Commit 33f67cd5 authored by hannahhoward's avatar hannahhoward

refactor(requestmanager): DRY up test

Cleanup request manager test to extract repeated code
parent 3c3dc22a
......@@ -48,6 +48,108 @@ func (fph *fakePeerHandler) CancelRequest(
func collectBlocks(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, blocksChan <-chan ResponseProgress) []ResponseProgress {
var collectedBlocks []blocks.Block
for {
select {
case blk, ok := <-blocksChan:
if !ok {
return collectedBlocks
collectedBlocks = append(collectedBlocks, blk)
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatal("blocks channel never closed")
func readNBlocks(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, blocksChan <-chan ResponseProgress, count int) []ResponseProgress {
var returnedBlocks []blocks.Block
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
select {
case blk := <-blocksChan:
returnedBlocks = append(returnedBlocks, blk)
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatal("First blocks channel never closed")
return returnedBlocks
func verifySingleTerminalError(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, errChan <-chan ResponseError) {
select {
case err := <-errChan:
if err.Error == nil || err.IsTerminal != true {
t.Fatal("should have sent a erminal error but did not")
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatal("no errors sent")
select {
case _, ok := <-errChan:
if ok {
t.Fatal("shouldn't have sent second error but did")
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatal("errors not closed")
func verifyEmptyErrors(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, errChan <-chan ResponseError) {
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-errChan:
if !ok {
t.Fatal("errors were sent but shouldn't have been")
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatal("errors channel never closed")
func verifyEmptyBlocks(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, blockChan <-chan ResponseProgress) {
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-blockChan:
if !ok {
t.Fatal("blocks were sent but shouldn't have been")
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatal("blocks channel never closed")
func readNNetworkRequests(ctx context.Context,
t *testing.T,
requestRecordChan <-chan requestRecord,
count int) []requestRecord {
requestRecords := make([]requestRecord, 0, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
select {
case rr := <-requestRecordChan:
requestRecords = append(requestRecords, rr)
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatal("should have sent two requests to the network but did not")
return requestRecords
func verifyMatchedBlocks(t *testing.T, actualBlocks []blocks.Block, expectedBlocks []blocks.Block) {
if len(actualBlocks) != len(expectedBlocks) {
t.Fatal("wrong number of blocks sent")
for _, blk := range actualBlocks {
if !testutil.ContainsBlock(expectedBlocks, blk) {
t.Fatal("wrong block sent")
func TestNormalSimultaneousFetch(t *testing.T) {
requestRecordChan := make(chan requestRecord, 2)
fph := &fakePeerHandler{requestRecordChan}
......@@ -67,15 +169,7 @@ func TestNormalSimultaneousFetch(t *testing.T) {
returnedBlocksChan1, returnedErrorChan1 := requestManager.SendRequest(requestCtx, peers[0], s1)
returnedBlocksChan2, returnedErrorChan2 := requestManager.SendRequest(requestCtx, peers[1], s2)
requestRecords := make([]requestRecord, 0, 2)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
select {
case rr := <-requestRecordChan:
requestRecords = append(requestRecords, rr)
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("should have sent two requests to the network but did not")
requestRecords := readNNetworkRequests(requestCtx, t, requestRecordChan, 2)
if requestRecords[0].p != peers[0] || requestRecords[1].p != peers[1] ||
requestRecords[0].isCancel != false || requestRecords[1].isCancel != false ||
......@@ -115,79 +209,13 @@ func TestNormalSimultaneousFetch(t *testing.T) {
var returnedBlocks1 []blocks.Block
for {
select {
case blk, ok := <-returnedBlocksChan1:
if !ok {
break collectFirstBlocks
returnedBlocks1 = append(returnedBlocks1, blk)
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("First blocks channel never closed")
if len(returnedBlocks1) != 5 {
t.Fatal("wrong number of blocks sent")
for _, blk := range returnedBlocks1 {
if !testutil.ContainsBlock(firstBlocks, blk) {
t.Fatal("wrong block sent")
var returnedBlocks2 []blocks.Block
for {
select {
case blk, ok := <-returnedBlocksChan2:
if !ok {
break collectSecondBlocks
returnedBlocks2 = append(returnedBlocks2, blk)
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("Second blocks channel never closed")
if len(returnedBlocks2) != 10 {
t.Fatal("wrong number of blocks sent")
for i, blk := range returnedBlocks2 {
if i < 5 {
if !testutil.ContainsBlock(firstBlocks, blk) {
t.Fatal("wrong block sent")
} else {
if !testutil.ContainsBlock(moreBlocks, blk) {
t.Fatal("wrong block sent")
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-returnedErrorChan1:
if !ok {
break collectFirstErrors
t.Fatal("errors were sent but shouldn't have been")
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("errors channel never closed")
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-returnedErrorChan2:
if !ok {
break collectSecondErrors
t.Fatal("errors were sent but shouldn't have been")
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("errors channel never closed")
returnedBlocks1 := collectBlocks(requestCtx, t, returnedBlocksChan1)
verifyMatchedBlocks(t, returnedBlocks1, firstBlocks)
returnedBlocks2 := collectBlocks(requestCtx, t, returnedBlocksChan2)
verifyMatchedBlocks(t, returnedBlocks2[:5], firstBlocks)
verifyMatchedBlocks(t, returnedBlocks2[5:], moreBlocks)
verifyEmptyErrors(requestCtx, t, returnedErrorChan1)
verifyEmptyErrors(requestCtx, t, returnedErrorChan2)
func TestCancelRequestInProgress(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -212,15 +240,7 @@ func TestCancelRequestInProgress(t *testing.T) {
returnedBlocksChan1, returnedErrorChan1 := requestManager.SendRequest(requestCtx1, peers[0], s1)
returnedBlocksChan2, returnedErrorChan2 := requestManager.SendRequest(requestCtx2, peers[1], s2)
requestRecords := make([]requestRecord, 0, 2)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
select {
case rr := <-requestRecordChan:
requestRecords = append(requestRecords, rr)
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("should have sent two requests to the network but did not")
requestRecords := readNNetworkRequests(requestCtx, t, requestRecordChan, 2)
// for now, we are just going going to test that blocks get sent to all peers
// whose connection is still open
......@@ -234,25 +254,13 @@ func TestCancelRequestInProgress(t *testing.T) {
var returnedBlocks1 []blocks.Block
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
select {
case blk := <-returnedBlocksChan1:
returnedBlocks1 = append(returnedBlocks1, blk)
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("First blocks channel never closed")
returnedBlocks1 := readNBlocks(requestCtx, t, returnedBlocksChan1, 5)
select {
case rr := <-requestRecordChan:
rr := readNNetworkRequests(requestCtx, t, requestRecordChan, 1)[0]
if rr.isCancel != true || rr.requestID != requestRecords[0].requestID {
t.Fatal("did not send correct cancel message over network")
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("did not send cancel message over network")
moreBlocks := testutil.GenerateBlocksOfSize(5, 100)
msg2 := gsmsg.New()
......@@ -263,78 +271,13 @@ func TestCancelRequestInProgress(t *testing.T) {
for {
select {
case blk, ok := <-returnedBlocksChan1:
if !ok {
break collectFirstBlocks
returnedBlocks1 = append(returnedBlocks1, blk)
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("First blocks channel never closed")
if len(returnedBlocks1) != 5 {
t.Fatal("wrong number of blocks sent")
for _, blk := range returnedBlocks1 {
if !testutil.ContainsBlock(firstBlocks, blk) {
t.Fatal("wrong block sent")
var returnedBlocks2 []blocks.Block
for {
select {
case blk, ok := <-returnedBlocksChan2:
if !ok {
break collectSecondBlocks
returnedBlocks2 = append(returnedBlocks2, blk)
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("Second blocks channel never closed")
if len(returnedBlocks2) != 10 {
t.Fatal("wrong number of blocks sent")
for i, blk := range returnedBlocks2 {
if i < 5 {
if !testutil.ContainsBlock(firstBlocks, blk) {
t.Fatal("wrong block sent")
} else {
if !testutil.ContainsBlock(moreBlocks, blk) {
t.Fatal("wrong block sent")
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-returnedErrorChan1:
if !ok {
break collectFirstErrors
t.Fatal("errors were sent but shouldn't have been")
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("errors channel never closed")
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-returnedErrorChan2:
if !ok {
break collectSecondErrors
t.Fatal("errors were sent but shouldn't have been")
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("errors channel never closed")
returnedBlocks1 = append(returnedBlocks1, collectBlocks(requestCtx, t, returnedBlocksChan1)...)
verifyMatchedBlocks(t, returnedBlocks1, firstBlocks)
returnedBlocks2 := collectBlocks(requestCtx, t, returnedBlocksChan2)
verifyMatchedBlocks(t, returnedBlocks2[:5], firstBlocks)
verifyMatchedBlocks(t, returnedBlocks2[5:], moreBlocks)
verifyEmptyErrors(requestCtx, t, returnedErrorChan1)
verifyEmptyErrors(requestCtx, t, returnedErrorChan2)
func TestCancelManagerExitsGracefully(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -354,12 +297,7 @@ func TestCancelManagerExitsGracefully(t *testing.T) {
s := testbridge.NewMockSelectorSpec(testutil.GenerateCids(5))
returnedBlocksChan, returnedErrorChan := requestManager.SendRequest(requestCtx, peers[0], s)
var rr requestRecord
select {
case rr = <-requestRecordChan:
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("should have request to the network but did not")
rr := readNNetworkRequests(requestCtx, t, requestRecordChan, 1)[0]
// for now, we are just going going to test that blocks get sent to all peers
// whose connection is still open
......@@ -370,16 +308,7 @@ func TestCancelManagerExitsGracefully(t *testing.T) {
var returnedBlocks []blocks.Block
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
select {
case blk := <-returnedBlocksChan:
returnedBlocks = append(returnedBlocks, blk)
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("blocks channel never closed")
returnedBlocks := readNBlocks(requestCtx, t, returnedBlocksChan, 5)
moreBlocks := testutil.GenerateBlocksOfSize(5, 100)
......@@ -390,38 +319,9 @@ func TestCancelManagerExitsGracefully(t *testing.T) {
for {
select {
case blk, ok := <-returnedBlocksChan:
if !ok {
break collectFirstBlocks
returnedBlocks = append(returnedBlocks, blk)
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("blocks channel never closed")
if len(returnedBlocks) != 5 {
t.Fatal("wrong number of blocks sent")
for _, blk := range returnedBlocks {
if !testutil.ContainsBlock(firstBlocks, blk) {
t.Fatal("wrong block sent")
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-returnedErrorChan:
if !ok {
break collectFirstErrors
t.Fatal("errors were sent but shouldn't have been")
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("errors channel never closed")
returnedBlocks = append(returnedBlocks, collectBlocks(requestCtx, t, returnedBlocksChan)...)
verifyMatchedBlocks(t, returnedBlocks, firstBlocks)
verifyEmptyErrors(requestCtx, t, returnedErrorChan)
func TestInvalidSelector(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -440,26 +340,8 @@ func TestInvalidSelector(t *testing.T) {
s := testbridge.NewInvalidSelectorSpec(testutil.GenerateCids(5))
returnedBlocksChan, returnedErrorChan := requestManager.SendRequest(requestCtx, peers[0], s)
select {
case err := <-returnedErrorChan:
if err.Error == nil || err.IsTerminal != true {
t.Fatal("should have sent a single terminal error but did not")
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("no errors sent")
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-returnedBlocksChan:
if !ok {
break collectFirstBlocks
t.Fatal("blocks were sent but shouldn't have been")
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("blocks channel never closed")
verifySingleTerminalError(requestCtx, t, returnedErrorChan)
verifyEmptyBlocks(requestCtx, t, returnedBlocksChan)
func TestUnencodableSelector(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -478,24 +360,6 @@ func TestUnencodableSelector(t *testing.T) {
s := testbridge.NewUnencodableSelectorSpec(testutil.GenerateCids(5))
returnedBlocksChan, returnedErrorChan := requestManager.SendRequest(requestCtx, peers[0], s)
select {
case err := <-returnedErrorChan:
if err.Error == nil || err.IsTerminal != true {
t.Fatal("should have sent a single terminal error but did not")
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("no errors sent")
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-returnedBlocksChan:
if !ok {
break collectFirstBlocks
t.Fatal("blocks were sent but shouldn't have been")
case <-requestCtx.Done():
t.Fatal("blocks channel never closed")
verifySingleTerminalError(requestCtx, t, returnedErrorChan)
verifyEmptyBlocks(requestCtx, t, returnedBlocksChan)
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