Utilizes pubsub for publishing ipns records in real-time.
Utilizes pubsub for publishing ipns records in realtime.
When it is enabled:
- IPNS publishers push records to a name-specific pubsub topic,
in addition to publishing to the DHT.
- IPNS resolvers subscribe to the name-specific topic on first
resolution and receive subsequently published records through pubsub in real-time. This makes subsequent resolutions instant, as they are resolved through the local cache. Note that the initial resolution still goes through the DHT, as there is no message history in pubsub.
resolution and receive subsequently published records through pubsub in realtime. This makes subsequent resolutions instant, as they are resolved through the local cache. Note that the initial resolution still goes through the DHT, as there is no message history in pubsub.
Both the publisher and the resolver nodes need to have the feature enabled for it to work effectively.