Commit 16d8195b authored by Adin Schmahmann's avatar Adin Schmahmann

feat: calling WithDefaults with the wrong type now panics

parent d48b43da
......@@ -149,6 +149,18 @@ func NewOption(kind reflect.Kind, names ...string) Option {
func (o *option) WithDefault(v interface{}) Option {
if v == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot use nil as a default"))
// if type of value does not match the option type
if vKind, oKind := reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind(), o.Type(); vKind != oKind {
// if the reason they do not match is not because of Slice vs Array equivalence
// Note: Figuring out if the type of Slice/Array matches is not done in this function
if !((vKind == reflect.Array || vKind == reflect.Slice) && (oKind == reflect.Array || oKind == reflect.Slice)) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid default for the given type, expected %s got %s", o.Type(), vKind))
o.defaultVal = v
return o
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