Commit f6e8d958 authored by Brian Tiger Chow's avatar Brian Tiger Chow

refac(exchange) rename exchange.Interface to match golang conventions

parent 7cb2f524
......@@ -18,6 +18,16 @@ import (
u ""
// TODO rename -> Router?
type Routing interface {
// FindProvidersAsync returns a channel of providers for the given key
// TODO replace with timeout with context
FindProvidersAsync(u.Key, int, time.Duration) <-chan *peer.Peer
// Provide provides the key to the network
Provide(key u.Key) error
// TODO(brian): ensure messages are being received
// PartnerWantListMax is the bound for the number of keys we'll store per
......@@ -38,7 +48,7 @@ type bitswap struct {
blockstore blockstore.Blockstore
// routing interface for communication
routing exchange.Directory
routing Routing
notifications notifications.PubSub
......@@ -49,7 +59,7 @@ type bitswap struct {
// NewSession initializes a bitswap session.
func NewSession(parent context.Context, s bsnet.NetworkService, p *peer.Peer, d ds.Datastore, directory exchange.Directory) exchange.Exchange {
func NewSession(parent context.Context, s bsnet.NetworkService, p *peer.Peer, d ds.Datastore, directory Routing) exchange.Interface {
// FIXME(brian): instantiate a concrete Strategist
receiver := bsnet.Forwarder{}
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
u ""
func NewOfflineExchange() exchange.Exchange {
func NewOfflineExchange() exchange.Interface {
return &offlineExchange{}
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