Commit e9863c55 authored by hannahhoward's avatar hannahhoward

docs(graphsync): initial commit w/ diagrams

Initial commit with skeleton readme and architecture diagrams to date
# go-graphsync
This diff is collapsed.
@startuml "GraphSync"
note top of "go-selector"
Is this the right name for this package?
end note
package "go-selector" {
interface Selector {
interface SelectionResponse {
interface SelectionTraverser {
Next() SelectionResponse, err
interface "GetBlockFunc func(cid) block.Block" as GetBlockFunc
object "Package Public Functions" as goSelectorPF {
Select(Selector, root Node, getBlockFunc GetBlockFunc) SelectionTraverser
Validate(Selector, root Node, incomingResponses SelectionTraverser) SelectionTraverser
package "go-graphsync" {
class GraphSync {
network : GraphySyncNetwork
requestManager : RequestManager
responseManager: ResponseManager
getBlockFunc: GetBlockFunc
Request(p peer.ID, selector Selector, root Node) SelectionTraverser
ReceiveMessage(ctx context.Context, sender peer.ID, incoming GraphSyncMessage)
package network {
interface Receiver {
ReceiveMessage(ctx context.Context, sender peer.ID, incoming GraphSyncMessage)
interface GraphSyncNetwork {
SendMessage(ctx context.Context, receiver peer.Id, m GraphSyncMessage)
SetDelegate(receiver Receiver)
Receiver <|-- GraphSync : receiver for
class libP2PGraphSyncNetwork {
GraphSyncNetwork <|-- libP2PGraphSyncNetwork
object "Package Public Functions" as goGraphSyncNetworkPF {
NewLibP2PNetwork(host libp2pHost.Host) GraphSyncNetwork
goGraphSyncNetworkPF .. libP2PGraphSyncNetwork
package requestmanager {
class RequestManager {
network : GraphSyncNetwork
SendRequest(p peer.ID, selector Selector, node rootNode) SelectionTraverser
ProcessResponses(responses []GraphSyncResponse)
goSelectorPF .. RequestManager
RequestManager *-- GraphSyncNetwork
GraphSync *-- RequestManager
note as requestManager
The ResponseManager uses Validate from go-selector
to filter incoming Responses based on whether they are valid and produce
a traverser that only returns valid responses
end note
package responsemanager {
class ResponseManager {
network : GraphySyncNetwork
getBlockFunc : GetBlockFunc
ProcessRequests(p peer.ID, requests []GraphSyncRequests)
goSelectorPF .. ResponseManager
ResponseManager *-- GraphSyncNetwork
GraphSync *-- ResponseManager
note as responseManagerNote
The ResponseManager uses Select from go-selector
to translate the raw bytes into a selector and then
traverse the graph to produce a list of blocks
Question: how to know if response is partial?
end note
package message {
object "Package Public Functions" as goGraphSyncMessagePF {
func FromPBReader(pbr ggio.Reader) (GraphSyncMessage, error)
goGraphSyncMessagePF .. libP2PGraphSyncNetwork
class GraphSyncRequest {
Selector Selector
Root Node
Priority Priority
{field} Expires time.Duration
Id int
IsCancel bool
class GraphSyncResponse {
RequestId int
Status GraphSyncStatus
interface GraphSyncMessage {
Requests() : []GraphSyncRequest
Responses() : []GraphSyncResponse
interface Exportable {
Exportable --|> GraphSyncMessage
GraphSyncRequest --* GraphSyncMessage
GraphSyncResponse --* GraphSyncMessage
object "PackagePublicFunctions" as goGraphsyncPf {
New(ctx context.Context, network GraphSyncNetwork, getBlockFunc GetBlockFunc) GraphSync
package "go-filecoin" {
class "go-filecoin" {
graphSync : GraphSync
host: libp2pHost.Host
"go-filecoin" *-- GraphSync
"go-filecoin" .. goGraphsyncPf
"go-filecoin" .. goGraphSyncNetworkPF
"go-filecoin" .. Selector
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