TGT_BIN := CLEAN := COVERAGE := DISTCLEAN := TEST := TEST_SHORT := GOCC ?= go all: help # all has to be first defined target .PHONY: all include mk/ # has to be before include mk/ include mk/ include mk/ # -------------------- # # extra properties # # -------------------- # ifeq ($(TEST_NO_FUSE),1) GOTAGS += nofuse endif export IPFS_REUSEPORT=false # -------------------- # # sub-files # # -------------------- # dir := bin include $(dir)/ # tests need access to rules from plugin dir := plugin include $(dir)/ dir := test include $(dir)/ dir := cmd/ipfs include $(dir)/ # include this file only if coverage target is executed # it is quite expensive ifneq ($(filter coverage% clean distclean test/unit/gotest.junit.xml,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) # has to be after cmd/ipfs due to PATH dir := coverage include $(dir)/ endif dir := pin/internal/pb include $(dir)/ dir := filestore/pb include $(dir)/ # -------------------- # # universal rules # # -------------------- # %.pb.go: %.proto $(PROTOC) # -------------------- # # core targets # # -------------------- # build: $(TGT_BIN) .PHONY: build clean: rm -rf $(CLEAN) .PHONY: clean coverage: $(COVERAGE) .PHONY: coverage distclean: clean rm -rf $(DISTCLEAN) git clean -ffxd .PHONY: distclean test: $(TEST) .PHONY: test test_short: $(TEST_SHORT) .PHONY: test_short deps: .PHONY: deps nofuse: GOTAGS += nofuse nofuse: build .PHONY: nofuse install: cmd/ipfs-install .PHONY: install install_unsupported: install @echo "/=======================================================================\\" @echo '| |' @echo '| `make install_unsupported` is deprecated, use `make install` instead. |' @echo '| |' @echo "\\=======================================================================/" .PHONY: install_unsupported uninstall: $(GOCC) clean -i ./cmd/ipfs .PHONY: uninstall supported: @echo "Currently supported platforms:" @for p in ${SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS}; do echo $$p; done .PHONY: supported help: @echo 'DEPENDENCY TARGETS:' @echo '' @echo ' deps - Download dependencies using bundled gx' @echo ' test_sharness_deps - Download and build dependencies for sharness' @echo '' @echo 'BUILD TARGETS:' @echo '' @echo ' all - print this help message' @echo ' build - Build binary at ./cmd/ipfs/ipfs' @echo ' nofuse - Build binary with no fuse support' @echo ' install - Build binary and install into $$GOPATH/bin' # @echo ' dist_install - TODO: c.f. ./cmd/ipfs/dist/' @echo '' @echo 'CLEANING TARGETS:' @echo '' @echo ' clean - Remove files generated by build' @echo ' distclean - Remove files that are no part of a repository' @echo ' uninstall - Remove binary from $$GOPATH/bin' @echo '' @echo 'TESTING TARGETS:' @echo '' @echo ' test - Run all tests' @echo ' test_short - Run short go tests and short sharness tests' @echo ' test_go_short - Run short go tests' @echo ' test_go_test - Run all go tests' @echo ' test_go_expensive - Run all go tests and compile on all platforms' @echo ' test_go_race - Run go tests with the race detector enabled' @echo ' test_go_megacheck - Run the `megacheck` vetting tool' @echo ' test_sharness_short - Run short sharness tests' @echo ' test_sharness_expensive - Run all sharness tests' @echo ' coverage - Collects coverage info from unit tests and sharness' @echo .PHONY: help