// Package tar provides functionality to write a unixfs merkledag
// as a tar archive.
package tar

import (

	mdag "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/merkledag"
	ft "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/unixfs"
	uio "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/unixfs/io"
	upb "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/unixfs/pb"

	proto "gx/ipfs/QmZ4Qi3GaRbjcx28Sme5eMH7RQjGkt8wHxt2a65oLaeFEV/gogo-protobuf/proto"
	ipld "gx/ipfs/Qme5bWv7wtjUNGsK2BNGVUFPKiuxWrsqrtvYwCLRw8YFES/go-ipld-format"

// Writer is a utility structure that helps to write
// unixfs merkledag nodes as a tar archive format.
// It wraps any io.Writer.
type Writer struct {
	Dag  ipld.DAGService
	TarW *tar.Writer

	ctx context.Context

// NewWriter wraps given io.Writer.
func NewWriter(ctx context.Context, dag ipld.DAGService, archive bool, compression int, w io.Writer) (*Writer, error) {
	return &Writer{
		Dag:  dag,
		TarW: tar.NewWriter(w),
		ctx:  ctx,
	}, nil

func (w *Writer) writeDir(nd *mdag.ProtoNode, fpath string) error {
	if err := writeDirHeader(w.TarW, fpath); err != nil {
		return err

	for i, ng := range ipld.GetDAG(w.ctx, w.Dag, nd) {
		child, err := ng.Get(w.ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		npath := path.Join(fpath, nd.Links()[i].Name)
		if err := w.WriteNode(child, npath); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil

func (w *Writer) writeFile(nd *mdag.ProtoNode, pb *upb.Data, fpath string) error {
	if err := writeFileHeader(w.TarW, fpath, pb.GetFilesize()); err != nil {
		return err

	dagr := uio.NewPBFileReader(w.ctx, nd, pb, w.Dag)
	if _, err := dagr.WriteTo(w.TarW); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// WriteNode adds a node to the archive.
func (w *Writer) WriteNode(nd ipld.Node, fpath string) error {
	switch nd := nd.(type) {
	case *mdag.ProtoNode:
		pb := new(upb.Data)
		if err := proto.Unmarshal(nd.Data(), pb); err != nil {
			return err

		switch pb.GetType() {
		case upb.Data_Metadata:
		case upb.Data_Directory:
			return w.writeDir(nd, fpath)
		case upb.Data_Raw:
		case upb.Data_File:
			return w.writeFile(nd, pb, fpath)
		case upb.Data_Symlink:
			return writeSymlinkHeader(w.TarW, string(pb.GetData()), fpath)
			return ft.ErrUnrecognizedType
	case *mdag.RawNode:
		if err := writeFileHeader(w.TarW, fpath, uint64(len(nd.RawData()))); err != nil {
			return err

		if _, err := w.TarW.Write(nd.RawData()); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("nodes of type %T are not supported in unixfs", nd)

// Close closes the tar writer.
func (w *Writer) Close() error {
	return w.TarW.Close()

func writeDirHeader(w *tar.Writer, fpath string) error {
	return w.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{
		Name:     fpath,
		Typeflag: tar.TypeDir,
		Mode:     0777,
		ModTime:  time.Now(),
		// TODO: set mode, dates, etc. when added to unixFS

func writeFileHeader(w *tar.Writer, fpath string, size uint64) error {
	return w.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{
		Name:     fpath,
		Size:     int64(size),
		Typeflag: tar.TypeReg,
		Mode:     0644,
		ModTime:  time.Now(),
		// TODO: set mode, dates, etc. when added to unixFS

func writeSymlinkHeader(w *tar.Writer, target, fpath string) error {
	return w.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{
		Name:     fpath,
		Linkname: target,
		Mode:     0777,
		Typeflag: tar.TypeSymlink,