package message import ( "encoding/binary" "errors" "io" pb "" "" blocks "" cid "" pool "" msgio "" u "" "" ) // BitSwapMessage is the basic interface for interacting building, encoding, // and decoding messages sent on the BitSwap protocol. type BitSwapMessage interface { // Wantlist returns a slice of unique keys that represent data wanted by // the sender. Wantlist() []Entry // Blocks returns a slice of unique blocks. Blocks() []blocks.Block // BlockPresences returns the list of HAVE / DONT_HAVE in the message BlockPresences() []BlockPresence // Haves returns the Cids for each HAVE Haves() []cid.Cid // DontHaves returns the Cids for each DONT_HAVE DontHaves() []cid.Cid // PendingBytes returns the number of outstanding bytes of data that the // engine has yet to send to the client (because they didn't fit in this // message) PendingBytes() int32 // AddEntry adds an entry to the Wantlist. AddEntry(key cid.Cid, priority int32, wantType pb.Message_Wantlist_WantType, sendDontHave bool) int // Cancel adds a CANCEL for the given CID to the message // Returns the size of the CANCEL entry in the protobuf Cancel(key cid.Cid) int // Remove removes any entries for the given CID. Useful when the want // status for the CID changes when preparing a message. Remove(key cid.Cid) // Empty indicates whether the message has any information Empty() bool // Size returns the size of the message in bytes Size() int // A full wantlist is an authoritative copy, a 'non-full' wantlist is a patch-set Full() bool // AddBlock adds a block to the message AddBlock(blocks.Block) // AddBlockPresence adds a HAVE / DONT_HAVE for the given Cid to the message AddBlockPresence(cid.Cid, pb.Message_BlockPresenceType) // AddHave adds a HAVE for the given Cid to the message AddHave(cid.Cid) // AddDontHave adds a DONT_HAVE for the given Cid to the message AddDontHave(cid.Cid) // SetPendingBytes sets the number of bytes of data that are yet to be sent // to the client (because they didn't fit in this message) SetPendingBytes(int32) Exportable Loggable() map[string]interface{} // Reset the values in the message back to defaults, so it can be reused Reset(bool) // Clone the message fields Clone() BitSwapMessage } // Exportable is an interface for structures than can be // encoded in a bitswap protobuf. type Exportable interface { // Note that older Bitswap versions use a different wire format, so we need // to convert the message to the appropriate format depending on which // version of the protocol the remote peer supports. ToProtoV0() *pb.Message ToProtoV1() *pb.Message ToNetV0(w io.Writer) error ToNetV1(w io.Writer) error } // BlockPresence represents a HAVE / DONT_HAVE for a given Cid type BlockPresence struct { Cid cid.Cid Type pb.Message_BlockPresenceType } // Entry is a wantlist entry in a Bitswap message, with flags indicating // - whether message is a cancel // - whether requester wants a DONT_HAVE message // - whether requester wants a HAVE message (instead of the block) type Entry struct { wantlist.Entry Cancel bool SendDontHave bool } // Get the size of the entry on the wire func (e *Entry) Size() int { epb := e.ToPB() return epb.Size() } // Get the entry in protobuf form func (e *Entry) ToPB() pb.Message_Wantlist_Entry { return pb.Message_Wantlist_Entry{ Block: pb.Cid{Cid: e.Cid}, Priority: int32(e.Priority), Cancel: e.Cancel, WantType: e.WantType, SendDontHave: e.SendDontHave, } } var MaxEntrySize = maxEntrySize() func maxEntrySize() int { var maxInt32 int32 = (1 << 31) - 1 c := cid.NewCidV0(u.Hash([]byte("cid"))) e := Entry{ Entry: wantlist.Entry{ Cid: c, Priority: maxInt32, WantType: pb.Message_Wantlist_Have, }, SendDontHave: true, // true takes up more space than false Cancel: true, } return e.Size() } type impl struct { full bool wantlist map[cid.Cid]*Entry blocks map[cid.Cid]blocks.Block blockPresences map[cid.Cid]pb.Message_BlockPresenceType pendingBytes int32 } // New returns a new, empty bitswap message func New(full bool) BitSwapMessage { return newMsg(full) } func newMsg(full bool) *impl { return &impl{ full: full, wantlist: make(map[cid.Cid]*Entry), blocks: make(map[cid.Cid]blocks.Block), blockPresences: make(map[cid.Cid]pb.Message_BlockPresenceType), } } // Clone the message fields func (m *impl) Clone() BitSwapMessage { msg := newMsg(m.full) for k := range m.wantlist { msg.wantlist[k] = m.wantlist[k] } for k := range m.blocks { msg.blocks[k] = m.blocks[k] } for k := range m.blockPresences { msg.blockPresences[k] = m.blockPresences[k] } msg.pendingBytes = m.pendingBytes return msg } // Reset the values in the message back to defaults, so it can be reused func (m *impl) Reset(full bool) { m.full = full for k := range m.wantlist { delete(m.wantlist, k) } for k := range m.blocks { delete(m.blocks, k) } for k := range m.blockPresences { delete(m.blockPresences, k) } m.pendingBytes = 0 } var errCidMissing = errors.New("missing cid") func newMessageFromProto(pbm pb.Message) (BitSwapMessage, error) { m := newMsg(pbm.Wantlist.Full) for _, e := range pbm.Wantlist.Entries { if !e.Block.Cid.Defined() { return nil, errCidMissing } m.addEntry(e.Block.Cid, e.Priority, e.Cancel, e.WantType, e.SendDontHave) } // deprecated for _, d := range pbm.Blocks { // CIDv0, sha256, protobuf only b := blocks.NewBlock(d) m.AddBlock(b) } // for _, b := range pbm.GetPayload() { pref, err := cid.PrefixFromBytes(b.GetPrefix()) if err != nil { return nil, err } c, err := pref.Sum(b.GetData()) if err != nil { return nil, err } blk, err := blocks.NewBlockWithCid(b.GetData(), c) if err != nil { return nil, err } m.AddBlock(blk) } for _, bi := range pbm.GetBlockPresences() { if !bi.Cid.Cid.Defined() { return nil, errCidMissing } m.AddBlockPresence(bi.Cid.Cid, bi.Type) } m.pendingBytes = pbm.PendingBytes return m, nil } func (m *impl) Full() bool { return m.full } func (m *impl) Empty() bool { return len(m.blocks) == 0 && len(m.wantlist) == 0 && len(m.blockPresences) == 0 } func (m *impl) Wantlist() []Entry { out := make([]Entry, 0, len(m.wantlist)) for _, e := range m.wantlist { out = append(out, *e) } return out } func (m *impl) Blocks() []blocks.Block { bs := make([]blocks.Block, 0, len(m.blocks)) for _, block := range m.blocks { bs = append(bs, block) } return bs } func (m *impl) BlockPresences() []BlockPresence { bps := make([]BlockPresence, 0, len(m.blockPresences)) for c, t := range m.blockPresences { bps = append(bps, BlockPresence{c, t}) } return bps } func (m *impl) Haves() []cid.Cid { return m.getBlockPresenceByType(pb.Message_Have) } func (m *impl) DontHaves() []cid.Cid { return m.getBlockPresenceByType(pb.Message_DontHave) } func (m *impl) getBlockPresenceByType(t pb.Message_BlockPresenceType) []cid.Cid { cids := make([]cid.Cid, 0, len(m.blockPresences)) for c, bpt := range m.blockPresences { if bpt == t { cids = append(cids, c) } } return cids } func (m *impl) PendingBytes() int32 { return m.pendingBytes } func (m *impl) SetPendingBytes(pendingBytes int32) { m.pendingBytes = pendingBytes } func (m *impl) Remove(k cid.Cid) { delete(m.wantlist, k) } func (m *impl) Cancel(k cid.Cid) int { return m.addEntry(k, 0, true, pb.Message_Wantlist_Block, false) } func (m *impl) AddEntry(k cid.Cid, priority int32, wantType pb.Message_Wantlist_WantType, sendDontHave bool) int { return m.addEntry(k, priority, false, wantType, sendDontHave) } func (m *impl) addEntry(c cid.Cid, priority int32, cancel bool, wantType pb.Message_Wantlist_WantType, sendDontHave bool) int { e, exists := m.wantlist[c] if exists { // Only change priority if want is of the same type if e.WantType == wantType { e.Priority = priority } // Only change from "dont cancel" to "do cancel" if cancel { e.Cancel = cancel } // Only change from "dont send" to "do send" DONT_HAVE if sendDontHave { e.SendDontHave = sendDontHave } // want-block overrides existing want-have if wantType == pb.Message_Wantlist_Block && e.WantType == pb.Message_Wantlist_Have { e.WantType = wantType } m.wantlist[c] = e return 0 } e = &Entry{ Entry: wantlist.Entry{ Cid: c, Priority: priority, WantType: wantType, }, SendDontHave: sendDontHave, Cancel: cancel, } m.wantlist[c] = e return e.Size() } func (m *impl) AddBlock(b blocks.Block) { delete(m.blockPresences, b.Cid()) m.blocks[b.Cid()] = b } func (m *impl) AddBlockPresence(c cid.Cid, t pb.Message_BlockPresenceType) { if _, ok := m.blocks[c]; ok { return } m.blockPresences[c] = t } func (m *impl) AddHave(c cid.Cid) { m.AddBlockPresence(c, pb.Message_Have) } func (m *impl) AddDontHave(c cid.Cid) { m.AddBlockPresence(c, pb.Message_DontHave) } func (m *impl) Size() int { size := 0 for _, block := range m.blocks { size += len(block.RawData()) } for c := range m.blockPresences { size += BlockPresenceSize(c) } for _, e := range m.wantlist { size += e.Size() } return size } func BlockPresenceSize(c cid.Cid) int { return (&pb.Message_BlockPresence{ Cid: pb.Cid{Cid: c}, Type: pb.Message_Have, }).Size() } // FromNet generates a new BitswapMessage from incoming data on an io.Reader. func FromNet(r io.Reader) (BitSwapMessage, error) { reader := msgio.NewVarintReaderSize(r, network.MessageSizeMax) return FromMsgReader(reader) } // FromPBReader generates a new Bitswap message from a gogo-protobuf reader func FromMsgReader(r msgio.Reader) (BitSwapMessage, error) { msg, err := r.ReadMsg() if err != nil { return nil, err } var pb pb.Message err = pb.Unmarshal(msg) r.ReleaseMsg(msg) if err != nil { return nil, err } return newMessageFromProto(pb) } func (m *impl) ToProtoV0() *pb.Message { pbm := new(pb.Message) pbm.Wantlist.Entries = make([]pb.Message_Wantlist_Entry, 0, len(m.wantlist)) for _, e := range m.wantlist { pbm.Wantlist.Entries = append(pbm.Wantlist.Entries, e.ToPB()) } pbm.Wantlist.Full = m.full blocks := m.Blocks() pbm.Blocks = make([][]byte, 0, len(blocks)) for _, b := range blocks { pbm.Blocks = append(pbm.Blocks, b.RawData()) } return pbm } func (m *impl) ToProtoV1() *pb.Message { pbm := new(pb.Message) pbm.Wantlist.Entries = make([]pb.Message_Wantlist_Entry, 0, len(m.wantlist)) for _, e := range m.wantlist { pbm.Wantlist.Entries = append(pbm.Wantlist.Entries, e.ToPB()) } pbm.Wantlist.Full = m.full blocks := m.Blocks() pbm.Payload = make([]pb.Message_Block, 0, len(blocks)) for _, b := range blocks { pbm.Payload = append(pbm.Payload, pb.Message_Block{ Data: b.RawData(), Prefix: b.Cid().Prefix().Bytes(), }) } pbm.BlockPresences = make([]pb.Message_BlockPresence, 0, len(m.blockPresences)) for c, t := range m.blockPresences { pbm.BlockPresences = append(pbm.BlockPresences, pb.Message_BlockPresence{ Cid: pb.Cid{Cid: c}, Type: t, }) } pbm.PendingBytes = m.PendingBytes() return pbm } func (m *impl) ToNetV0(w io.Writer) error { return write(w, m.ToProtoV0()) } func (m *impl) ToNetV1(w io.Writer) error { return write(w, m.ToProtoV1()) } func write(w io.Writer, m *pb.Message) error { size := m.Size() buf := pool.Get(size + binary.MaxVarintLen64) defer pool.Put(buf) n := binary.PutUvarint(buf, uint64(size)) written, err := m.MarshalTo(buf[n:]) if err != nil { return err } n += written _, err = w.Write(buf[:n]) return err } func (m *impl) Loggable() map[string]interface{} { blocks := make([]string, 0, len(m.blocks)) for _, v := range m.blocks { blocks = append(blocks, v.Cid().String()) } return map[string]interface{}{ "blocks": blocks, "wants": m.Wantlist(), } }