package cli import ( "strings" "testing" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "" ) type kvs map[string]interface{} type words []string func sameWords(a words, b words) bool { if len(a) != len(b) { return false } for i, w := range a { if w != b[i] { return false } } return true } func sameKVs(a kvs, b kvs) bool { if len(a) != len(b) { return false } for k, v := range a { if v != b[k] { return false } } return true } func TestSameWords(t *testing.T) { a := []string{"v1", "v2"} b := []string{"v1", "v2", "v3"} c := []string{"v2", "v3"} d := []string{"v2"} e := []string{"v2", "v3"} f := []string{"v2", "v1"} test := func(a words, b words, v bool) { if sameWords(a, b) != v { t.Errorf("sameWords('%v', '%v') != %v", a, b, v) } } test(a, b, false) test(a, a, true) test(a, c, false) test(b, c, false) test(c, d, false) test(c, e, true) test(b, e, false) test(a, b, false) test(a, f, false) test(e, f, false) test(f, f, true) } func TestOptionParsing(t *testing.T) { subCmd := &commands.Command{} cmd := &commands.Command{ Options: []commands.Option{ commands.StringOption("string", "s", "a string"), commands.BoolOption("bool", "b", "a bool"), }, Subcommands: map[string]*commands.Command{ "test": subCmd, }, } testHelper := func(args string, expectedOpts kvs, expectedWords words, expectErr bool) { _, opts, input, _, err := parseOpts(strings.Split(args, " "), cmd) if expectErr { if err == nil { t.Errorf("Command line '%v' parsing should have failed", args) } } else if err != nil { t.Errorf("Command line '%v' failed to parse: %v", args, err) } else if !sameWords(input, expectedWords) || !sameKVs(opts, expectedOpts) { t.Errorf("Command line '%v':\n parsed as %v %v\n instead of %v %v", args, opts, input, expectedOpts, expectedWords) } } testFail := func(args string) { testHelper(args, kvs{}, words{}, true) } test := func(args string, expectedOpts kvs, expectedWords words) { testHelper(args, expectedOpts, expectedWords, false) } test("-", kvs{}, words{"-"}) testFail("-b -b") test("beep boop", kvs{}, words{"beep", "boop"}) test("test beep boop", kvs{}, words{"beep", "boop"}) testFail("-s") test("-s foo", kvs{"s": "foo"}, words{}) test("-sfoo", kvs{"s": "foo"}, words{}) test("-s=foo", kvs{"s": "foo"}, words{}) test("-b", kvs{"b": ""}, words{}) test("-bs foo", kvs{"b": "", "s": "foo"}, words{}) test("-sb", kvs{"s": "b"}, words{}) test("-b foo", kvs{"b": ""}, words{"foo"}) test("--bool foo", kvs{"bool": ""}, words{"foo"}) testFail("--bool=foo") testFail("--string") test("--string foo", kvs{"string": "foo"}, words{}) test("--string=foo", kvs{"string": "foo"}, words{}) test("-- -b", kvs{}, words{"-b"}) test("foo -b", kvs{"b": ""}, words{"foo"}) } func TestArgumentParsing(t *testing.T) { rootCmd := &commands.Command{ Subcommands: map[string]*commands.Command{ "noarg": &commands.Command{}, "onearg": &commands.Command{ Arguments: []commands.Argument{ commands.StringArg("a", true, false, "some arg"), }, }, "twoargs": &commands.Command{ Arguments: []commands.Argument{ commands.StringArg("a", true, false, "some arg"), commands.StringArg("b", true, false, "another arg"), }, }, "variadic": &commands.Command{ Arguments: []commands.Argument{ commands.StringArg("a", true, true, "some arg"), }, }, "optional": &commands.Command{ Arguments: []commands.Argument{ commands.StringArg("b", false, true, "another arg"), }, }, "reversedoptional": &commands.Command{ Arguments: []commands.Argument{ commands.StringArg("a", false, false, "some arg"), commands.StringArg("b", true, false, "another arg"), }, }, "stdinenabled": &commands.Command{ Arguments: []commands.Argument{ commands.StringArg("a", true, true, "some arg").EnableStdin(), }, }, "stdinenabled2args": &commands.Command{ Arguments: []commands.Argument{ commands.StringArg("a", true, false, "some arg"), commands.StringArg("b", true, true, "another arg").EnableStdin(), }, }, }, } test := func(cmd words, f *os.File, res words) { if f != nil { if _, err := f.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } req, _, _, err := Parse(cmd, f, rootCmd) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Command '%v' should have passed parsing: %v", cmd, err) } if !sameWords(req.Arguments(), res) { t.Errorf("Arguments parsed from '%v' are '%v' instead of '%v'", cmd, req.Arguments(), res) } } testFail := func(cmd words, msg string) { _, _, _, err := Parse(cmd, nil, rootCmd) if err == nil { t.Errorf("Should have failed: %v", msg) } } test([]string{"noarg"}, nil, []string{}) testFail([]string{"noarg", "value!"}, "provided an arg, but command didn't define any") test([]string{"onearg", "value!"}, nil, []string{"value!"}) testFail([]string{"onearg"}, "didn't provide any args, arg is required") test([]string{"twoargs", "value1", "value2"}, nil, []string{"value1", "value2"}) testFail([]string{"twoargs", "value!"}, "only provided 1 arg, needs 2") testFail([]string{"twoargs"}, "didn't provide any args, 2 required") test([]string{"variadic", "value!"}, nil, []string{"value!"}) test([]string{"variadic", "value1", "value2", "value3"}, nil, []string{"value1", "value2", "value3"}) testFail([]string{"variadic"}, "didn't provide any args, 1 required") test([]string{"optional", "value!"}, nil, []string{"value!"}) test([]string{"optional"}, nil, []string{}) test([]string{"reversedoptional", "value1", "value2"}, nil, []string{"value1", "value2"}) test([]string{"reversedoptional", "value!"}, nil, []string{"value!"}) testFail([]string{"reversedoptional"}, "didn't provide any args, 1 required") testFail([]string{"reversedoptional", "value1", "value2", "value3"}, "provided too many args, only takes 1") // Use a temp file to simulate stdin fileToSimulateStdin := func(t *testing.T, content string) (*os.File) { fstdin, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer os.Remove(fstdin.Name()) if _, err := io.WriteString(fstdin, content); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return fstdin } test([]string{"stdinenabled", "value1", "value2"}, nil, []string{"value1", "value2"}) fstdin := fileToSimulateStdin(t, "stdin1") test([]string{"stdinenabled"}, fstdin, []string{"stdin1"}) test([]string{"stdinenabled", "value1"}, fstdin, []string{"value1"}) test([]string{"stdinenabled", "value1", "value2"}, fstdin, []string{"value1", "value2"}) fstdin = fileToSimulateStdin(t, "stdin1\nstdin2") test([]string{"stdinenabled"}, fstdin, []string{"stdin1", "stdin2"}) fstdin = fileToSimulateStdin(t, "stdin1\nstdin2\nstdin3") test([]string{"stdinenabled"}, fstdin, []string{"stdin1", "stdin2", "stdin3"}) test([]string{"stdinenabled2args", "value1", "value2"}, nil, []string{"value1", "value2"}) fstdin = fileToSimulateStdin(t, "stdin1") test([]string{"stdinenabled2args", "value1"}, fstdin, []string{"value1", "stdin1"}) test([]string{"stdinenabled2args", "value1", "value2"}, fstdin, []string{"value1", "value2"}) test([]string{"stdinenabled2args", "value1", "value2", "value3"}, fstdin, []string{"value1", "value2", "value3"}) fstdin = fileToSimulateStdin(t, "stdin1\nstdin2") test([]string{"stdinenabled2args", "value1"}, fstdin, []string{"value1", "stdin1", "stdin2"}) }