Commit c6690cc1 authored by Adin Schmahmann's avatar Adin Schmahmann

feat: DelimitedStringsOption now panics if an empty delimiter is passed in

parent e2c3e22d
......@@ -199,7 +199,10 @@ func StringOption(names ...string) Option {
// StringsOption is a command option that can handle a slice of strings
func StringsOption(names ...string) Option {
return DelimitedStringsOption("", names...)
return &stringsOption{
Option: NewOption(Strings, names...),
delimiter: "",
// DelimitedStringsOption like StringsOption is a command option that can handle a slice of strings.
......@@ -207,8 +210,11 @@ func StringsOption(names ...string) Option {
// For example, instead of passing `command --option=val1 --option=val2` you can pass `command --option=val1,val2` or
// even `command --option=val1,val2 --option=val3,val4`.
// A delimiter of "" means that no delimiter is used
// A delimiter of "" is invalid
func DelimitedStringsOption(delimiter string, names ...string) Option {
if delimiter == "" {
panic("cannot create a DelimitedStringsOption with no delimiter")
return &stringsOption{
Option: NewOption(Strings, names...),
delimiter: delimiter,
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