# go-graphsync changelog # go-graphsync 0.7.0 This is a small release to update some dependencies. Importantly, it pulls in go-ipld-prime with some significant breaking changes. ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - chore: update deps (#151) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#151](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/151)) - Automatically record heap profiles in testplans (#147) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#147](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/147)) - feat(deps): update go-ipld-prime v0.7.0 (#145) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#145](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/145)) - Release/v0.6.0 ([ipfs/go-graphsync#144](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/144)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Hannah Howard | 2 | +3316/-3015 | 25 | | Steven Allen | 1 | +95/-227 | 5 | # go-graphsync 0.6.0 Major code refactor for simplicity, ease of understanding ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - Merge branch 'master' into release/v0.6.0 - move block allocation into message queue (#140) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#140](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/140)) - Response Assembler Refactor (#138) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#138](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/138)) - Add error listener on receiver (#136) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#136](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/136)) - Run testplan on in CI (#137) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#137](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/137)) - fix(responsemanager): fix network error propogation (#133) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#133](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/133)) - testground test for graphsync (#132) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#132](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/132)) - docs(CHANGELOG): update for v0.5.2 ([ipfs/go-graphsync#130](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/1 ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Alex Cruikshank | 4 | +3269/-1919 | 47 | | Hannah Howard | 3 | +777/-511 | 25 | | hannahhoward | 1 | +34/-13 | 3 | # go-graphsync 0.5.2 Minor release resolves bugs in notification system ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - RegisterNetworkErrorListener should fire when there's an error connecting to the peer (#127) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#127](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/127)) - Permit multiple data subscriptions per original topic (#128) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#128](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/128)) - release: v0.5.1 (#123) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#123](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/123)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | dirkmc | 2 | +272/-185 | 10 | | Alex Cruikshank | 1 | +188/-110 | 12 | | Hannah Howard | 1 | +23/-6 | 3 | # go-graphsync 0.5.1 ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - feat(responsemanager): allow configuration of max requests (#122) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#122](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/122)) Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Hannah Howard | 1 | +23/-6 | 3 | # go-graphsync 0.4.3 Update libp2p to 0.12. This libp2p release includes a breaking change to the libp2p stream interfaces. ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - feat: use go-libp2p-core 0.7.0 stream interfaces (#116) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#116](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/116)) Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |--------------|---------|----------|---------------| | Steven Allen | 1 | +195/-24 | 3 | # go-graphsync 0.4.3 Minor fixes and patches ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - chore(benchmarks): remove extra files - fix(peerresponsemanager): avoid race condition that could result in NPE in link tracker (#118) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#118](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/118)) - docs(CHANGELOG): update for 0.4.2 ([ipfs/go-graphsync#117](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/117)) - feat(memory): improve memory usage (#110) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#110](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/110)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Hannah Howard | 2 | +49/-6 | 7 | | hannahhoward | 1 | +0/-0 | 2 | # go-graphsync 0.4.2 bug fix for 0.4.1 ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - fix(notifications): fix lock in close (#115) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#115](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/115)) - docs(CHANGELOG): update for v0.4.1 ([ipfs/go-graphsync#114](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/114)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Hannah Howard | 1 | +7/-0 | 1 | # go-graphsync 0.4.1 critical bug fix for 0.4.0 ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - fix(allocator): remove peer from peer status list - docs(CHANGELOG): update for v0.4.0 ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | hannahhoward | 2 | +23/-2 | 3 | # go-graphsync 0.4.0 Feature release - add memory backpressure to responses to minimize extra memory usage ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - docs(CHANGELOG): update for 0.3.1 ([ipfs/go-graphsync#112](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/112)) - Update ipld-prime (#111) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#111](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/111)) - Add allocator for memory backpressure (#108) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#108](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/108)) - Shutdown notifications go routines (#109) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#109](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/109)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Hannah Howard | 3 | +724/-83 | 18 | # go-graphsync 0.3.1 Security fix -- switch to google protobufs ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - Switch to google protobuf generator (#105) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#105](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/105)) - feat(CHANGELOG): update for 0.3.0 ([ipfs/go-graphsync#104](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/104)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Hannah Howard | 1 | +472/-1553 | 8 | # go-graphsync 0.3.0 Significant updates allow for: - completed response hooks run when response is done going over wire (or at least transmitted) - listening for when blocks are actually sent - being notified of network send errors on responder ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - docs(CHANGELOG): update for 0.2.1 ([ipfs/go-graphsync#103](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/103)) - Track actual network operations in a response (#102) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#102](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/102)) - feat(responsecache): prune blocks more intelligently (#101) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#101](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/101)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Hannah Howard | 2 | +1983/-927 | 29 | # go-graphsync 0.2.1 Compatibility fix for 0.2.0 ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - fix(metadata): fix cbor-gen (#98) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#98](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/98)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Hannah Howard | 1 | +12/-16 | 3 | # go-graphsync 0.2.0 Update to IPLD prime + several optimizations for performance ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - style(imports): fix imports - fix(selectorvalidator): memory optimization (#97) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#97](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/97)) - Update go-ipld-prime@v0.5.0 (#92) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#92](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/92)) - refactor(metadata): use cbor-gen encoding (#96) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#96](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/96)) - Release/v0.1.2 ([ipfs/go-graphsync#95](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/95)) - Return Request context cancelled error (#93) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#93](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/93)) - feat(benchmarks): add p2p stress test (#91) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#91](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/91)) - github.com/hannahhoward/cbor-gen-for (null -> v0.0.0-20200817222906-ea96cece81f1): - add flag to select map encoding ([hannahhoward/cbor-gen-for#1](https://github.com/hannahhoward/cbor-gen-for/pull/1)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Eric Myhre | 1 | +2919/-121 | 39 | | Hannah Howard | 3 | +412/-103 | 15 | | hannahhoward | 1 | +31/-31 | 7 | | whyrusleeping | 1 | +31/-18 | 2 | | Aarsh Shah | 1 | +27/-1 | 3 | # go-graphsync 0.1.2 Minor release with initial benchmarks ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - Benchmark framework + First memory fixes (#89) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#89](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/89)) - docs(CHANGELOG): update for v0.1.1 ([ipfs/go-graphsync#85](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/85)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Hannah Howard | 1 | +1055/-39 | 17 | # go-graphsync 0.1.1 Minor fix for alternate persistence stores and deduplication ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - docs(CHANGELOG): update for v0.1.0 release ([ipfs/go-graphsync#84](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/84)) - Dedup by key extension (#83) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#83](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/83)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Hannah Howard | 1 | +316/-7 | 10 | # go-graphsync v0.1.0 Major release (we fell behind on creating tagged releases for a while) -- many augmentations to hooks, authorization, persistence, request execution. ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - style(imports): fix import formatting - feat(persistenceoptions): add unregister ability (#80) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#80](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/80)) - fix(message): regen protobuf code (#79) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#79](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/79)) - feat(requestmanager): run response hooks on completed requests (#77) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#77](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/77)) - Revert "add extensions on complete (#76)" - add extensions on complete (#76) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#76](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/76)) - All changes to date including pause requests & start paused, along with new adds for cleanups and checking of execution (#75) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#75](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/75)) - More fine grained response controls (#71) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#71](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/71)) - Refactor request execution and use IPLD SkipMe functionality for proper partial results on a request (#70) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#70](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/70)) - feat(graphsync): implement do-no-send-cids extension (#69) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#69](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/69)) - Incoming Block Hooks (#68) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#68](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/68)) - fix(responsemanager): add nil check (#67) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#67](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/67)) - Add autocomment configuration - refactor(hooks): use external pubsub (#65) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#65](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/65)) - Update of IPLD Prime (#66) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#66](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/66)) - Add standard issue template - feat(responsemanager): add listener for completed responses (#64) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#64](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/64)) - Update Requests (#63) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#63](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/63)) - Add pausing and unpausing of requests (#62) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#62](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/62)) - ci(circle): remove benchmark task for now - ci(circle): update orb - Outgoing Request Hooks, swapping persistence layers (#61) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#61](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/61)) - Feat/request hook loader chooser (#60) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#60](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/60)) - Option to Reject requests by default (#58) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#58](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/58)) - Testify refactor (#56) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#56](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/56)) - Switch To Circle CI (#57) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#57](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/57)) - fix(deps): go mod tidy - docs(README): remove ipldbridge reference - Tech Debt: Remove IPLD Bridge ([ipfs/go-graphsync#55](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/55)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Hannah Howard | 20 | +13273/-7718 | 262 | | hannahhoward | 13 | +1663/-1906 | 184 | | Hector Sanjuan | 2 | +95/-0 | 3 | # go-graphsync v0.0.5 Minor release -- update task queue and add some documentation ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - feat: update the peer task queue ([ipfs/go-graphsync#54](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/54)) - docs(readme): document the storeutil package in the readme ([ipfs/go-graphsync#52](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/52)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | Steven Allen | 2 | +68/-49 | 5 | # go-graphsync 0.0.4 Initial release to incorporate into go-data-transfer module. Implements request authorization, request hooks, default valdiation policy, etc ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - Add DAG Protobuf Support ([ipfs/go-graphsync#51](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/51)) - Add response hooks ([ipfs/go-graphsync#50](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/50)) - Request hooks ([ipfs/go-graphsync#49](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/49)) - Add a default validation policy ([ipfs/go-graphsync#48](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/48)) - Send user extensions in request ([ipfs/go-graphsync#47](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/47)) - Revert "Merge pull request #44 from ipfs/chore/update-peertaskqueue" - Update peertaskqueue ([ipfs/go-graphsync#44](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/44)) - Refactor file organization ([ipfs/go-graphsync#43](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/43)) - feat(graphsync): support extension protocol ([ipfs/go-graphsync#42](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/42)) - Bump go-ipld-prime to 092ea9a7696d ([ipfs/go-graphsync#41](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/41)) - Fix some typo ([ipfs/go-graphsync#40](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/40)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | hannahhoward | 12 | +3040/-1516 | 103 | | Hannah Howard | 2 | +253/-321 | 3 | | Dirk McCormick | 1 | +47/-33 | 4 | | Edgar Lee | 1 | +36/-20 | 8 | | Alexey | 1 | +15/-15 | 1 | # go-graphsync 0.0.3 Bug fix release. Fix issues issues with message queue. ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - fix(messagequeue): no retry after queue shutdown ([ipfs/go-graphsync#38](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/38)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | hannahhoward | 1 | +70/-1 | 2 | # go-graphsync 0.0.2 Bug fix release. Fix message sizes to not overflow limits. ### Changelog - github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync: - Limit Response Size ([ipfs/go-graphsync#37](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/37)) ### Contributors | Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed | |-------------|---------|---------|---------------| | hannahhoward | 2 | +295/-52 | 5 | # go-graphysnc 0.0.1-filecoin Initial tagged release for early version of filecoin ### Changelog Initial feature set including parallel requests, selectors, basic architecture, etc. -- changelog not tracked due to lack of go.mod ### 🙌🏽 Want to contribute? Would you like to contribute to this repo and don’t know how? Here are a few places you can get started: - Check out the [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) - Look for issues with the `good-first-issue` label in [go-graphsync](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22e-good-first-issue%22+)