#!/bin/sh test_description="Test dht command" . lib/test-lib.sh TEST_DHT_VALUE="CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC8hSwYY1FXqjT5M36O/Q5fBeDhXE5ePvGAeN3MIibfChqQpgqBbXQi1gAp4TQypSTKl/AMy7hfzsKauieim7jHMgIYAB4pLoBQD1qGVn/n7CqzAR3gDg9umIGuAy15oT0uaqMDqSepfnyxEyPDqfDklgvmS/MAwfBHjH2IPcMIaFgZ6d6gVlhmwuH8WVQ/geumDqyKuU9Jy+SUozmxEu2Baylg4fuqxaxoqOiPFZeWKSCFAngFj3NPmLApE0Fy48/eEZ+t7iP6s/raupP4+Jk/AFNDJNos4VxUnLJpZ1g6W5vYkkt1kXbMTaqxFVryCdCW2UEOwEzjGPGkcIE4RJrHAgMBAAE=" TEST_DHT_PATH="/pk/QmepgFW7BHEtU4pZJdxaNiv75mKLLRQnPi1KaaXmQN4V1a" # start iptb + wait for peering NUM_NODES=5 test_expect_success 'init iptb' ' iptb init -n $NUM_NODES --bootstrap=none --port=0 ' startup_cluster $NUM_NODES test_expect_success 'peer ids' ' PEERID_0=$(iptb get id 0) && PEERID_2=$(iptb get id 2) ' # ipfs dht findpeer test_expect_success 'findpeer' ' ipfsi 1 dht findpeer $PEERID_0 | sort >actual && ipfsi 0 id -f "" | cut -d / -f 1-5 | sort >expected && test_cmp actual expected ' # ipfs dht put test_expect_success 'put with good keys' ' echo "$TEST_DHT_VALUE" | b64decode | ipfsi 0 dht put "$TEST_DHT_PATH" | sort >putted && [ -s putted ] || test_fsh cat putted ' # ipfs dht get test_expect_success 'get with good keys' ' HASH="$(echo "hello world" | ipfsi 2 add -q)" && ipfsi 2 name publish "/ipfs/$HASH" && ipfsi 1 dht get "/ipns/$PEERID_2" | grep -aq "/ipfs/$HASH" ' test_expect_failure 'put with bad keys (issue #4611)' ' ! ipfsi 0 dht put "foo" "bar" && ! ipfsi 0 dht put "/pk/foo" "bar" && ! ipfsi 0 dht put "/ipns/foo" "bar" ' test_expect_failure 'get with bad keys (issue #4611)' ' ! ipfsi 0 dht get "foo" && ! ipfsi 0 dht get "/pk/foo" ' test_expect_success "add a ref so we can find providers for it" ' echo "some stuff" > afile && HASH=$(ipfsi 3 add -q afile) ' # ipfs dht findprovs test_expect_success 'findprovs' ' ipfsi 4 dht findprovs $HASH > provs && iptb get id 3 > expected && test_cmp provs expected ' # ipfs dht query ## We query 3 different keys, to statisically lower the chance that the queryer ## turns out to be the closest to what a key hashes to. # TODO: flaky. tracked by https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/issues/2620 test_expect_success 'query' ' ipfsi 3 dht query banana >actual && ipfsi 3 dht query apple >>actual && ipfsi 3 dht query pear >>actual && PEERS=$(wc -l actual | cut -d '"'"' '"'"' -f 1) && [ -s actual ] || test_might_fail test_fsh cat actual ' test_expect_success 'stop iptb' ' iptb stop ' test_done