakeSesPeerManager) HasPeers() bool { return false }
type fakePeerManager struct {
cancels []cid.Cid
func (*fakePeerManager) RegisterSession(peer.ID, bspm.Session) bool { return true }
func (*fakePeerManager) UnregisterSession(uint64) {}
func (*fakePeerManager) SendWants(context.Context, peer.ID, []cid.Cid, []cid.Cid) {}
func (*fakePeerManager) BroadcastWantHaves(context.Context, []cid.Cid) {}
func (fpm *fakePeerManager) SendCancels(ctx context.Context, cancels []cid.Cid) {
fpm.cancels = append(fpm.cancels, cancels...)
func sessionFactory(ctx context.Context,
id uint64,
......@@ -101,26 +106,30 @@ func TestReceiveFrom(t *testing.T) {
sim.RecordSessionInterest(firstSession.ID(), []cid.Cid{block.Cid()})
sim.RecordSessionInterest(thirdSession.ID(), []cid.Cid{block.Cid()})
sm.ReceiveFrom(p, []cid.Cid{block.Cid()}, []cid.Cid{}, []cid.Cid{})
sm.ReceiveFrom(ctx, p, []cid.Cid{block.Cid()}, []cid.Cid{}, []cid.Cid{})
if len(firstSession.ks) == 0 ||
len(secondSession.ks) > 0 ||
len(thirdSession.ks) == 0 {
t.Fatal("should have received blocks but didn't")
sm.ReceiveFrom(p, []cid.Cid{}, []cid.Cid{block.Cid()}, []cid.Cid{})
sm.ReceiveFrom(ctx, p, []cid.Cid{}, []cid.Cid{block.Cid()}, []cid.Cid{})
if len(firstSession.wantBlocks) == 0 ||
len(secondSession.wantBlocks) > 0 ||
len(thirdSession.wantBlocks) == 0 {
t.Fatal("should have received want-blocks but didn't")
sm.ReceiveFrom(p, []cid.Cid{}, []cid.Cid{}, []cid.Cid{block.Cid()})
sm.ReceiveFrom(ctx, p, []cid.Cid{}, []cid.Cid{}, []cid.Cid{block.Cid()})
if len(firstSession.wantHaves) == 0 ||
len(secondSession.wantHaves) > 0 ||
len(thirdSession.wantHaves) == 0 {
t.Fatal("should have received want-haves but didn't")
if len(pm.cancels) != 1 {
t.Fatal("should have sent cancel for received blocks")
func TestReceiveBlocksWhenManagerContextCancelled(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -150,7 +159,7 @@ func TestReceiveBlocksWhenManagerContextCancelled(t *testing.T) {
// wait for sessions to get removed
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
sm.ReceiveFrom(p, []cid.Cid{block.Cid()}, []cid.Cid{}, []cid.Cid{})
sm.ReceiveFrom(ctx, p, []cid.Cid{block.Cid()}, []cid.Cid{}, []cid.Cid{})
if len(firstSession.ks) > 0 ||
len(secondSession.ks) > 0 ||
len(thirdSession.ks) > 0 {
......@@ -186,7 +195,7 @@ func TestReceiveBlocksWhenSessionContextCancelled(t *testing.T) {
// wait for sessions to get removed
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
sm.ReceiveFrom(p, []cid.Cid{block.Cid()}, []cid.Cid{}, []cid.Cid{})
sm.ReceiveFrom(ctx, p, []cid.Cid{block.Cid()}, []cid.Cid{}, []cid.Cid{})
if len(firstSession.ks) == 0 ||
len(secondSession.ks) > 0 ||
len(thirdSession.ks) == 0 {
package wantmanager
import (
bsbpm "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/blockpresencemanager"
bssim "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/sessioninterestmanager"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log"
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/peer"
var log = logging.Logger("bitswap")
// PeerHandler sends wants / cancels to other peers
type PeerHandler interface {
// Connected is called when a peer connects.
Connected(p peer.ID)
// Disconnected is called when a peer disconnects
Disconnected(p peer.ID)
// BroadcastWantHaves sends want-haves to all connected peers
BroadcastWantHaves(ctx context.Context, wantHaves []cid.Cid)
// SendCancels sends cancels to all peers that had previously been sent
// a want-block or want-have for the given key
SendCancels(context.Context, []cid.Cid)
// SessionManager receives incoming messages and distributes them to sessions
type SessionManager interface {
ReceiveFrom(p peer.ID, blks []cid.Cid, haves []cid.Cid, dontHaves []cid.Cid) []sessionmanager.Session
// WantManager
// - informs the SessionManager and BlockPresenceManager of incoming information
// and cancelled sessions
// - informs the PeerManager of connects and disconnects
type WantManager struct {
peerHandler PeerHandler
sim *bssim.SessionInterestManager
bpm *bsbpm.BlockPresenceManager
sm SessionManager
// New initializes a new WantManager for a given context.
func New(ctx context.Context, peerHandler PeerHandler, sim *bssim.SessionInterestManager, bpm *bsbpm.BlockPresenceManager) *WantManager {
return &WantManager{
peerHandler: peerHandler,
sim: sim,
bpm: bpm,
func (wm *WantManager) SetSessionManager(sm SessionManager) {
wm.sm = sm
// ReceiveFrom is called when a new message is received
func (wm *WantManager) ReceiveFrom(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID, blks []cid.Cid, haves []cid.Cid, dontHaves []cid.Cid) {
// Record block presence for HAVE / DONT_HAVE
wm.bpm.ReceiveFrom(p, haves, dontHaves)
// Inform interested sessions
wm.sm.ReceiveFrom(p, blks, haves, dontHaves)
// Send CANCEL to all peers with want-have / want-block
wm.peerHandler.SendCancels(ctx, blks)
// BroadcastWantHaves is called when want-haves should be broadcast to all
// connected peers (as part of session discovery)
func (wm *WantManager) BroadcastWantHaves(ctx context.Context, ses uint64, wantHaves []cid.Cid) {
// TODO: Avoid calling broadcast through here. It doesn't fit with
// everything else this module does.
log.Debugf("BroadcastWantHaves session%d: %s", ses, wantHaves)
// Send want-haves to all peers
wm.peerHandler.BroadcastWantHaves(ctx, wantHaves)
// RemoveSession is called when the session is shut down
func (wm *WantManager) RemoveSession(ctx context.Context, ses uint64) {
// Remove session's interest in the given blocks.
cancelKs := wm.sim.RemoveSessionInterest(ses)
// Free up block presence tracking for keys that no session is interested
// in anymore
// Send CANCEL to all peers for blocks that no session is interested in anymore
wm.peerHandler.SendCancels(ctx, cancelKs)
// Connected is called when a new peer connects
func (wm *WantManager) Connected(p peer.ID) {
// Tell the peer handler that there is a new connection and give it the
// list of outstanding broadcast wants
// Disconnected is called when a peer disconnects
func (wm *WantManager) Disconnected(p peer.ID) {
package wantmanager
import (
bsbpm "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/blockpresencemanager"
bssim "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/sessioninterestmanager"
type fakePeerHandler struct {
lastBcstWants []cid.Cid
lastCancels []cid.Cid
func (fph *fakePeerHandler) Connected(p peer.ID) {
func (fph *fakePeerHandler) Disconnected(p peer.ID) {
func (fph *fakePeerHandler) BroadcastWantHaves(ctx context.Context, wantHaves []cid.Cid) {
fph.lastBcstWants = wantHaves
func (fph *fakePeerHandler) SendCancels(ctx context.Context, cancels []cid.Cid) {
fph.lastCancels = cancels
type fakeSessionManager struct {
func (*fakeSessionManager) ReceiveFrom(p peer.ID, blks []cid.Cid, haves []cid.Cid, dontHaves []cid.Cid) []sessionmanager.Session {
return nil
func TestReceiveFrom(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ph := &fakePeerHandler{}
sim := bssim.New()
bpm := bsbpm.New()
wm := New(context.Background(), ph, sim, bpm)
sm := &fakeSessionManager{}
p := testutil.GeneratePeers(1)[0]
ks := testutil.GenerateCids(2)
haves := testutil.GenerateCids(2)
dontHaves := testutil.GenerateCids(2)
wm.ReceiveFrom(ctx, p, ks, haves, dontHaves)
if !bpm.PeerHasBlock(p, haves[0]) {
t.Fatal("expected block presence manager to be invoked")
if !bpm.PeerDoesNotHaveBlock(p, dontHaves[0]) {
t.Fatal("expected block presence manager to be invoked")
if len(ph.lastCancels) != len(ks) {
t.Fatal("expected received blocks to be cancelled")
func TestRemoveSession(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ph := &fakePeerHandler{}
sim := bssim.New()
bpm := bsbpm.New()
wm := New(context.Background(), ph, sim, bpm)
sm := &fakeSessionManager{}
// Record session interest in 2 keys for session 0 and 2 keys for session 1
// with 1 overlapping key
cids := testutil.GenerateCids(3)
ses0 := uint64(0)
ses1 := uint64(1)
ses0ks := cids[:2]
ses1ks := cids[1:]
sim.RecordSessionInterest(ses0, ses0ks)
sim.RecordSessionInterest(ses1, ses1ks)
// Receive HAVE for all keys
p := testutil.GeneratePeers(1)[0]
ks := []cid.Cid{}
haves := append(ses0ks, ses1ks...)
dontHaves := []cid.Cid{}
wm.ReceiveFrom(ctx, p, ks, haves, dontHaves)
// Remove session 0
wm.RemoveSession(ctx, ses0)
// Expect session 0 interest to be removed and session 1 interest to be
// unchanged
if len(sim.FilterSessionInterested(ses0, ses0ks)[0]) != 0 {
t.Fatal("expected session 0 interest to be removed")
if len(sim.FilterSessionInterested(ses1, ses1ks)[0]) != len(ses1ks) {
t.Fatal("expected session 1 interest to be unchanged")
// Should clear block presence for key that was in session 0 and not
// in session 1
if bpm.PeerHasBlock(p, ses0ks[0]) {
t.Fatal("expected block presence manager to be cleared")
if !bpm.PeerHasBlock(p, ses0ks[1]) {
t.Fatal("expected block presence manager to be unchanged for overlapping key")
// Should cancel key that was in session 0 and not session 1
if len(ph.lastCancels) != 1 || !ph.lastCancels[0].Equals(cids[0]) {
t.Fatal("expected removed want-have to be cancelled")
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