Commit 382fd11f authored by Adin Schmahmann's avatar Adin Schmahmann

feat: StringsOption.Parse(string) now returns a slice containing the original...

feat: StringsOption.Parse(string) now returns a slice containing the original string. Added DelimitedStringsOption which allows passing delimited options on the CLI, such as --option=opt1,opt2 when the delimiter is a comma, instead of requiring the longer form --option=op1 --option=opt2
parent edc78ef3
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ func setOpts(kv kv, kvType reflect.Kind, opts cmds.OptMap) error {
if kvType == cmds.Strings {
res, _ := opts[kv.Key].([]string)
opts[kv.Key] = append(res, kv.Value.(string))
opts[kv.Key] = append(res, kv.Value.([]string)...)
} else if _, exists := opts[kv.Key]; !exists {
opts[kv.Key] = kv.Value
} else {
......@@ -184,6 +184,44 @@ func FloatOption(names ...string) Option {
func StringOption(names ...string) Option {
return NewOption(String, names...)
// StringsOption is a command option that can handle a slice of strings
func StringsOption(names ...string) Option {
return NewOption(Strings, names...)
return DelimitedStringsOption("", names...)
// DelimitedStringsOption like StringsOption is a command option that can handle a slice of strings.
// However, DelimitedStringsOption will automatically break up the associated CLI inputs based on the delimiter.
// For example, instead of passing `command --option=val1 --option=val2` you can pass `command --option=val1,val2` or
// even `command --option=val1,val2 --option=val3,val4`.
// A delimiter of "" means that no delimiter is used
func DelimitedStringsOption(delimiter string, names ...string) Option {
return &stringsOption{
Option: NewOption(Strings, names...),
delimiter: delimiter,
type stringsOption struct {
delimiter string
func (s *stringsOption) WithDefault(v interface{}) Option {
if v == nil {
return s.Option.WithDefault(v)
defVal := v.([]string)
s.Option = s.Option.WithDefault(defVal)
return s
func (s *stringsOption) Parse(v string) (interface{}, error) {
if s.delimiter == "" {
return []string{v}, nil
return strings.Split(v, s.delimiter), nil
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