package core

import (

	context ""
	ds ""
	b58 ""
	ma ""

	bserv ""
	config ""
	ci ""
	exchange ""
	bitswap ""
	merkledag ""
	inet ""
	mux ""
	netservice ""
	path ""
	peer ""
	routing ""
	dht ""
	u ""

// IpfsNode is IPFS Core module. It represents an IPFS instance.
type IpfsNode struct {

	// the node's configuration
	Config *config.Config

	// the local node's identity
	Identity *peer.Peer

	// storage for other Peer instances
	Peerstore peer.Peerstore

	// the local datastore
	Datastore ds.Datastore

	// the network message stream
	Network inet.Network

	// the routing system. recommend ipfs-dht
	Routing routing.IpfsRouting

	// the block exchange + strategy (bitswap)
	Exchange exchange.Interface

	// the block service, get/add blocks.
	Blocks *bserv.BlockService

	// the merkle dag service, get/add objects.
	DAG *merkledag.DAGService

	// the path resolution system
	Resolver *path.Resolver

	// the name system, resolves paths to hashes
	// Namesys *namesys.Namesys

// NewIpfsNode constructs a new IpfsNode based on the given config.
func NewIpfsNode(cfg *config.Config, online bool) (*IpfsNode, error) {
	if cfg == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("configuration required")

	d, err := makeDatastore(cfg.Datastore)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	local, err := initIdentity(cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	peerstore := peer.NewPeerstore()

	// FIXME(brian): This is a bit dangerous. If any of the vars declared in
	// this block are assigned inside of the "if online" block using the ":="
	// declaration syntax, the compiler permits re-declaration. This is rather
	// undesirable
	var (
		net inet.Network
		// TODO: refactor so we can use IpfsRouting interface instead of being DHT-specific
		route           *dht.IpfsDHT
		exchangeSession exchange.Interface

	if online {
		// add protocol services here.
		ctx := context.TODO() // derive this from a higher context.

		dhtService := netservice.NewService(nil)      // nil handler for now, need to patch it
		exchangeService := netservice.NewService(nil) // nil handler for now, need to patch it

		if err := dhtService.Start(ctx); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if err := exchangeService.Start(ctx); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		net, err = inet.NewIpfsNetwork(context.TODO(), local, &mux.ProtocolMap{
			mux.ProtocolID_Routing:  dhtService,
			mux.ProtocolID_Exchange: exchangeService,
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		route = dht.NewDHT(local, peerstore, net, dhtService, d)
		// TODO(brian): perform this inside NewDHT factory method
		dhtService.Handler = route // wire the handler to the service.

		const alwaysSendToPeer = true // use YesManStrategy
		exchangeSession = bitswap.NetMessageSession(ctx, local, exchangeService, route, d, alwaysSendToPeer)

		// TODO(brian): pass a context to initConnections
		go initConnections(ctx, cfg, peerstore, route)

	// TODO(brian): when offline instantiate the BlockService with a bitswap
	// session that simply doesn't return blocks
	bs, err := bserv.NewBlockService(d, exchangeSession)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	dag := &merkledag.DAGService{Blocks: bs}

	return &IpfsNode{
		Config:    cfg,
		Peerstore: peerstore,
		Datastore: d,
		Blocks:    bs,
		DAG:       dag,
		Resolver:  &path.Resolver{DAG: dag},
		Exchange:  exchangeSession,
		Identity:  local,
		Routing:   route,
	}, nil

func initIdentity(cfg *config.Config) (*peer.Peer, error) {
	if cfg.Identity.PeerID == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("Identity was not set in config (was ipfs init run?)")

	if len(cfg.Identity.PeerID) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("No peer ID in config! (was ipfs init run?)")

	// address is optional
	var addresses []*ma.Multiaddr
	if len(cfg.Addresses.Swarm) > 0 {
		maddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(cfg.Addresses.Swarm)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		addresses = []*ma.Multiaddr{maddr}

	skb, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(cfg.Identity.PrivKey)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	sk, err := ci.UnmarshalPrivateKey(skb)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &peer.Peer{
		ID:        peer.ID(b58.Decode(cfg.Identity.PeerID)),
		Addresses: addresses,
		PrivKey:   sk,
		PubKey:    sk.GetPublic(),
	}, nil

func initConnections(ctx context.Context, cfg *config.Config, pstore peer.Peerstore, route *dht.IpfsDHT) {
	for _, p := range cfg.Bootstrap {
		if p.PeerID == "" {
			u.PErr("error: peer does not include PeerID. %v\n", p)

		maddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(p.Address)
		if err != nil {
			u.PErr("error: %v\n", err)

		// setup peer
		npeer := &peer.Peer{ID: peer.DecodePrettyID(p.PeerID)}

		if err = pstore.Put(npeer); err != nil {
			u.PErr("Bootstrapping error: %v\n", err)

		if _, err = route.Connect(ctx, npeer); err != nil {
			u.PErr("Bootstrapping error: %v\n", err)

// PinDagNode ensures a given node is stored persistently locally.
func (n *IpfsNode) PinDagNode(nd *merkledag.Node) error {
	u.DOut("Pinning node. Currently No-Op\n")
	return nil