package commands
import (
cmdenv ""
cmds ""
unixfs ""
unixfs_pb ""
iface ""
options ""
path ""
// LsLink contains printable data for a single ipld link in ls output
type LsLink struct {
Name, Hash string
Size uint64
Type unixfs_pb.Data_DataType
Target string
// LsObject is an element of LsOutput
// It can represent all or part of a directory
type LsObject struct {
Hash string
Links []LsLink
// LsOutput is a set of printable data for directories,
// it can be complete or partial
type LsOutput struct {
Objects []LsObject
const (
lsHeadersOptionNameTime = "headers"
lsResolveTypeOptionName = "resolve-type"
lsSizeOptionName = "size"
lsStreamOptionName = "stream"
var LsCmd = &cmds.Command{
Helptext: cmds.HelpText{
Tagline: "List directory contents for Unix filesystem objects.",
ShortDescription: `
Displays the contents of an IPFS or IPNS object(s) at the given path, with
the following format:
The JSON output contains type information.
Arguments: []cmds.Argument{
cmds.StringArg("ipfs-path", true, true, "The path to the IPFS object(s) to list links from.").EnableStdin(),
Options: []cmds.Option{
cmds.BoolOption(lsHeadersOptionNameTime, "v", "Print table headers (Hash, Size, Name)."),
cmds.BoolOption(lsResolveTypeOptionName, "Resolve linked objects to find out their types.").WithDefault(true),
cmds.BoolOption(lsSizeOptionName, "Resolve linked objects to find out their file size.").WithDefault(true),
cmds.BoolOption(lsStreamOptionName, "s", "Enable experimental streaming of directory entries as they are traversed."),
Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
api, err := cmdenv.GetApi(env, req)
if err != nil {
return err
resolveType, _ := req.Options[lsResolveTypeOptionName].(bool)
resolveSize, _ := req.Options[lsSizeOptionName].(bool)
stream, _ := req.Options[lsStreamOptionName].(bool)
err = req.ParseBodyArgs()
if err != nil {
return err
paths := req.Arguments
enc, err := cmdenv.GetCidEncoder(req)
if err != nil {
return err
var processLink func(path string, link LsLink) error
var dirDone func(i int)
processDir := func() (func(path string, link LsLink) error, func(i int)) {
return func(path string, link LsLink) error {
output := []LsObject{{
Hash: path,
Links: []LsLink{link},
return res.Emit(&LsOutput{output})
}, func(i int) {}
done := func() error { return nil }
if !stream {
output := make([]LsObject, len(req.Arguments))
processDir = func() (func(path string, link LsLink) error, func(i int)) {
// for each dir
outputLinks := make([]LsLink, 0)
return func(path string, link LsLink) error {
// for each link
outputLinks = append(outputLinks, link)
return nil
}, func(i int) {
// after each dir
sort.Slice(outputLinks, func(i, j int) bool {
return outputLinks[i].Name < outputLinks[j].Name
output[i] = LsObject{
Hash: paths[i],
Links: outputLinks,
done = func() error {
return cmds.EmitOnce(res, &LsOutput{output})
for i, fpath := range paths {
results, err := api.Unixfs().Ls(req.Context, path.New(fpath),
options.Unixfs.ResolveChildren(resolveSize || resolveType))
if err != nil {
return err
processLink, dirDone = processDir()
for link := range results {
if link.Err != nil {
return link.Err
var ftype unixfs_pb.Data_DataType
switch link.Type {
case iface.TFile:
ftype = unixfs.TFile
case iface.TDirectory:
ftype = unixfs.TDirectory
case iface.TSymlink:
ftype = unixfs.TSymlink
lsLink := LsLink{
Name: link.Name,
Hash: enc.Encode(link.Cid),
Size: link.Size,
Type: ftype,
Target: link.Target,
if err := processLink(paths[i], lsLink); err != nil {
return err
return done()
PostRun: cmds.PostRunMap{
cmds.CLI: func(res cmds.Response, re cmds.ResponseEmitter) error {
req := res.Request()
lastObjectHash := ""
for {
v, err := res.Next()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
return err
out := v.(*LsOutput)
lastObjectHash = tabularOutput(req, os.Stdout, out, lastObjectHash, false)
Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, out *LsOutput) error {
// when streaming over HTTP using a text encoder, we cannot render breaks
// between directories because we don't know the hash of the last
// directory encoder
ignoreBreaks, _ := req.Options[lsStreamOptionName].(bool)
tabularOutput(req, w, out, "", ignoreBreaks)
return nil
Type: LsOutput{},
func tabularOutput(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, out *LsOutput, lastObjectHash string, ignoreBreaks bool) string {
headers, _ := req.Options[lsHeadersOptionNameTime].(bool)
stream, _ := req.Options[lsStreamOptionName].(bool)
size, _ := req.Options[lsSizeOptionName].(bool)
// in streaming mode we can't automatically align the tabs
// so we take a best guess
var minTabWidth int
if stream {
minTabWidth = 10
} else {
minTabWidth = 1
multipleFolders := len(req.Arguments) > 1
tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(w, minTabWidth, 2, 1, ' ', 0)
for _, object := range out.Objects {
if !ignoreBreaks && object.Hash != lastObjectHash {
if multipleFolders {
if lastObjectHash != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s:\n", object.Hash)
if headers {
s := "Hash\tName"
if size {
s = "Hash\tSize\tName"
fmt.Fprintln(tw, s)
lastObjectHash = object.Hash
for _, link := range object.Links {
var s string
switch link.Type {
case unixfs.TDirectory, unixfs.THAMTShard, unixfs.TMetadata:
if size {
s = "%[1]s\t-\t%[3]s/\n"
} else {
s = "%[1]s\t%[3]s/\n"
if size {
s = "%s\t%v\t%s\n"
} else {
s = "%[1]s\t%[3]s\n"
fmt.Fprintf(tw, s, link.Hash, link.Size, link.Name)
return lastObjectHash