Commit 12bc0136 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen

doc: document command fields

parent ef934e8d
......@@ -32,8 +32,22 @@ type PostRunMap map[PostRunType]func(Response, ResponseEmitter) error
// Command is a runnable command, with input arguments and options (flags).
// It can also have Subcommands, to group units of work into sets.
type Command struct {
// Options defines the flags accepted by the command. Flags on specified
// on parent commands are inherited by sub commands.
Options []Option
// Arguments defines the positional arguments for the command. These
// arguments can be strings and/or files.
// The rules for valid arguments are as follows:
// 1. No required arguments may follow optional arguments.
// 2. There can be at most one STDIN argument.
// 3. There can be at most one variadic argument, and it must be last.
Arguments []Argument
// PreRun is run before Run. When executing a command on a remote
// daemon, PreRun is always run in the local process.
PreRun func(req *Request, env Environment) error
// Run is the function that processes the request to generate a response.
......@@ -41,8 +55,17 @@ type Command struct {
// after writing when using multipart requests. The request body will not be
// available for reading after the HTTP connection has been written to.
Run Function
// PostRun is run after Run, and can transform results returned by run.
// When executing a command on a remote daemon, PostRun is always run in
// the local process.
PostRun PostRunMap
// Encoders encode results from Run (and/or PostRun) in the desired
// encoding.
Encoders EncoderMap
// Helptext is the command's help text.
Helptext HelpText
// External denotes that a command is actually an external binary.
......@@ -55,6 +78,16 @@ type Command struct {
// ie. If command Run returns &Block{}, then Command.Type == &Block{}
Type interface{}
// Subcommands allow attaching sub commands to a command.
// Note: A command can specify both a Run function and Subcommands. If
// invoked with no arguments, or an argument that matches no
// sub commands, the Run function of the current command will be invoked.
// Take care when specifying both a Run function and Subcommands. A
// simple typo in a sub command will invoke the parent command and may
// end up returning a cryptic error to the user.
Subcommands map[string]*Command
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