RANDOMSRC = Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/jbenet/go-random/random IMAGE_NAME = ipfs-test-latest test: clean setup ./run-test-on-img.sh $(IMAGE_NAME) setup: docker_ipfs_image data/filetiny data/filerand save_logs: sh bin/save_logs.sh data/filetiny: Makefile cp Makefile ./data/filetiny # simple data/filerand: bin/random ./bin/random 50000000 > ./data/filerand bin/random: go build -o ./bin/random ../$(RANDOMSRC) # just build it every time... this part isn't # even the lengthy part, and it decreases pain. docker_ipfs_image: cd .. && docker build -t $(IMAGE_NAME) . docker images | grep $(IMAGE_NAME) clean: sh bin/clean.sh fig stop fig rm -v --force rm -f bin/random rm -f data/filetiny rm -f data/filerand rm -rf build/*