package peermanager import ( "bytes" "fmt" cid "" peer "" ) // Gauge can be used to keep track of a metric that increases and decreases // incrementally. It is used by the peerWantManager to track the number of // want-blocks that are active (ie sent but no response received) type Gauge interface { Inc() Dec() } // peerWantManager keeps track of which want-haves and want-blocks have been // sent to each peer, so that the PeerManager doesn't send duplicates. type peerWantManager struct { // peerWants maps peers to outstanding wants. // A peer's wants is the _union_ of the broadcast wants and the wants in // this list. peerWants map[peer.ID]*peerWant // Reverse index of all wants in peerWants. wantPeers map[cid.Cid]map[peer.ID]struct{} // broadcastWants tracks all the current broadcast wants. broadcastWants *cid.Set // Keeps track of the number of active want-haves & want-blocks wantGauge Gauge // Keeps track of the number of active want-blocks wantBlockGauge Gauge } type peerWant struct { wantBlocks *cid.Set wantHaves *cid.Set peerQueue PeerQueue } // New creates a new peerWantManager with a Gauge that keeps track of the // number of active want-blocks (ie sent but no response received) func newPeerWantManager(wantGauge Gauge, wantBlockGauge Gauge) *peerWantManager { return &peerWantManager{ broadcastWants: cid.NewSet(), peerWants: make(map[peer.ID]*peerWant), wantPeers: make(map[cid.Cid]map[peer.ID]struct{}), wantGauge: wantGauge, wantBlockGauge: wantBlockGauge, } } // addPeer adds a peer whose wants we need to keep track of. It sends the // current list of broadcast wants to the peer. func (pwm *peerWantManager) addPeer(peerQueue PeerQueue, p peer.ID) { if _, ok := pwm.peerWants[p]; ok { return } pwm.peerWants[p] = &peerWant{ wantBlocks: cid.NewSet(), wantHaves: cid.NewSet(), peerQueue: peerQueue, } // Broadcast any live want-haves to the newly connected peer if pwm.broadcastWants.Len() > 0 { wants := pwm.broadcastWants.Keys() peerQueue.AddBroadcastWantHaves(wants) } } // RemovePeer removes a peer and its associated wants from tracking func (pwm *peerWantManager) removePeer(p peer.ID) { pws, ok := pwm.peerWants[p] if !ok { return } // Clean up want-blocks _ = pws.wantBlocks.ForEach(func(c cid.Cid) error { // Clean up want-blocks from the reverse index pwm.reverseIndexRemove(c, p) // Decrement the gauges by the number of pending want-blocks to the peer peerCounts := pwm.wantPeerCounts(c) if peerCounts.wantBlock == 0 { pwm.wantBlockGauge.Dec() } if !peerCounts.wanted() { pwm.wantGauge.Dec() } return nil }) // Clean up want-haves _ = pws.wantHaves.ForEach(func(c cid.Cid) error { // Clean up want-haves from the reverse index pwm.reverseIndexRemove(c, p) // Decrement the gauge by the number of pending want-haves to the peer peerCounts := pwm.wantPeerCounts(c) if !peerCounts.wanted() { pwm.wantGauge.Dec() } return nil }) delete(pwm.peerWants, p) } // broadcastWantHaves sends want-haves to any peers that have not yet been sent them. func (pwm *peerWantManager) broadcastWantHaves(wantHaves []cid.Cid) { unsent := make([]cid.Cid, 0, len(wantHaves)) for _, c := range wantHaves { if pwm.broadcastWants.Has(c) { // Already a broadcast want, skip it. continue } pwm.broadcastWants.Add(c) unsent = append(unsent, c) // If no peer has a pending want for the key if _, ok := pwm.wantPeers[c]; !ok { // Increment the total wants gauge pwm.wantGauge.Inc() } } if len(unsent) == 0 { return } // Allocate a single buffer to filter broadcast wants for each peer bcstWantsBuffer := make([]cid.Cid, 0, len(unsent)) // Send broadcast wants to each peer for _, pws := range pwm.peerWants { peerUnsent := bcstWantsBuffer[:0] for _, c := range unsent { // If we've already sent a want to this peer, skip them. if !pws.wantBlocks.Has(c) && !pws.wantHaves.Has(c) { peerUnsent = append(peerUnsent, c) } } if len(peerUnsent) > 0 { pws.peerQueue.AddBroadcastWantHaves(peerUnsent) } } } // sendWants only sends the peer the want-blocks and want-haves that have not // already been sent to it. func (pwm *peerWantManager) sendWants(p peer.ID, wantBlocks []cid.Cid, wantHaves []cid.Cid) { fltWantBlks := make([]cid.Cid, 0, len(wantBlocks)) fltWantHvs := make([]cid.Cid, 0, len(wantHaves)) // Get the existing want-blocks and want-haves for the peer pws, ok := pwm.peerWants[p] if !ok { // In practice this should never happen log.Errorf("sendWants() called with peer %s but peer not found in peerWantManager", string(p)) return } // Iterate over the requested want-blocks for _, c := range wantBlocks { // If the want-block hasn't been sent to the peer if pws.wantBlocks.Has(c) { continue } // Increment the want gauges peerCounts := pwm.wantPeerCounts(c) if peerCounts.wantBlock == 0 { pwm.wantBlockGauge.Inc() } if !peerCounts.wanted() { pwm.wantGauge.Inc() } // Make sure the CID is no longer recorded as a want-have pws.wantHaves.Remove(c) // Record that the CID was sent as a want-block pws.wantBlocks.Add(c) // Add the CID to the results fltWantBlks = append(fltWantBlks, c) // Update the reverse index pwm.reverseIndexAdd(c, p) } // Iterate over the requested want-haves for _, c := range wantHaves { // If we've already broadcasted this want, don't bother with a // want-have. if pwm.broadcastWants.Has(c) { continue } // If the CID has not been sent as a want-block or want-have if !pws.wantBlocks.Has(c) && !pws.wantHaves.Has(c) { // Increment the total wants gauge peerCounts := pwm.wantPeerCounts(c) if !peerCounts.wanted() { pwm.wantGauge.Inc() } // Record that the CID was sent as a want-have pws.wantHaves.Add(c) // Add the CID to the results fltWantHvs = append(fltWantHvs, c) // Update the reverse index pwm.reverseIndexAdd(c, p) } } // Send the want-blocks and want-haves to the peer pws.peerQueue.AddWants(fltWantBlks, fltWantHvs) } // sendCancels sends a cancel to each peer to which a corresponding want was // sent func (pwm *peerWantManager) sendCancels(cancelKs []cid.Cid) { if len(cancelKs) == 0 { return } // Record how many peers have a pending want-block and want-have for each // key to be cancelled peerCounts := make(map[cid.Cid]wantPeerCnts, len(cancelKs)) for _, c := range cancelKs { peerCounts[c] = pwm.wantPeerCounts(c) } // Create a buffer to use for filtering cancels per peer, with the // broadcast wants at the front of the buffer (broadcast wants are sent to // all peers) broadcastCancels := make([]cid.Cid, 0, len(cancelKs)) for _, c := range cancelKs { if pwm.broadcastWants.Has(c) { broadcastCancels = append(broadcastCancels, c) } } // Send cancels to a particular peer send := func(p peer.ID, pws *peerWant) { // Start from the broadcast cancels toCancel := broadcastCancels // For each key to be cancelled for _, c := range cancelKs { // Check if a want was sent for the key if !pws.wantBlocks.Has(c) && !pws.wantHaves.Has(c) { continue } // Unconditionally remove from the want lists. pws.wantBlocks.Remove(c) pws.wantHaves.Remove(c) // If it's a broadcast want, we've already added it to // the peer cancels. if !pwm.broadcastWants.Has(c) { toCancel = append(toCancel, c) } } // Send cancels to the peer if len(toCancel) > 0 { pws.peerQueue.AddCancels(toCancel) } } if len(broadcastCancels) > 0 { // If a broadcast want is being cancelled, send the cancel to all // peers for p, pws := range pwm.peerWants { send(p, pws) } } else { // Only send cancels to peers that received a corresponding want cancelPeers := make(map[peer.ID]struct{}, len(pwm.wantPeers[cancelKs[0]])) for _, c := range cancelKs { for p := range pwm.wantPeers[c] { cancelPeers[p] = struct{}{} } } for p := range cancelPeers { pws, ok := pwm.peerWants[p] if !ok { // Should never happen but check just in case log.Errorf("sendCancels - peerWantManager index missing peer %s", p) continue } send(p, pws) } } // Decrement the wants gauges for _, c := range cancelKs { peerCnts := peerCounts[c] // If there were any peers that had a pending want-block for the key if peerCnts.wantBlock > 0 { // Decrement the want-block gauge pwm.wantBlockGauge.Dec() } // If there was a peer that had a pending want or it was a broadcast want if peerCnts.wanted() { // Decrement the total wants gauge pwm.wantGauge.Dec() } } // Remove cancelled broadcast wants for _, c := range broadcastCancels { pwm.broadcastWants.Remove(c) } // Batch-remove the reverse-index. There's no need to clear this index // peer-by-peer. for _, c := range cancelKs { delete(pwm.wantPeers, c) } } // wantPeerCnts stores the number of peers that have pending wants for a CID type wantPeerCnts struct { // number of peers that have a pending want-block for the CID wantBlock int // number of peers that have a pending want-have for the CID wantHave int // whether the CID is a broadcast want isBroadcast bool } // wanted returns true if any peer wants the CID or it's a broadcast want func (pwm *wantPeerCnts) wanted() bool { return pwm.wantBlock > 0 || pwm.wantHave > 0 || pwm.isBroadcast } // wantPeerCounts counts how many peers have a pending want-block and want-have // for the given CID func (pwm *peerWantManager) wantPeerCounts(c cid.Cid) wantPeerCnts { blockCount := 0 haveCount := 0 for p := range pwm.wantPeers[c] { pws, ok := pwm.peerWants[p] if !ok { log.Errorf("reverse index has extra peer %s for key %s in peerWantManager", string(p), c) continue } if pws.wantBlocks.Has(c) { blockCount++ } else if pws.wantHaves.Has(c) { haveCount++ } } return wantPeerCnts{blockCount, haveCount, pwm.broadcastWants.Has(c)} } // Add the peer to the list of peers that have sent a want with the cid func (pwm *peerWantManager) reverseIndexAdd(c cid.Cid, p peer.ID) bool { peers, ok := pwm.wantPeers[c] if !ok { peers = make(map[peer.ID]struct{}, 10) pwm.wantPeers[c] = peers } peers[p] = struct{}{} return !ok } // Remove the peer from the list of peers that have sent a want with the cid func (pwm *peerWantManager) reverseIndexRemove(c cid.Cid, p peer.ID) { if peers, ok := pwm.wantPeers[c]; ok { delete(peers, p) if len(peers) == 0 { delete(pwm.wantPeers, c) } } } // GetWantBlocks returns the set of all want-blocks sent to all peers func (pwm *peerWantManager) getWantBlocks() []cid.Cid { res := cid.NewSet() // Iterate over all known peers for _, pws := range pwm.peerWants { // Iterate over all want-blocks _ = pws.wantBlocks.ForEach(func(c cid.Cid) error { // Add the CID to the results res.Add(c) return nil }) } return res.Keys() } // GetWantHaves returns the set of all want-haves sent to all peers func (pwm *peerWantManager) getWantHaves() []cid.Cid { res := cid.NewSet() // Iterate over all peers with active wants. for _, pws := range pwm.peerWants { // Iterate over all want-haves _ = pws.wantHaves.ForEach(func(c cid.Cid) error { // Add the CID to the results res.Add(c) return nil }) } _ = pwm.broadcastWants.ForEach(func(c cid.Cid) error { res.Add(c) return nil }) return res.Keys() } // GetWants returns the set of all wants (both want-blocks and want-haves). func (pwm *peerWantManager) getWants() []cid.Cid { res := pwm.broadcastWants.Keys() // Iterate over all targeted wants, removing ones that are also in the // broadcast list. for c := range pwm.wantPeers { if pwm.broadcastWants.Has(c) { continue } res = append(res, c) } return res } func (pwm *peerWantManager) String() string { var b bytes.Buffer for p, ws := range pwm.peerWants { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Peer %s: %d want-have / %d want-block:\n", p, ws.wantHaves.Len(), ws.wantBlocks.Len())) for _, c := range ws.wantHaves.Keys() { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" want-have %s\n", c)) } for _, c := range ws.wantBlocks.Keys() { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" want-block %s\n", c)) } } return b.String() }