package fsrepo import ( "bytes" "io/ioutil" "testing" datastore "" "" ) // swap arg order func testRepoPath(p string, t *testing.T) string { name, err := ioutil.TempDir("", p) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return name } func TestInitIdempotence(t *testing.T) { path := testRepoPath("", t) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { AssertNil(Init(path, &config.Config{}), t, "multiple calls to init should succeed") } } func TestRemove(t *testing.T) { path := testRepoPath("foo", t) AssertNil(Remove(path), t, "should be able to remove after closed") } func TestCannotRemoveIfOpen(t *testing.T) { path := testRepoPath("TestCannotRemoveIfOpen", t) AssertNil(Init(path, &config.Config{}), t, "should initialize successfully") r := At(path) AssertNil(r.Open(), t) AssertErr(Remove(path), t, "should not be able to remove while open") AssertNil(r.Close(), t) AssertNil(Remove(path), t, "should be able to remove after closed") } func TestCannotBeReopened(t *testing.T) { path := testRepoPath("", t) AssertNil(Init(path, &config.Config{}), t) r := At(path) AssertNil(r.Open(), t) AssertNil(r.Close(), t) AssertErr(r.Open(), t, "shouldn't be possible to re-open the repo") // mutable state is the enemy. Take Close() as an opportunity to reduce // entropy. Callers ought to start fresh with a new handle by calling `At`. } func TestCanManageReposIndependently(t *testing.T) { pathA := testRepoPath("a", t) pathB := testRepoPath("b", t) t.Log("initialize two repos") AssertNil(Init(pathA, &config.Config{}), t, "a", "should initialize successfully") AssertNil(Init(pathB, &config.Config{}), t, "b", "should initialize successfully") t.Log("ensure repos initialized") Assert(IsInitialized(pathA), t, "a should be initialized") Assert(IsInitialized(pathB), t, "b should be initialized") t.Log("open the two repos") repoA := At(pathA) repoB := At(pathB) AssertNil(repoA.Open(), t, "a") AssertNil(repoB.Open(), t, "b") t.Log("close and remove b while a is open") AssertNil(repoB.Close(), t, "close b") AssertNil(Remove(pathB), t, "remove b") t.Log("close and remove a") AssertNil(repoA.Close(), t) AssertNil(Remove(pathA), t) } func TestDatastoreGetNotAllowedAfterClose(t *testing.T) { path := testRepoPath("test", t) Assert(!IsInitialized(path), t, "should NOT be initialized") AssertNil(Init(path, &config.Config{}), t, "should initialize successfully") r := At(path) AssertNil(r.Open(), t, "should open successfully") k := "key" data := []byte(k) AssertNil(r.Datastore().Put(datastore.NewKey(k), data), t, "Put should be successful") AssertNil(r.Close(), t) _, err := r.Datastore().Get(datastore.NewKey(k)) AssertErr(err, t, "after closer, Get should be fail") } func TestDatastorePersistsFromRepoToRepo(t *testing.T) { path := testRepoPath("test", t) AssertNil(Init(path, &config.Config{}), t) r1 := At(path) AssertNil(r1.Open(), t) k := "key" expected := []byte(k) AssertNil(r1.Datastore().Put(datastore.NewKey(k), expected), t, "using first repo, Put should be successful") AssertNil(r1.Close(), t) r2 := At(path) AssertNil(r2.Open(), t) v, err := r2.Datastore().Get(datastore.NewKey(k)) AssertNil(err, t, "using second repo, Get should be successful") actual, ok := v.([]byte) Assert(ok, t, "value should be the []byte from r1's Put") AssertNil(r2.Close(), t) Assert(bytes.Compare(expected, actual) == 0, t, "data should match") } func AssertNil(err error, t *testing.T, msgs ...string) { if err != nil { t.Fatal(msgs, "error:", err) } } func Assert(v bool, t *testing.T, msgs ...string) { if !v { t.Fatal(msgs) } } func AssertErr(err error, t *testing.T, msgs ...string) { if err == nil { t.Fatal(msgs, "error:", err) } }