package node import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "time" blockstore "" config "" util "" "" log "" peer "" pubsub "" "" offline "" offroute "" "" uio "" "" ) var logger = log.Logger("core:constructor") var BaseP2p = fx.Options( fx.Provide(dms3p2p.UserAgent), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.PNet), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.ConnectionManager), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.Host), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.DiscoveryHandler), fx.Invoke(dms3p2p.PNetChecker), ) func P2p(bcfg *BuildCfg, cfg *config.Config) fx.Option { // parse ConnMgr config grace := config.DefaultConnMgrGracePeriod low := config.DefaultConnMgrLowWater high := config.DefaultConnMgrHighWater connmgr := fx.Options() if cfg.Swarm.ConnMgr.Type != "none" { switch cfg.Swarm.ConnMgr.Type { case "": // 'default' value is the basic connection manager break case "basic": var err error grace, err = time.ParseDuration(cfg.Swarm.ConnMgr.GracePeriod) if err != nil { return fx.Error(fmt.Errorf("parsing Swarm.ConnMgr.GracePeriod: %s", err)) } low = cfg.Swarm.ConnMgr.LowWater high = cfg.Swarm.ConnMgr.HighWater default: return fx.Error(fmt.Errorf("unrecognized ConnMgr.Type: %q", cfg.Swarm.ConnMgr.Type)) } connmgr = fx.Provide(dms3p2p.ConnectionManager(low, high, grace)) } // parse PubSub config ps, disc := fx.Options(), fx.Options() if bcfg.getOpt("pubsub") || bcfg.getOpt("dms3nsps") { disc = fx.Provide(dms3p2p.TopicDiscovery()) var pubsubOptions []pubsub.Option pubsubOptions = append( pubsubOptions, pubsub.WithMessageSigning(!cfg.Pubsub.DisableSigning), ) switch cfg.Pubsub.Router { case "": fallthrough case "gossipsub": ps = fx.Provide(dms3p2p.GossipSub(pubsubOptions...)) case "floodsub": ps = fx.Provide(dms3p2p.FloodSub(pubsubOptions...)) default: return fx.Error(fmt.Errorf("unknown pubsub router %s", cfg.Pubsub.Router)) } } autonat := fx.Options() switch cfg.AutoNAT.ServiceMode { default: panic("BUG: unhandled autonat service mode") case config.AutoNATServiceDisabled: case config.AutoNATServiceUnset: // TODO // // We're enabling the AutoNAT service by default on _all_ nodes // for the moment. // // We should consider disabling it by default if the dht is set // to dhtclient. fallthrough case config.AutoNATServiceEnabled: autonat = fx.Provide(dms3p2p.AutoNATService(cfg.AutoNAT.Throttle)) } // If `cfg.Swarm.DisableRelay` is set and `Network.Relay` isn't, use the former. enableRelay := cfg.Swarm.Transports.Network.Relay.WithDefault(!cfg.Swarm.DisableRelay) //nolint // Warn about a deprecated option. //nolint if cfg.Swarm.DisableRelay { logger.Error("The `Swarm.DisableRelay' config field is deprecated.") if enableRelay { logger.Error("`Swarm.DisableRelay' has been overridden by `Swarm.Transports.Network.Relay'") } else { logger.Error("Use the `Swarm.Transports.Network.Relay' config field instead") } } // Gather all the options opts := fx.Options( BaseP2p, fx.Provide(dms3p2p.AddrFilters(cfg.Swarm.AddrFilters)), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.AddrsFactory(cfg.Addresses.Announce, cfg.Addresses.NoAnnounce)), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.SmuxTransport(cfg.Swarm.Transports)), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.Relay(enableRelay, cfg.Swarm.EnableRelayHop)), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.Transports(cfg.Swarm.Transports)), fx.Invoke(dms3p2p.StartListening(cfg.Addresses.Swarm)), fx.Invoke(dms3p2p.SetupDiscovery(cfg.Discovery.MDNS.Enabled, cfg.Discovery.MDNS.Interval)), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.Security(!bcfg.DisableEncryptedConnections, cfg.Swarm.Transports)), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.Routing), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.BaseRouting), maybeProvide(dms3p2p.PubsubRouter, bcfg.getOpt("dms3nsps")), maybeProvide(dms3p2p.BandwidthCounter, !cfg.Swarm.DisableBandwidthMetrics), maybeProvide(dms3p2p.NatPortMap, !cfg.Swarm.DisableNatPortMap), maybeProvide(dms3p2p.AutoRelay, cfg.Swarm.EnableAutoRelay), autonat, connmgr, ps, disc, ) return opts } // Storage groups units which setup datastore based persistence and blockstore layers func Storage(bcfg *BuildCfg, cfg *config.Config) fx.Option { cacheOpts := blockstore.DefaultCacheOpts() cacheOpts.HasBloomFilterSize = cfg.Datastore.BloomFilterSize if !bcfg.Permanent { cacheOpts.HasBloomFilterSize = 0 } finalBstore := fx.Provide(GcBlockstoreCtor) if cfg.Experimental.FilestoreEnabled || cfg.Experimental.UrlstoreEnabled { finalBstore = fx.Provide(FilestoreBlockstoreCtor) } return fx.Options( fx.Provide(RepoConfig), fx.Provide(Datastore), fx.Provide(BaseBlockstoreCtor(cacheOpts, bcfg.NilRepo, cfg.Datastore.HashOnRead)), finalBstore, ) } // Identity groups units providing cryptographic identity func Identity(cfg *config.Config) fx.Option { // PeerID cid := cfg.Identity.PeerID if cid == "" { return fx.Error(errors.New("identity was not set in config (was 'dms3 init' run?)")) } if len(cid) == 0 { return fx.Error(errors.New("no peer ID in config! (was 'dms3 init' run?)")) } id, err := peer.Decode(cid) if err != nil { return fx.Error(fmt.Errorf("peer ID invalid: %s", err)) } // Private Key if cfg.Identity.PrivKey == "" { return fx.Options( // No PK (usually in tests) fx.Provide(PeerID(id)), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.Peerstore), ) } sk, err := cfg.Identity.DecodePrivateKey("passphrase todo!") if err != nil { return fx.Error(err) } return fx.Options( // Full identity fx.Provide(PeerID(id)), fx.Provide(PrivateKey(sk)), fx.Provide(dms3p2p.Peerstore), fx.Invoke(dms3p2p.PstoreAddSelfKeys), ) } // DMS3NS groups namesys related units var DMS3NS = fx.Options( fx.Provide(RecordValidator), ) // Online groups online-only units func Online(bcfg *BuildCfg, cfg *config.Config) fx.Option { // Namesys params dms3nsCacheSize := cfg.Dms3Ns.ResolveCacheSize if dms3nsCacheSize == 0 { dms3nsCacheSize = DefaultDms3NsCacheSize } if dms3nsCacheSize < 0 { return fx.Error(fmt.Errorf("cannot specify negative resolve cache size")) } // Republisher params var repubPeriod, recordLifetime time.Duration if cfg.Dms3Ns.RepublishPeriod != "" { d, err := time.ParseDuration(cfg.Dms3Ns.RepublishPeriod) if err != nil { return fx.Error(fmt.Errorf("failure to parse config setting DMS3NS.RepublishPeriod: %s", err)) } if !util.Debug && (d < time.Minute || d > (time.Hour*24)) { return fx.Error(fmt.Errorf("config setting DMS3NS.RepublishPeriod is not between 1min and 1day: %s", d)) } repubPeriod = d } if cfg.Dms3Ns.RecordLifetime != "" { d, err := time.ParseDuration(cfg.Dms3Ns.RecordLifetime) if err != nil { return fx.Error(fmt.Errorf("failure to parse config setting DMS3NS.RecordLifetime: %s", err)) } recordLifetime = d } /* don't provide from bitswap when the strategic provider service is active */ shouldBitswapProvide := !cfg.Experimental.StrategicProviding return fx.Options( fx.Provide(OnlineExchange(shouldBitswapProvide)), maybeProvide(Graphsync, cfg.Experimental.GraphsyncEnabled), fx.Provide(Namesys(dms3nsCacheSize)), fx.Provide(Peering), PeerWith(cfg.Peering.Peers...), fx.Invoke(Dms3NsRepublisher(repubPeriod, recordLifetime)), fx.Provide(p2p.New), P2p(bcfg, cfg), OnlineProviders(cfg.Experimental.StrategicProviding, cfg.Reprovider.Strategy, cfg.Reprovider.Interval), ) } // Offline groups offline alternatives to Online units func Offline(cfg *config.Config) fx.Option { return fx.Options( fx.Provide(offline.Exchange), fx.Provide(Namesys(0)), fx.Provide(offroute.NewOfflineRouter), OfflineProviders(cfg.Experimental.StrategicProviding, cfg.Reprovider.Strategy, cfg.Reprovider.Interval), ) } // Core groups basic DMS3 services var Core = fx.Options( fx.Provide(BlockService), fx.Provide(Dag), fx.Provide(resolver.NewBasicResolver), fx.Provide(Pinning), fx.Provide(Files), ) func Networked(bcfg *BuildCfg, cfg *config.Config) fx.Option { if bcfg.Online { return Online(bcfg, cfg) } return Offline(cfg) } // DMS3 builds a group of fx Options based on the passed BuildCfg func DMS3(ctx context.Context, bcfg *BuildCfg) fx.Option { if bcfg == nil { bcfg = new(BuildCfg) } bcfgOpts, cfg := bcfg.options(ctx) if cfg == nil { return bcfgOpts // error } // TEMP: setting global sharding switch here uio.UseHAMTSharding = cfg.Experimental.ShardingEnabled return fx.Options( bcfgOpts, fx.Provide(baseProcess), Storage(bcfg, cfg), Identity(cfg), DMS3NS, Networked(bcfg, cfg), Core, ) }