Commit 60d2be9f authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet

ipfs object has learned stat

'ipfs object stat' is a plumbing command to print DAG
node statistics. <key> is a base58 encoded multihash.
It outputs to stdout:

  NumLinks        int number of links in link table
  BlockSize       int size of the raw, encoded data
  LinksSize       int size of the links segment
  DataSize        int size of the data segment
  CumulativeSize  int cumulative size of object and references
parent f93ea20c
......@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ type Node struct {
// NodeStat is a statistics object for a Node. Mostly sizes.
type NodeStat struct {
NumLinks int // number of links in link table
BlockSize int // size of the raw data
BlockSize int // size of the raw, encoded data
LinksSize int // size of the links segment
DataSize int // size of the data segment
CumulativeSize int // cumulatie size of object + all it references
CumulativeSize int // cumulative size of object and its references
func (ns NodeStat) String() string {
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