package corehttp import ( "html/template" "net/url" "path" "strings" "" dms3path "" ) // structs for directory listing type listingTemplateData struct { GatewayURL string DNSLink bool Listing []directoryItem Size string Path string Breadcrumbs []breadcrumb BackLink string Hash string } type directoryItem struct { Size string Name string Path string Hash string ShortHash string } type breadcrumb struct { Name string Path string } func breadcrumbs(urlPath string, dnslinkOrigin bool) []breadcrumb { var ret []breadcrumb p, err := dms3path.ParsePath(urlPath) if err != nil { // No breadcrumbs, fallback to bare Path in template return ret } segs := p.Segments() contentRoot := segs[1] for i, seg := range segs { if i == 0 { ret = append(ret, breadcrumb{Name: seg}) } else { ret = append(ret, breadcrumb{ Name: seg, Path: "/" + strings.Join(segs[0:i+1], "/"), }) } } // Drop the /dms3ns/ prefix from breadcrumb Paths when directory // listing on a DNSLink website (loaded due to Host header in HTTP // request). Necessary because the hostname most likely won't have a // public gateway mounted. if dnslinkOrigin { prefix := "/dms3ns/" + contentRoot for i, crumb := range ret { if strings.HasPrefix(crumb.Path, prefix) { ret[i].Path = strings.Replace(crumb.Path, prefix, "", 1) } } // Make contentRoot breadcrumb link to the website root ret[1].Path = "/" } return ret } func shortHash(hash string) string { return (hash[0:4] + "\u2026" + hash[len(hash)-4:]) } // helper to detect DNSLink website context // (when hostname from gwURL is matching /dms3ns/ in path) func hasDNSLinkOrigin(gwURL string, path string) bool { if gwURL != "" { fqdn := stripPort(strings.TrimPrefix(gwURL, "//")) return strings.HasPrefix(path, "/dms3ns/"+fqdn) } return false } var listingTemplate *template.Template func init() { knownIconsBytes, err := assets.Asset("dir-index-html/knownIcons.txt") if err != nil { panic(err) } knownIcons := make(map[string]struct{}) for _, ext := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(string(knownIconsBytes), "\n"), "\n") { knownIcons[ext] = struct{}{} } // helper to guess the type/icon for it by the extension name iconFromExt := func(name string) string { ext := path.Ext(name) _, ok := knownIcons[ext] if !ok { // default blank icon return "dms3-_blank" } return "dms3-" + ext[1:] // slice of the first dot } // custom template-escaping function to escape a full path, including '#' and '?' urlEscape := func(rawUrl string) string { pathUrl := url.URL{Path: rawUrl} return pathUrl.String() } // Directory listing template dirIndexBytes, err := assets.Asset("dir-index-html/dir-index.html") if err != nil { panic(err) } listingTemplate = template.Must(template.New("dir").Funcs(template.FuncMap{ "iconFromExt": iconFromExt, "urlEscape": urlEscape, }).Parse(string(dirIndexBytes))) }