Commit 19d8f624 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen

base32: make GetEncoderFromPath more robust

Primarily, get rid of extractCidString and cidVer. Neither of these functions
did sane things when a path when a path didn't actually include a CID. For
example, "boo" would yield a base32 encoder.


* Avoid "optional" errors.
* Make it a pure function of the input path.
* Extract the multibase from *any* type of path of the form
  /namespace/cid-like-thing/... This is a DWIM function.

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarSteven Allen <>
parent f31e6b61
package cmdenv
import (
cid "gx/ipfs/QmR8BauakNcBa3RbE4nbQu76PDiJgoQgz8AJdhJuiU4TAw/go-cid"
cmds "gx/ipfs/QmWGm4AbZEbnmdgVTza52MSNpEmBdFVqzmAysRbjrRyGbH/go-ipfs-cmds"
cidenc "gx/ipfs/QmdPQx9fvN5ExVwMhRmh7YpCQJzJrFhd1AjVBwJmRMFJeX/go-cidutil/cidenc"
cmdkit "gx/ipfs/Qmde5VP1qUkyQXKCfmEUA7bP64V2HAptbJ7phuPp7jXWwg/go-ipfs-cmdkit"
......@@ -59,32 +61,47 @@ func CidBaseDefined(req *cmds.Request) bool {
// CidEncoderFromPath creates a new encoder that is influenced from
// the encoded Cid in a Path. For CidV0 the multibase from the base
// encoder is used and automatic upgrades are disabled. For CidV1 the
// multibase from the CID is used and upgrades are eneabled. On error
// the base encoder is returned. If you don't care about the error
// condition, it is safe to ignore the error returned.
func CidEncoderFromPath(enc cidenc.Encoder, p string) (cidenc.Encoder, error) {
v := extractCidString(p)
if cidVer(v) == 0 {
return cidenc.Encoder{Base: enc.Base, Upgrade: false}, nil
// multibase from the CID is used and upgrades are enabled.
// This logic is intentionally fuzzy and will match anything of the form
// `CidLike`, `CidLike/...`, or `/namespace/CidLike/...`.
// For example:
// * Qm...
// * Qm.../...
// * /ipfs/Qm...
// * /ipns/bafybeiahnxfi7fpmr5wtxs2imx4abnyn7fdxeiox7xxjem6zuiioqkh6zi/...
// * /bzz/bafybeiahnxfi7fpmr5wtxs2imx4abnyn7fdxeiox7xxjem6zuiioqkh6zi/...
func CidEncoderFromPath(p string) (cidenc.Encoder, error) {
components := strings.SplitN(p, "/", 4)
var maybeCid string
if components[0] != "" {
// No leading slash, first component is likely CID-like.
maybeCid = components[0]
} else if len(components) < 3 {
// Not enough components to include a CID.
return cidenc.Encoder{}, fmt.Errorf("no cid in path: %s", p)
} else {
maybeCid = components[2]
e, err := mbase.NewEncoder(mbase.Encoding(v[0]))
c, err := cid.Decode(maybeCid)
if err != nil {
return enc, err
// Ok, not a CID-like thing. Keep the current encoder.
return cidenc.Encoder{}, fmt.Errorf("no cid in path: %s", p)
return cidenc.Encoder{Base: e, Upgrade: true}, nil
func extractCidString(str string) string {
parts := strings.Split(str, "/")
if len(parts) > 2 && (parts[1] == "ipfs" || parts[1] == "ipld") {
return parts[2]
if c.Version() == 0 {
// Version 0, use the base58 non-upgrading encoder.
return cidenc.Default(), nil
return str
func cidVer(v string) int {
if len(v) == 46 && v[:2] == "Qm" {
return 0
// Version 1+, extract multibase encoding.
encoding, _, err := mbase.Decode(maybeCid)
if err != nil {
// This should be impossible, we've already decoded the cid.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: failed to get multibase decoder for CID %s", maybeCid))
return 1
return cidenc.Encoder{Base: mbase.MustNewEncoder(encoding), Upgrade: true}, nil
......@@ -2,29 +2,72 @@ package cmdenv
import (
cidenc "gx/ipfs/QmdPQx9fvN5ExVwMhRmh7YpCQJzJrFhd1AjVBwJmRMFJeX/go-cidutil/cidenc"
mbase "gx/ipfs/QmekxXDhCxCJRNuzmHreuaT3BsuJcsjcXWNrtV9C8DRHtd/go-multibase"
func TestExtractCidString(t *testing.T) {
test := func(path string, cid string) {
res := extractCidString(path)
if res != cid {
t.Errorf("extractCidString(%s) failed: expected '%s' but got '%s'", path, cid, res)
func TestEncoderFromPath(t *testing.T) {
test := func(path string, expected cidenc.Encoder) {
actual, err := CidEncoderFromPath(path)
if err != nil {
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("CidEncoderFromPath(%s) failed: expected %#v but got %#v", path, expected, actual)
p := "QmRqVG8VGdKZ7KARqR96MV7VNHgWvEQifk94br5HpURpfu"
test(p, p)
test("/ipfs/"+p, p)
enc := cidenc.Default()
test(p, enc)
test(p+"/a", enc)
test(p+"/a/b", enc)
test(p+"/a/b/", enc)
test(p+"/a/b/c", enc)
test("/ipfs/"+p, enc)
test("/ipfs/"+p+"/b", enc)
p = "zb2rhfkM4FjkMLaUnygwhuqkETzbYXnUDf1P9MSmdNjW1w1Lk"
test(p, p)
test("/ipfs/"+p, p)
test("/ipld/"+p, p)
enc = cidenc.Encoder{
Base: mbase.MustNewEncoder(mbase.Base58BTC),
Upgrade: true,
test(p, enc)
test(p+"/a", enc)
test(p+"/a/b", enc)
test(p+"/a/b/", enc)
test(p+"/a/b/c", enc)
test("/ipfs/"+p, enc)
test("/ipfs/"+p+"/b", enc)
test("/ipld/"+p, enc)
test("/ipns/"+p, enc) // even IPNS should work.
p = "bafyreifrcnyjokuw4i4ggkzg534tjlc25lqgt3ttznflmyv5fftdgu52hm"
test(p, p)
test("/ipfs/"+p, p)
test("/ipld/"+p, p)
enc = cidenc.Encoder{
Base: mbase.MustNewEncoder(mbase.Base32),
Upgrade: true,
test(p, enc)
test("/ipfs/"+p, enc)
test("/ipld/"+p, enc)
// an error is also acceptable in future versions of extractCidString
test("/ipfs", "/ipfs")
for _, badPath := range []string{
} {
_, err := CidEncoderFromPath(badPath)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error extracting encoder from bad path: %s", badPath)
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import (
cmds "gx/ipfs/QmWGm4AbZEbnmdgVTza52MSNpEmBdFVqzmAysRbjrRyGbH/go-ipfs-cmds"
files "gx/ipfs/QmXWZCd8jfaHmt4UDSnjKmGcrQMw95bDGWqEeVLVJjoANX/go-ipfs-files"
ipld "gx/ipfs/QmcKKBwfz6FyQdHR2jsXrrF6XeSBXYL86anmWNewpFpoF5/go-ipld-format"
cidenc "gx/ipfs/QmdPQx9fvN5ExVwMhRmh7YpCQJzJrFhd1AjVBwJmRMFJeX/go-cidutil/cidenc"
cmdkit "gx/ipfs/Qmde5VP1qUkyQXKCfmEUA7bP64V2HAptbJ7phuPp7jXWwg/go-ipfs-cmdkit"
mh "gx/ipfs/QmerPMzPk1mJVowm8KgmoknWa4yCYvvugMPsgWmDNUvDLW/go-multihash"
......@@ -231,12 +232,24 @@ var DagResolveCmd = &cmds.Command{
Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, out *ResolveOutput) error {
enc, err := cmdenv.GetLowLevelCidEncoder(req)
var (
enc cidenc.Encoder
err error
switch {
case !cmdenv.CidBaseDefined(req):
// Not specified, check the path.
enc, err = cmdenv.CidEncoderFromPath(req.Arguments[0])
if err == nil {
// Nope, fallback on the default.
enc, err = cmdenv.GetLowLevelCidEncoder(req)
if err != nil {
return err
if !cmdenv.CidBaseDefined(req) {
enc, _ = cmdenv.CidEncoderFromPath(enc, req.Arguments[0])
p := enc.Encode(out.Cid)
if out.RemPath != "" {
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import (
path "gx/ipfs/QmNYPETsdAu2uQ1k9q9S1jYEGURaLHV6cbYRSVFVRftpF8/go-path"
cmds "gx/ipfs/QmWGm4AbZEbnmdgVTza52MSNpEmBdFVqzmAysRbjrRyGbH/go-ipfs-cmds"
cidenc "gx/ipfs/QmdPQx9fvN5ExVwMhRmh7YpCQJzJrFhd1AjVBwJmRMFJeX/go-cidutil/cidenc"
cmdkit "gx/ipfs/Qmde5VP1qUkyQXKCfmEUA7bP64V2HAptbJ7phuPp7jXWwg/go-ipfs-cmdkit"
......@@ -82,12 +83,21 @@ Resolve the value of an IPFS DAG path:
name := req.Arguments[0]
recursive, _ := req.Options[resolveRecursiveOptionName].(bool)
enc, err := cmdenv.GetCidEncoder(req)
var enc cidenc.Encoder
switch {
case !cmdenv.CidBaseDefined(req):
// Not specified, check the path.
enc, err = cmdenv.CidEncoderFromPath(name)
if err == nil {
// Nope, fallback on the default.
enc, err = cmdenv.GetCidEncoder(req)
if err != nil {
return err
if !cmdenv.CidBaseDefined(req) {
enc, _ = cmdenv.CidEncoderFromPath(enc, name)
// the case when ipns is resolved step by step
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