version: 2.1 aliases: make_out_dirs: &make_out_dirs run: mkdir -p /tmp/circleci-artifacts /tmp/circleci-workspace /tmp/circleci-test-results/{unit,sharness} restore_gomod: &restore_gomod restore_cache: keys: - v5-dep-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "~/ipfs/go-ipfs/go.sum" }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }} - v5-dep-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "~/ipfs/go-ipfs/go.sum" }}- - v5-dep-{{ .Branch }}- - v5-dep-master- store_gomod: &store_gomod save_cache: key: v5-dep-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "~/ipfs/go-ipfs/go.sum" }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }} paths: - ~/go/pkg/mod - ~/.cache/go-build/ only-version-tags: &only-version-tags tags: only: /^v[0-9].*/ branches: ignore: /.*/ default_environment: &default_environment SERVICE: circle-ci TRAVIS: 1 CIRCLE: 1 CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS: /tmp/circleci-test-results CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS: /tmp/circleci-artifacts GIT_PAGER: cat executors: golang: docker: - image: circleci/golang:1.14 working_directory: ~/ipfs/go-ipfs environment: <<: *default_environment GO111MODULE: "on" TEST_NO_DOCKER: 1 TEST_NO_FUSE: 1 GOPATH: /home/circleci/go TEST_VERBOSE: 1 node: docker: - image: circleci/node:10 working_directory: ~/ipfs/go-ipfs environment: <<: *default_environment node-browsers: docker: - image: circleci/node:12-browsers working_directory: ~/ipfs/go-ipfs environment: <<: *default_environment NO_SANDBOX: true IPFS_REUSEPORT: false LIBP2P_ALLOW_WEAK_RSA_KEYS: 1 E2E_IPFSD_TYPE: go dockerizer: docker: - image: circleci/golang:1.14 environment: IMAGE_NAME: olizilla/test-go-ipfs WIP_IMAGE_TAG: wip jobs: gobuild: executor: golang steps: - checkout - *make_out_dirs - *restore_gomod - run: command: make cmd/ipfs-try-build environment: TEST_NO_FUSE: 0 - run: command: make cmd/ipfs-try-build environment: TEST_NO_FUSE: 1 - *store_gomod golint: executor: golang steps: - checkout - *make_out_dirs - *restore_gomod - run: | make -O test_go_lint - *store_gomod gotest: executor: golang steps: - checkout - *make_out_dirs - *restore_gomod - run: | make -j 1 test/unit/gotest.junit.xml \ && [[ ! $(jq -s -c 'map(select(.Action == "fail")) | .[]' test/unit/gotest.json) ]] - run: when: always command: bash <(curl -s -cF unittests -X search -f coverage/unit_tests.coverprofile - run: when: always command: mv "test/unit/gotest.junit.xml" /tmp/circleci-test-results/unit - *store_gomod - store_test_results: path: /tmp/circleci-test-results # Save artifacts - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/circleci-artifacts - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/circleci-test-results sharness: executor: golang steps: - run: sudo apt install socat - checkout - *make_out_dirs - *restore_gomod - run: make -O -j 10 coverage/sharness_tests.coverprofile test/sharness/test-results/sharness.xml TEST_GENERATE_JUNIT=1 CONTINUE_ON_S_FAILURE=1 - run: when: always command: bash <(curl -s -cF sharness -X search -f coverage/sharness_tests.coverprofile - run: mv "test/sharness/test-results/sharness.xml" /tmp/circleci-test-results/sharness # make sure we fail if there are test failures - run: find test/sharness/test-results -name 't*-*.sh.*.counts' | test/sharness/lib/sharness/ | grep 'failed\s*0' - *store_gomod - store_test_results: path: /tmp/circleci-test-results # Save artifacts - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/circleci-artifacts - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/circleci-test-results build: executor: golang steps: - checkout - *make_out_dirs - *restore_gomod - run: name: Building command: make build - run: name: Storing command: | mkdir -p /tmp/circleci-workspace/bin cp cmd/ipfs/ipfs /tmp/circleci-workspace/bin - persist_to_workspace: root: /tmp/circleci-workspace paths: - bin/ipfs - *store_gomod interop: executor: node parallelism: 4 steps: - *make_out_dirs - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/circleci-workspace - run: name: Cloning command: | git clone git -C interop log -1 - restore_cache: keys: - v2-interop-{{ checksum "~/ipfs/go-ipfs/interop/package-lock.json" }} - v2-interop- - run: name: Installing dependencies command: | npm install working_directory: ~/ipfs/go-ipfs/interop - save_cache: key: v2-interop-{{ checksum "~/ipfs/go-ipfs/interop/package-lock.json" }} paths: - ~/ipfs/go-ipfs/interop/node_modules - run: name: Installing reporting tools command: | npm install --save-dev mocha-junit-reporter@1.23.1 mocha-multi-reporters@1.1.0 working_directory: ~/ipfs/go-ipfs/interop - run: name: Running tests command: | mkdir -p /tmp/test-results/interop/ export MOCHA_FILE="$(mktemp /tmp/test-results/interop/unit.XXXXXX.xml)" echo '{"reporterEnabled": "mocha-junit-reporter, spec"}' > mocha-conf.json node_modules/.bin/mocha -R mocha-multi-reporters --reporter-options "configFile=mocha-conf.json" \ $(sed -n -e "s|^require('\(.*\)')$|test/\1|p" test/node.js | circleci tests split) working_directory: ~/ipfs/go-ipfs/interop environment: IPFS_REUSEPORT: false LIBP2P_ALLOW_WEAK_RSA_KEYS: 1 IPFS_GO_EXEC: /tmp/circleci-workspace/bin/ipfs - store_test_results: path: /tmp/test-results go-ipfs-api: executor: golang steps: - *make_out_dirs - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/circleci-workspace - run: name: Cloning command: | git clone git -C go-ipfs-api log -1 - run: name: Starting the daemon command: /tmp/circleci-workspace/bin/ipfs daemon --init --enable-namesys-pubsub background: true - run: name: Waiting for the daemon no_output_timeout: 30s command: | while ! /tmp/circleci-workspace/bin/ipfs id --api=/ip4/ 2>/dev/null; do sleep 1 done - restore_cache: keys: - v1-go-api-{{ checksum "~/ipfs/go-ipfs/go-ipfs-api/go.sum" }} - v1-go-api- - run: command: go test -v ./... working_directory: ~/ipfs/go-ipfs/go-ipfs-api - save_cache: key: v1-go-api-{{ checksum "~/ipfs/go-ipfs/go-ipfs-api/go.sum" }} paths: - ~/go/pkg/mod - ~/.cache/go-build/ - run: name: Stopping the daemon command: /tmp/circleci-workspace/bin/ipfs shutdown go-ipfs-http-client: executor: golang steps: - *make_out_dirs - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/circleci-workspace - run: name: Cloning command: | git clone git -C go-ipfs-http-client log -1 - restore_cache: keys: - v1-http-client-{{ checksum "~/ipfs/go-ipfs/go-ipfs-http-client/go.sum" }} - v1-http-client- - run: name: go test -v ./... command: | export PATH=/tmp/circleci-workspace/bin:$PATH go test -v ./... working_directory: ~/ipfs/go-ipfs/go-ipfs-http-client - save_cache: key: v1-http-client-{{ checksum "~/ipfs/go-ipfs/go-ipfs-http-client/go.sum" }} paths: - ~/go/pkg/mod - ~/.cache/go-build/ ipfs-webui: executor: node-browsers steps: - *make_out_dirs - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/circleci-workspace - run: name: Cloning command: | git clone git -C ipfs-webui log -1 - restore_cache: keys: - v1-ipfs-webui-{{ checksum "~/ipfs/go-ipfs/ipfs-webui/package-lock.json" }} - v1-ipfs-webui- - run: name: Installing dependencies command: | npm install working_directory: ~/ipfs/go-ipfs/ipfs-webui - run: name: Running upstream tests (finish early if they fail) command: | npm test || circleci-agent step halt working_directory: ~/ipfs/go-ipfs/ipfs-webui - run: name: Running tests with go-ipfs built from current commit command: npm test working_directory: ~/ipfs/go-ipfs/ipfs-webui environment: IPFS_GO_EXEC: /tmp/circleci-workspace/bin/ipfs - save_cache: key: v1-ipfs-webui-{{ checksum "~/ipfs/go-ipfs/ipfs-webui/package-lock.json" }} paths: - ~/ipfs/go-ipfs/ipfs-webui/node_modules docker-build: executor: dockerizer steps: - checkout - setup_remote_docker - run: name: Build Docker image command: | docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME:$WIP_IMAGE_TAG . - run: name: Archive Docker image command: docker save -o go-ipfs-image.tar $IMAGE_NAME - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - ./go-ipfs-image.tar docker-push: executor: dockerizer steps: - checkout - setup_remote_docker - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/workspace - run: name: Load archived Docker image command: docker load -i /tmp/workspace/go-ipfs-image.tar - run: name: Publish Docker Image to Docker Hub command: | echo "$DOCKERHUB_PASS" | docker login -u "$DOCKERHUB_USERNAME" --password-stdin ./bin/ "$CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM" "$CIRCLE_SHA1" "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" "$CIRCLE_TAG" dryrun workflows: version: 2 # Runs for all branches, but not on tags # see: test: jobs: - gobuild - golint - gotest - sharness - build - interop: requires: - build - go-ipfs-api: requires: - build - go-ipfs-http-client: requires: - build - ipfs-webui: requires: - build - docker-build - docker-push: # Requires dockerhub credentials, from circleci context. context: dockerhub requires: - docker-build - golint - gotest - sharness - interop - go-ipfs-api - go-ipfs-http-client - ipfs-webui filters: branches: only: - master - release - feat/stabilize-dht # NOTE: CircleCI only builds tags if you explicitly filter for them. That # also means tag-based jobs can only depend on other tag-based jobs, so we # use a separate workflow because every job needs to be tagged together. # see: docker-on-tag: jobs: - docker-build: filters: *only-version-tags - docker-push: context: dockerhub filters: *only-version-tags requires: - docker-build