package session

import (

	bsbpm ""

	cid ""
	peer ""

const (
	// Maximum number of changes to accept before blocking
	changesBufferSize = 128
	// If the session receives this many DONT_HAVEs in a row from a peer,
	// it prunes the peer from the session
	peerDontHaveLimit = 16

// BlockPresence indicates whether a peer has a block.
// Note that the order is important, we decide which peer to send a want to
// based on knowing whether peer has the block. eg we're more likely to send
// a want to a peer that has the block than a peer that doesnt have the block
// so BPHave > BPDontHave
type BlockPresence int

const (
	BPDontHave BlockPresence = iota

// SessionWantsCanceller provides a method to cancel wants
type SessionWantsCanceller interface {
	// Cancel wants for this session
	CancelSessionWants(sid uint64, wants []cid.Cid)

// update encapsulates a message received by the session
type update struct {
	// Which peer sent the update
	from peer.ID
	// cids of blocks received
	ks []cid.Cid
	// HAVE message
	haves []cid.Cid
	// DONT_HAVE message
	dontHaves []cid.Cid

// peerAvailability indicates a peer's connection state
type peerAvailability struct {
	target    peer.ID
	available bool

// change can be new wants, a new message received by the session,
// or a change in the connect status of a peer
type change struct {
	// new wants requested
	add []cid.Cid
	// wants cancelled
	cancel []cid.Cid
	// new message received by session (blocks / HAVEs / DONT_HAVEs)
	update update
	// peer has connected / disconnected
	availability peerAvailability

type onSendFn func(to peer.ID, wantBlocks []cid.Cid, wantHaves []cid.Cid)
type onPeersExhaustedFn func([]cid.Cid)

// sessionWantSender is responsible for sending want-have and want-block to
// peers. For each want, it sends a single optimistic want-block request to
// one peer and want-have requests to all other peers in the session.
// To choose the best peer for the optimistic want-block it maintains a list
// of how peers have responded to each want (HAVE / DONT_HAVE / Unknown) and
// consults the peer response tracker (records which peers sent us blocks).
type sessionWantSender struct {
	// The context is used when sending wants
	ctx context.Context
	// Called to shutdown the sessionWantSender
	shutdown func()
	// The sessionWantSender uses the closed channel to signal when it's
	// finished shutting down
	closed chan struct{}
	// The session ID
	sessionID uint64
	// A channel that collects incoming changes (events)
	changes chan change
	// Information about each want indexed by CID
	wants map[cid.Cid]*wantInfo
	// Keeps track of how many consecutive DONT_HAVEs a peer has sent
	peerConsecutiveDontHaves map[peer.ID]int
	// Tracks which peers we have send want-block to
	swbt *sentWantBlocksTracker
	// Tracks the number of blocks each peer sent us
	peerRspTrkr *peerResponseTracker
	// Sends wants to peers
	pm PeerManager
	// Keeps track of peers in the session
	spm SessionPeerManager
	// Cancels wants
	canceller SessionWantsCanceller
	// Keeps track of which peer has / doesn't have a block
	bpm *bsbpm.BlockPresenceManager
	// Called when wants are sent
	onSend onSendFn
	// Called when all peers explicitly don't have a block
	onPeersExhausted onPeersExhaustedFn

func newSessionWantSender(sid uint64, pm PeerManager, spm SessionPeerManager, canceller SessionWantsCanceller,
	bpm *bsbpm.BlockPresenceManager, onSend onSendFn, onPeersExhausted onPeersExhaustedFn) sessionWantSender {

	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	sws := sessionWantSender{
		ctx:                      ctx,
		shutdown:                 cancel,
		closed:                   make(chan struct{}),
		sessionID:                sid,
		changes:                  make(chan change, changesBufferSize),
		wants:                    make(map[cid.Cid]*wantInfo),
		peerConsecutiveDontHaves: make(map[peer.ID]int),
		swbt:                     newSentWantBlocksTracker(),
		peerRspTrkr:              newPeerResponseTracker(),

		pm:               pm,
		spm:              spm,
		canceller:        canceller,
		bpm:              bpm,
		onSend:           onSend,
		onPeersExhausted: onPeersExhausted,

	return sws

func (sws *sessionWantSender) ID() uint64 {
	return sws.sessionID

// Add is called when new wants are added to the session
func (sws *sessionWantSender) Add(ks []cid.Cid) {
	if len(ks) == 0 {
	sws.addChange(change{add: ks})

// Cancel is called when a request is cancelled
func (sws *sessionWantSender) Cancel(ks []cid.Cid) {
	if len(ks) == 0 {
	sws.addChange(change{cancel: ks})

// Update is called when the session receives a message with incoming blocks
func (sws *sessionWantSender) Update(from peer.ID, ks []cid.Cid, haves []cid.Cid, dontHaves []cid.Cid) {
	hasUpdate := len(ks) > 0 || len(haves) > 0 || len(dontHaves) > 0
	if !hasUpdate {

		update: update{from, ks, haves, dontHaves},

// SignalAvailability is called by the PeerManager to signal that a peer has
// connected / disconnected
func (sws *sessionWantSender) SignalAvailability(p peer.ID, isAvailable bool) {
	availability := peerAvailability{p, isAvailable}
	// Add the change in a non-blocking manner to avoid the possibility of a
	// deadlock
	sws.addChangeNonBlocking(change{availability: availability})

// Run is the main loop for processing incoming changes
func (sws *sessionWantSender) Run() {
	for {
		select {
		case ch := <-sws.changes:
		case <-sws.ctx.Done():
			// Unregister the session with the PeerManager

			// Close the 'closed' channel to signal to Shutdown() that the run
			// loop has exited

// Shutdown the sessionWantSender
func (sws *sessionWantSender) Shutdown() {
	// Signal to the run loop to stop processing
	// Wait for run loop to complete

// addChange adds a new change to the queue
func (sws *sessionWantSender) addChange(c change) {
	select {
	case sws.changes <- c:
	case <-sws.ctx.Done():

// addChangeNonBlocking adds a new change to the queue, using a go-routine
// if the change blocks, so as to avoid potential deadlocks
func (sws *sessionWantSender) addChangeNonBlocking(c change) {
	select {
	case sws.changes <- c:
		// changes channel is full, so add change in a go routine instead
		go func() {
			select {
			case sws.changes <- c:
			case <-sws.ctx.Done():

// collectChanges collects all the changes that have occurred since the last
// invocation of onChange
func (sws *sessionWantSender) collectChanges(changes []change) []change {
	for len(changes) < changesBufferSize {
		select {
		case next := <-sws.changes:
			changes = append(changes, next)
			return changes
	return changes

// onChange processes the next set of changes
func (sws *sessionWantSender) onChange(changes []change) {
	// Several changes may have been recorded since the last time we checked,
	// so pop all outstanding changes from the channel
	changes = sws.collectChanges(changes)

	// Apply each change
	availability := make(map[peer.ID]bool, len(changes))
	cancels := make([]cid.Cid, 0)
	var updates []update
	for _, chng := range changes {
		// Initialize info for new wants
		for _, c := range chng.add {

		// Remove cancelled wants
		for _, c := range chng.cancel {
			cancels = append(cancels, c)

		// Consolidate updates and changes to availability
		if chng.update.from != "" {
			// If the update includes blocks or haves, treat it as signaling that
			// the peer is available
			if len(chng.update.ks) > 0 || len(chng.update.haves) > 0 {
				p := chng.update.from
				availability[p] = true

				// Register with the PeerManager, sws)

			updates = append(updates, chng.update)
		if != "" {
			availability[] = chng.availability.available

	// Update peer availability
	newlyAvailable, newlyUnavailable := sws.processAvailability(availability)

	// Update wants
	dontHaves := sws.processUpdates(updates)

	// Check if there are any wants for which all peers have indicated they
	// don't have the want
	sws.checkForExhaustedWants(dontHaves, newlyUnavailable)

	// If there are any cancels, send them
	if len(cancels) > 0 {
		sws.canceller.CancelSessionWants(sws.sessionID, cancels)

	// If there are some connected peers, send any pending wants
	if sws.spm.HasPeers() {

// processAvailability updates the want queue with any changes in
// peer availability
// It returns the peers that have become
// - newly available
// - newly unavailable
func (sws *sessionWantSender) processAvailability(availability map[peer.ID]bool) (avail []peer.ID, unavail []peer.ID) {
	var newlyAvailable []peer.ID
	var newlyUnavailable []peer.ID
	for p, isNowAvailable := range availability {
		stateChange := false
		if isNowAvailable {
			isNewPeer := sws.spm.AddPeer(p)
			if isNewPeer {
				stateChange = true
				newlyAvailable = append(newlyAvailable, p)
		} else {
			wasAvailable := sws.spm.RemovePeer(p)
			if wasAvailable {
				stateChange = true
				newlyUnavailable = append(newlyUnavailable, p)

		// If the state has changed
		if stateChange {
			sws.updateWantsPeerAvailability(p, isNowAvailable)
			// Reset the count of consecutive DONT_HAVEs received from the
			// peer
			delete(sws.peerConsecutiveDontHaves, p)

	return newlyAvailable, newlyUnavailable

// trackWant creates a new entry in the map of CID -> want info
func (sws *sessionWantSender) trackWant(c cid.Cid) {
	if _, ok := sws.wants[c]; ok {

	// Create the want info
	wi := newWantInfo(sws.peerRspTrkr)
	sws.wants[c] = wi

	// For each available peer, register any information we know about
	// whether the peer has the block
	for _, p := range sws.spm.Peers() {
		sws.updateWantBlockPresence(c, p)

// untrackWant removes an entry from the map of CID -> want info
func (sws *sessionWantSender) untrackWant(c cid.Cid) {
	delete(sws.wants, c)

// processUpdates processes incoming blocks and HAVE / DONT_HAVEs.
// It returns all DONT_HAVEs.
func (sws *sessionWantSender) processUpdates(updates []update) []cid.Cid {
	// Process received blocks keys
	blkCids := cid.NewSet()
	for _, upd := range updates {
		for _, c := range upd.ks {

			// Remove the want
			removed := sws.removeWant(c)
			if removed != nil {
				// Inform the peer tracker that this peer was the first to send
				// us the block

				// Protect the connection to this peer so that we can ensure
				// that the connection doesn't get pruned by the connection
				// manager
			delete(sws.peerConsecutiveDontHaves, upd.from)

	// Process received DONT_HAVEs
	dontHaves := cid.NewSet()
	prunePeers := make(map[peer.ID]struct{})
	for _, upd := range updates {
		for _, c := range upd.dontHaves {
			// Track the number of consecutive DONT_HAVEs each peer receives
			if sws.peerConsecutiveDontHaves[upd.from] == peerDontHaveLimit {
				prunePeers[upd.from] = struct{}{}
			} else {

			// If we already received a block for the want, there's no need to
			// update block presence etc
			if blkCids.Has(c) {


			// Update the block presence for the peer
			sws.updateWantBlockPresence(c, upd.from)

			// Check if the DONT_HAVE is in response to a want-block
			// (could also be in response to want-have)
			if sws.swbt.haveSentWantBlockTo(upd.from, c) {
				// If we were waiting for a response from this peer, clear
				// sentTo so that we can send the want to another peer
				if sentTo, ok := sws.getWantSentTo(c); ok && sentTo == upd.from {
					sws.setWantSentTo(c, "")

	// Process received HAVEs
	for _, upd := range updates {
		for _, c := range upd.haves {
			// If we haven't already received a block for the want
			if !blkCids.Has(c) {
				// Update the block presence for the peer
				sws.updateWantBlockPresence(c, upd.from)

			// Clear the consecutive DONT_HAVE count for the peer
			delete(sws.peerConsecutiveDontHaves, upd.from)
			delete(prunePeers, upd.from)

	// If any peers have sent us too many consecutive DONT_HAVEs, remove them
	// from the session
	for p := range prunePeers {
		// Before removing the peer from the session, check if the peer
		// sent us a HAVE for a block that we want
		for c := range sws.wants {
			if sws.bpm.PeerHasBlock(p, c) {
				delete(prunePeers, p)
	if len(prunePeers) > 0 {
		go func() {
			for p := range prunePeers {
				// Peer doesn't have anything we want, so remove it
				log.Infof("peer %s sent too many dont haves, removing from session %d", p, sws.ID())
				sws.SignalAvailability(p, false)

	return dontHaves.Keys()

// checkForExhaustedWants checks if there are any wants for which all peers
// have sent a DONT_HAVE. We call these "exhausted" wants.
func (sws *sessionWantSender) checkForExhaustedWants(dontHaves []cid.Cid, newlyUnavailable []peer.ID) {
	// If there are no new DONT_HAVEs, and no peers became unavailable, then
	// we don't need to check for exhausted wants
	if len(dontHaves) == 0 && len(newlyUnavailable) == 0 {

	// We need to check each want for which we just received a DONT_HAVE
	wants := dontHaves

	// If a peer just became unavailable, then we need to check all wants
	// (because it may be the last peer who hadn't sent a DONT_HAVE for a CID)
	if len(newlyUnavailable) > 0 {
		// Collect all pending wants
		wants = make([]cid.Cid, len(sws.wants))
		for c := range sws.wants {
			wants = append(wants, c)

		// If the last available peer in the session has become unavailable
		// then we need to broadcast all pending wants
		if !sws.spm.HasPeers() {

	// If all available peers for a cid sent a DONT_HAVE, signal to the session
	// that we've exhausted available peers
	if len(wants) > 0 {
		exhausted := sws.bpm.AllPeersDoNotHaveBlock(sws.spm.Peers(), wants)

// processExhaustedWants filters the list so that only those wants that haven't
// already been marked as exhausted are passed to onPeersExhausted()
func (sws *sessionWantSender) processExhaustedWants(exhausted []cid.Cid) {
	newlyExhausted := sws.newlyExhausted(exhausted)
	if len(newlyExhausted) > 0 {

// convenience structs for passing around want-blocks and want-haves for a peer
type wantSets struct {
	wantBlocks *cid.Set
	wantHaves  *cid.Set

type allWants map[peer.ID]*wantSets

func (aw allWants) forPeer(p peer.ID) *wantSets {
	if _, ok := aw[p]; !ok {
		aw[p] = &wantSets{
			wantBlocks: cid.NewSet(),
			wantHaves:  cid.NewSet(),
	return aw[p]

// sendNextWants sends wants to peers according to the latest information
// about which peers have / dont have blocks
func (sws *sessionWantSender) sendNextWants(newlyAvailable []peer.ID) {
	toSend := make(allWants)

	for c, wi := range sws.wants {
		// Ensure we send want-haves to any newly available peers
		for _, p := range newlyAvailable {

		// We already sent a want-block to a peer and haven't yet received a
		// response yet
		if wi.sentTo != "" {

		// All the peers have indicated that they don't have the block
		// corresponding to this want, so we must wait to discover more peers
		if wi.bestPeer == "" {
			// TODO: work this out in real time instead of using bestP?

		// Record that we are sending a want-block for this want to the peer
		sws.setWantSentTo(c, wi.bestPeer)

		// Send a want-block to the chosen peer

		// Send a want-have to each other peer
		for _, op := range sws.spm.Peers() {
			if op != wi.bestPeer {

	// Send any wants we've collected

// sendWants sends want-have and want-blocks to the appropriate peers
func (sws *sessionWantSender) sendWants(sends allWants) {
	// For each peer we're sending a request to
	for p, snd := range sends {
		// Piggyback some other want-haves onto the request to the peer
		for _, c := range sws.getPiggybackWantHaves(p, snd.wantBlocks) {

		// Send the wants to the peer.
		// Note that the PeerManager ensures that we don't sent duplicate
		// want-haves / want-blocks to a peer, and that want-blocks take
		// precedence over want-haves.
		wblks := snd.wantBlocks.Keys()
		whaves := snd.wantHaves.Keys(), p, wblks, whaves)

		// Inform the session that we've sent the wants
		sws.onSend(p, wblks, whaves)

		// Record which peers we send want-block to
		sws.swbt.addSentWantBlocksTo(p, wblks)

// getPiggybackWantHaves gets the want-haves that should be piggybacked onto
// a request that we are making to send want-blocks to a peer
func (sws *sessionWantSender) getPiggybackWantHaves(p peer.ID, wantBlocks *cid.Set) []cid.Cid {
	var whs []cid.Cid
	for c := range sws.wants {
		// Don't send want-have if we're already sending a want-block
		// (or have previously)
		if !wantBlocks.Has(c) && !sws.swbt.haveSentWantBlockTo(p, c) {
			whs = append(whs, c)
	return whs

// newlyExhausted filters the list of keys for wants that have not already
// been marked as exhausted (all peers indicated they don't have the block)
func (sws *sessionWantSender) newlyExhausted(ks []cid.Cid) []cid.Cid {
	var res []cid.Cid
	for _, c := range ks {
		if wi, ok := sws.wants[c]; ok {
			if !wi.exhausted {
				res = append(res, c)
				wi.exhausted = true
	return res

// removeWant is called when the corresponding block is received
func (sws *sessionWantSender) removeWant(c cid.Cid) *wantInfo {
	if wi, ok := sws.wants[c]; ok {
		delete(sws.wants, c)
		return wi
	return nil

// updateWantsPeerAvailability is called when the availability changes for a
// peer. It updates all the wants accordingly.
func (sws *sessionWantSender) updateWantsPeerAvailability(p peer.ID, isNowAvailable bool) {
	for c, wi := range sws.wants {
		if isNowAvailable {
			sws.updateWantBlockPresence(c, p)
		} else {

// updateWantBlockPresence is called when a HAVE / DONT_HAVE is received for the given
// want / peer
func (sws *sessionWantSender) updateWantBlockPresence(c cid.Cid, p peer.ID) {
	wi, ok := sws.wants[c]
	if !ok {

	// If the peer sent us a HAVE or DONT_HAVE for the cid, adjust the
	// block presence for the peer / cid combination
	if sws.bpm.PeerHasBlock(p, c) {
		wi.setPeerBlockPresence(p, BPHave)
	} else if sws.bpm.PeerDoesNotHaveBlock(p, c) {
		wi.setPeerBlockPresence(p, BPDontHave)
	} else {
		wi.setPeerBlockPresence(p, BPUnknown)

// Which peer was the want sent to
func (sws *sessionWantSender) getWantSentTo(c cid.Cid) (peer.ID, bool) {
	if wi, ok := sws.wants[c]; ok {
		return wi.sentTo, true
	return "", false

// Record which peer the want was sent to
func (sws *sessionWantSender) setWantSentTo(c cid.Cid, p peer.ID) {
	if wi, ok := sws.wants[c]; ok {
		wi.sentTo = p

// wantInfo keeps track of the information for a want
type wantInfo struct {
	// Tracks HAVE / DONT_HAVE sent to us for the want by each peer
	blockPresence map[peer.ID]BlockPresence
	// The peer that we've sent a want-block to (cleared when we get a response)
	sentTo peer.ID
	// The "best" peer to send the want to next
	bestPeer peer.ID
	// Keeps track of how many hits / misses each peer has sent us for wants
	// in the session
	peerRspTrkr *peerResponseTracker
	// true if all known peers have sent a DONT_HAVE for this want
	exhausted bool

// func newWantInfo(prt *peerResponseTracker, c cid.Cid, startIndex int) *wantInfo {
func newWantInfo(prt *peerResponseTracker) *wantInfo {
	return &wantInfo{
		blockPresence: make(map[peer.ID]BlockPresence),
		peerRspTrkr:   prt,
		exhausted:     false,

// setPeerBlockPresence sets the block presence for the given peer
func (wi *wantInfo) setPeerBlockPresence(p peer.ID, bp BlockPresence) {
	wi.blockPresence[p] = bp

	// If a peer informed us that it has a block then make sure the want is no
	// longer flagged as exhausted (exhausted means no peers have the block)
	if bp == BPHave {
		wi.exhausted = false

// removePeer deletes the given peer from the want info
func (wi *wantInfo) removePeer(p peer.ID) {
	// If we were waiting to hear back from the peer that is being removed,
	// clear the sentTo field so we no longer wait
	if p == wi.sentTo {
		wi.sentTo = ""
	delete(wi.blockPresence, p)

// calculateBestPeer finds the best peer to send the want to next
func (wi *wantInfo) calculateBestPeer() {
	// Recalculate the best peer
	bestBP := BPDontHave
	bestPeer := peer.ID("")

	// Find the peer with the best block presence, recording how many peers
	// share the block presence
	countWithBest := 0
	for p, bp := range wi.blockPresence {
		if bp > bestBP {
			bestBP = bp
			bestPeer = p
			countWithBest = 1
		} else if bp == bestBP {
	wi.bestPeer = bestPeer

	// If no peer has a block presence better than DONT_HAVE, bail out
	if bestPeer == "" {

	// If there was only one peer with the best block presence, we're done
	if countWithBest <= 1 {

	// There were multiple peers with the best block presence, so choose one of
	// them to be the best
	var peersWithBest []peer.ID
	for p, bp := range wi.blockPresence {
		if bp == bestBP {
			peersWithBest = append(peersWithBest, p)
	wi.bestPeer = wi.peerRspTrkr.choose(peersWithBest)