"ldpinner/pin.go" did not exist on "395dd6a582d8b71decf2a4c4835df778857e15df"
gx: update stuff
Steven Allen authored
* go-datastore and friends: GetSize
* badger: new release, fewer allocations
* go-mplex: send fewer packets
* go-bitswap: pack multiple blocks in a single message, fewer allocations
* go-buffer-pool: replace the buffer pool from go-msgio
* yamux: fixed data race and uses go-buffer-pool for stream read-buffers to
  reduce memory and allocations.
* go-libp2p-secio: get rid of a hot-spot allocation
* go-libp2p-peerstore: reduced allocations (at the cost of some memory)


License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarSteven Allen <steven@stebalien.com>
Name Last commit Last update
gc gx: update stuff
internal/pb remove Godeps
pin.go gx: update stuff
pin_test.go gx: update stuff
set.go gx: update stuff
set_test.go gx: update stuff