ipfs bootstrap add /ip4/$BOOTSTRAP_PORT_4011_TCP_ADDR/tcp/$BOOTSTRAP_PORT_4011_TCP_PORT/ipfs/QmNXuBh8HFsWq68Fid8dMbGNQTh7eG6hV9rr1fQyfmfomE ipfs bootstrap # list bootstrap nodes for debugging echo "3nodetest> starting client daemon" ipfs daemon & sleep 3 while [ ! -f /data/idtiny ] do echo "3nodetest> waiting for server to add the file..." sleep 1 done echo "3nodetest> client found file with hash:" $(cat /data/idtiny) ipfs cat $(cat /data/idtiny) > filetiny cat filetiny diff -u filetiny /data/filetiny if (($? > 0)); then printf '%s\n' 'files did not match' >&2 exit 1 fi while [ ! -f /data/idrand ] do echo "3nodetest> waiting for server to add the file..." sleep 1 done echo "3nodetest> client found file with hash:" $(cat /data/idrand) cat /data/idrand ipfs cat $(cat /data/idrand) > filerand if (($? > 0)); then printf '%s\n' 'ipfs cat failed' >&2 exit 1 fi diff -u filerand /data/filerand if (($? > 0)); then printf '%s\n' 'files did not match' >&2 exit 1 fi echo "3nodetest> success"