Commit 01a9d93f authored by Jeromy's avatar Jeromy

unixfs: allow use of raw merkledag nodes for unixfs files

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarJeromy <>
parent e23c2204
......@@ -85,23 +85,29 @@ func (n *dagService) Get(ctx context.Context, c *cid.Cid) (node.Node, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get block for %s: %v", c, err)
var res node.Node
return decodeBlock(b)
func decodeBlock(b blocks.Block) (node.Node, error) {
c := b.Cid()
switch c.Type() {
case cid.Protobuf:
out, err := DecodeProtobuf(b.RawData())
decnd, err := DecodeProtobuf(b.RawData())
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Unmarshal failed") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("The block referred to by '%s' was not a valid merkledag node", c)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to decode Protocol Buffers: %v", err)
out.cached = c
res = out
decnd.cached = b.Cid()
return decnd, nil
case cid.Raw:
return NewRawNode(b.RawData()), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized formatting type")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized object type: %s", c.Type())
return res, nil
func (n *dagService) GetLinks(ctx context.Context, c *cid.Cid) ([]*node.Link, error) {
......@@ -164,24 +170,12 @@ func (ds *dagService) GetMany(ctx context.Context, keys []*cid.Cid) <-chan *Node
c := b.Cid()
var nd node.Node
switch c.Type() {
case cid.Protobuf:
decnd, err := DecodeProtobuf(b.RawData())
nd, err := decodeBlock(b)
if err != nil {
out <- &NodeOption{Err: err}
decnd.cached = b.Cid()
nd = decnd
out <- &NodeOption{Err: fmt.Errorf("unrecognized object type: %s", c.Type())}
// buffered, no need to select
out <- &NodeOption{Node: nd}
......@@ -373,3 +373,81 @@ func TestBasicAddGet(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatal("output didnt match input")
func TestGetRawNodes(t *testing.T) {
rn := NewRawNode([]byte("test"))
ds := dstest.Mock()
c, err := ds.Add(rn)
if err != nil {
if !c.Equals(rn.Cid()) {
t.Fatal("output cids didnt match")
out, err := ds.Get(context.TODO(), c)
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(out.RawData(), []byte("test")) {
t.Fatal("raw block should match input data")
if out.Links() != nil {
t.Fatal("raw blocks shouldnt have links")
if out.Tree() != nil {
t.Fatal("tree should return no paths in a raw block")
size, err := out.Size()
if err != nil {
if size != 4 {
t.Fatal("expected size to be 4")
ns, err := out.Stat()
if err != nil {
if ns.DataSize != 4 {
t.Fatal("expected size to be 4, got: ", ns.DataSize)
_, _, err = out.Resolve([]string{"foo"})
if err != ErrLinkNotFound {
t.Fatal("shouldnt find links under raw blocks")
func TestProtoNodeResolve(t *testing.T) {
nd := new(ProtoNode)
nd.SetLinks([]*node.Link{{Name: "foo"}})
lnk, left, err := nd.Resolve([]string{"foo", "bar"})
if err != nil {
if len(left) != 1 || left[0] != "bar" {
t.Fatal("expected the single path element 'bar' to remain")
if lnk.Name != "foo" {
t.Fatal("how did we get anything else?")
tvals := nd.Tree()
if len(tvals) != 1 || tvals[0] != "foo" {
t.Fatal("expected tree to return []{\"foo\"}")
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func NodeWithData(d []byte) *ProtoNode {
// AddNodeLink adds a link to another node.
func (n *ProtoNode) AddNodeLink(name string, that *ProtoNode) error {
func (n *ProtoNode) AddNodeLink(name string, that node.Node) error {
n.encoded = nil
lnk, err := node.MakeLink(that)
package merkledag
import (
cid "gx/ipfs/QmXUuRadqDq5BuFWzVU6VuKaSjTcNm1gNCtLvvP1TJCW4z/go-cid"
node "gx/ipfs/QmZx42H5khbVQhV5odp66TApShV4XCujYazcvYduZ4TroB/go-ipld-node"
u "gx/ipfs/Qmb912gdngC1UWwTkhuW8knyRbcWeu5kqkxBpveLmW8bSr/go-ipfs-util"
type RawNode struct {
func NewRawNode(data []byte) *RawNode {
h := u.Hash(data)
c := cid.NewCidV1(cid.Raw, h)
blk, _ := blocks.NewBlockWithCid(data, c)
return &RawNode{blk}
func (rn *RawNode) Links() []*node.Link {
return nil
func (rn *RawNode) Resolve(path []string) (*node.Link, []string, error) {
return nil, nil, ErrLinkNotFound
func (rn *RawNode) Tree() []string {
return nil
func (rn *RawNode) Size() (uint64, error) {
return uint64(len(rn.RawData())), nil
func (rn *RawNode) Stat() (*node.NodeStat, error) {
return &node.NodeStat{
CumulativeSize: len(rn.RawData()),
DataSize: len(rn.RawData()),
}, nil
var _ node.Node = (*RawNode)(nil)
package dagutils
import (
context "context"
ds "gx/ipfs/QmbzuUusHqaLLoNTDEVLcSF6vZDHZDLPC7p4bztRvvkXxU/go-datastore"
syncds "gx/ipfs/QmbzuUusHqaLLoNTDEVLcSF6vZDHZDLPC7p4bztRvvkXxU/go-datastore/sync"
bstore ""
bserv ""
offline ""
dag ""
path ""
node "gx/ipfs/QmZx42H5khbVQhV5odp66TApShV4XCujYazcvYduZ4TroB/go-ipld-node"
ds "gx/ipfs/QmbzuUusHqaLLoNTDEVLcSF6vZDHZDLPC7p4bztRvvkXxU/go-datastore"
syncds "gx/ipfs/QmbzuUusHqaLLoNTDEVLcSF6vZDHZDLPC7p4bztRvvkXxU/go-datastore/sync"
type Editor struct {
......@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ func (e *Editor) GetDagService() dag.DAGService {
return e.tmp
func addLink(ctx context.Context, ds dag.DAGService, root *dag.ProtoNode, childname string, childnd *dag.ProtoNode) (*dag.ProtoNode, error) {
func addLink(ctx context.Context, ds dag.DAGService, root *dag.ProtoNode, childname string, childnd node.Node) (*dag.ProtoNode, error) {
if childname == "" {
return nil, errors.New("cannot create link with no name!")
......@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ func addLink(ctx context.Context, ds dag.DAGService, root *dag.ProtoNode, childn
return root, nil
func (e *Editor) InsertNodeAtPath(ctx context.Context, pth string, toinsert *dag.ProtoNode, create func() *dag.ProtoNode) error {
func (e *Editor) InsertNodeAtPath(ctx context.Context, pth string, toinsert node.Node, create func() *dag.ProtoNode) error {
splpath := path.SplitList(pth)
nd, err := e.insertNodeAtPath(ctx, e.root, splpath, toinsert, create)
if err != nil {
......@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ func (e *Editor) InsertNodeAtPath(ctx context.Context, pth string, toinsert *dag
return nil
func (e *Editor) insertNodeAtPath(ctx context.Context, root *dag.ProtoNode, path []string, toinsert *dag.ProtoNode, create func() *dag.ProtoNode) (*dag.ProtoNode, error) {
func (e *Editor) insertNodeAtPath(ctx context.Context, root *dag.ProtoNode, path []string, toinsert node.Node, create func() *dag.ProtoNode) (*dag.ProtoNode, error) {
if len(path) == 1 {
return addLink(ctx, e.tmp, root, path[0], toinsert)
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