#!/usr/bin/env bash test_description="Test http proxy over p2p" . lib/test-lib.sh if ! test_have_prereq SOCAT; then skip_all="skipping '$test_description': socat is not available" test_done fi WEB_SERVE_PORT=5099 IPFS_GATEWAY_PORT=5199 SENDER_GATEWAY="$IPFS_GATEWAY_PORT" function show_logs() { echo "*****************" echo " RECEIVER LOG " echo "*****************" iptb logs 1 echo "*****************" echo " SENDER LOG " echo "*****************" iptb logs 0 echo "*****************" echo "REMOTE_SERVER LOG" echo $REMOTE_SERVER_LOG echo "*****************" cat $REMOTE_SERVER_LOG } function start_http_server() { REMOTE_SERVER_LOG="server.log" rm -f $REMOTE_SERVER_LOG touch response socat tcp-listen:$WEB_SERVE_PORT,fork,bind=,reuseaddr 'SYSTEM:cat response'!!CREATE:$REMOTE_SERVER_LOG & REMOTE_SERVER_PID=$! socat /dev/null tcp:127.0.01:$WEB_SERVE_PORT,retry=10 return $? } function teardown_remote_server() { exec 7<&- kill $REMOTE_SERVER_PID > /dev/null 2>&1 wait $REMOTE_SERVER_PID || true } function serve_content() { local body=$1 local status_code=${2:-"200 OK"} local length=$((1 + ${#body})) echo -e "HTTP/1.1 $status_code\nContent-length: $length\n\n$body" > response } function curl_check_response_code() { local expected_status_code=$1 local path_stub=${2:-p2p/$RECEIVER_ID/http/index.txt} local status_code=$(curl -s --write-out %{http_code} --output /dev/null $SENDER_GATEWAY/$path_stub) if [[ "$status_code" -ne "$expected_status_code" ]]; then echo "Found status-code "$status_code", expected "$expected_status_code return 1 fi return 0 } function curl_send_proxy_request_and_check_response() { local expected_status_code=$1 local expected_content=$2 # # make a request to SENDER_IPFS via the proxy endpoint # CONTENT_PATH="retrieved-file" STATUS_CODE="$(curl -s -o $CONTENT_PATH --write-out %{http_code} $SENDER_GATEWAY/p2p/$RECEIVER_ID/http/index.txt)" # # check status code # if [[ "$STATUS_CODE" -ne "$expected_status_code" ]]; then echo -e "Found status-code "$STATUS_CODE", expected "$expected_status_code show_logs return 1 fi # # check content # RESPONSE_CONTENT="$(tail -n 1 $CONTENT_PATH)" if [[ "$RESPONSE_CONTENT" == "$expected_content" ]]; then return 0 else echo -e "Found response content:\n'"$RESPONSE_CONTENT"'\nthat differs from expected content:\n'"$expected_content"'" return 1 fi } function curl_send_multipart_form_request() { local expected_status_code=$1 local FILE_PATH="uploaded-file" FILE_CONTENT="curl will send a multipart-form POST request when sending a file which is handy" echo $FILE_CONTENT > $FILE_PATH # # send multipart form request # STATUS_CODE="$(curl -o /dev/null -s -F file=@$FILE_PATH --write-out %{http_code} $SENDER_GATEWAY/p2p/$RECEIVER_ID/http/index.txt)" # # check status code # if [[ "$STATUS_CODE" -ne "$expected_status_code" ]]; then echo -e "Found status-code "$STATUS_CODE", expected "$expected_status_code return 1 fi # # check request method # if ! grep "POST /index.txt" $REMOTE_SERVER_LOG > /dev/null; then echo "Remote server request method/resource path was incorrect" show_logs return 1 fi # # check request is multipart-form # if ! grep "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" $REMOTE_SERVER_LOG > /dev/null; then echo "Request content-type was not multipart/form-data" show_logs return 1 fi return 0 } test_expect_success 'configure nodes' ' iptb testbed create -type localipfs -count 2 -force -init && ipfsi 0 config --json Experimental.Libp2pStreamMounting true && ipfsi 1 config --json Experimental.Libp2pStreamMounting true && ipfsi 0 config --json Experimental.P2pHttpProxy true && ipfsi 0 config --json Addresses.Gateway "[\"/ip4/$IPFS_GATEWAY_PORT\"]" ' test_expect_success 'configure a subdomain gateway with /p2p/ path whitelisted' " ipfsi 0 config --json Gateway.PublicGateways '{ \"example.com\": { \"UseSubdomains\": true, \"Paths\": [\"/p2p/\"] } }' " test_expect_success 'start and connect nodes' ' iptb start -wait && iptb connect 0 1 ' test_expect_success 'setup p2p listener on the receiver' ' ipfsi 1 p2p listen --allow-custom-protocol /http /ip4/$WEB_SERVE_PORT && ipfsi 1 p2p listen /x/custom/http /ip4/$WEB_SERVE_PORT ' test_expect_success 'setup environment' ' RECEIVER_ID=$(ipfsi 1 id -f="" --peerid-base=b58mh) RECEIVER_ID_CIDv1=$(ipfsi 1 id -f="" --peerid-base=base36) ' test_expect_success 'handle proxy http request sends bad-gateway when remote server not available ' ' curl_send_proxy_request_and_check_response 502 "" ' test_expect_success 'start http server' ' start_http_server ' test_expect_success 'handle proxy http request propagates error response from remote' ' serve_content "SORRY GUYS, I LOST IT" "404 Not Found" && curl_send_proxy_request_and_check_response 404 "SORRY GUYS, I LOST IT" ' test_expect_success 'handle proxy http request ' ' serve_content "THE WOODS ARE LOVELY DARK AND DEEP" && curl_send_proxy_request_and_check_response 200 "THE WOODS ARE LOVELY DARK AND DEEP" ' test_expect_success 'handle proxy http request invalid request' ' curl_check_response_code 400 p2p/DERPDERPDERP ' test_expect_success 'handle proxy http request unknown proxy peer ' ' UNKNOWN_PEER="k51qzi5uqu5dlmbel1sd8rs4emr3bfosk9bm4eb42514r4lakt4oxw3a3fa2tm" && curl_check_response_code 502 p2p/$UNKNOWN_PEER/http/index.txt ' test_expect_success 'handle proxy http request to invalid proxy peer ' ' curl_check_response_code 400 p2p/invalid_peer/http/index.txt ' test_expect_success 'handle proxy http request to custom protocol' ' serve_content "THE WOODS ARE LOVELY DARK AND DEEP" && curl_check_response_code 200 p2p/$RECEIVER_ID/x/custom/http/index.txt ' test_expect_success 'handle proxy http request to missing protocol' ' serve_content "THE WOODS ARE LOVELY DARK AND DEEP" && curl_check_response_code 502 p2p/$RECEIVER_ID/x/missing/http/index.txt ' test_expect_success 'handle proxy http request missing the /http' ' curl_check_response_code 400 p2p/$RECEIVER_ID/x/custom/index.txt ' test_expect_success 'handle multipart/form-data http request' ' serve_content "OK" && curl_send_multipart_form_request 200 ' # OK: $peerid.p2p.example.com/http/index.txt test_expect_success "handle http request to a subdomain gateway" ' serve_content "SUBDOMAIN PROVIDES ORIGIN ISOLATION PER RECEIVER_ID" && curl -H "Host: $RECEIVER_ID_CIDv1.p2p.example.com" -sD - $SENDER_GATEWAY/http/index.txt > p2p_response && test_should_contain "SUBDOMAIN PROVIDES ORIGIN ISOLATION PER RECEIVER_ID" p2p_response ' # FAIL: $peerid.p2p.example.com/p2p/$peerid/http/index.txt test_expect_success "handle invalid http request to a subdomain gateway" ' serve_content "SUBDOMAIN DOES NOT SUPPORT FULL /p2p/ PATH" && curl -H "Host: $RECEIVER_ID_CIDv1.p2p.example.com" -sD - $SENDER_GATEWAY/p2p/$RECEIVER_ID/http/index.txt > p2p_response && test_should_contain "400 Bad Request" p2p_response ' # REDIRECT: example.com/p2p/$peerid/http/index.txt → $peerid.p2p.example.com/http/index.txt test_expect_success "redirect http path request to subdomain gateway" ' serve_content "SUBDOMAIN ROOT REDIRECTS /p2p/ PATH TO SUBDOMAIN" && curl -H "Host: example.com" -sD - $SENDER_GATEWAY/p2p/$RECEIVER_ID/http/index.txt > p2p_response && test_should_contain "Location: http://$RECEIVER_ID_CIDv1.p2p.example.com/http/index.txt" p2p_response ' test_expect_success 'stop http server' ' teardown_remote_server ' test_expect_success 'stop nodes' ' iptb stop ' test_done