package tests import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "math" "math/rand" "os" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "testing" coreiface "" "" "gx/ipfs/QmQ1JnYpnzkaurjW1yxkQxC2w3K1PorNE1nv1vaP5Le7sq/go-unixfs" "gx/ipfs/QmQ1JnYpnzkaurjW1yxkQxC2w3K1PorNE1nv1vaP5Le7sq/go-unixfs/importer/helpers" "gx/ipfs/QmR8BauakNcBa3RbE4nbQu76PDiJgoQgz8AJdhJuiU4TAw/go-cid" cbor "gx/ipfs/QmRZxJ7oybgnnwriuRub9JXp5YdFM9wiGSyRq38QC7swpS/go-ipld-cbor" "gx/ipfs/QmaXvvAVAQ5ABqM5xtjYmV85xmN5MkWAZsX9H9Fwo4FVXp/go-ipfs-files" mdag "gx/ipfs/Qmb2UEG2TAeVrEJSjqsZF7Y2he7wRDkrdt6c3bECxwZf4k/go-merkledag" mh "gx/ipfs/QmerPMzPk1mJVowm8KgmoknWa4yCYvvugMPsgWmDNUvDLW/go-multihash" ) func (tp *provider) TestUnixfs(t *testing.T) { tp.hasApi(t, func(api coreiface.CoreAPI) error { if api.Unixfs() == nil { return apiNotImplemented } return nil }) t.Run("TestAdd", tp.TestAdd) t.Run("TestAddPinned", tp.TestAddPinned) t.Run("TestAddHashOnly", tp.TestAddHashOnly) t.Run("TestGetEmptyFile", tp.TestGetEmptyFile) t.Run("TestGetDir", tp.TestGetDir) t.Run("TestGetNonUnixfs", tp.TestGetNonUnixfs) t.Run("TestLs", tp.TestLs) t.Run("TestEntriesExpired", tp.TestEntriesExpired) t.Run("TestLsEmptyDir", tp.TestLsEmptyDir) t.Run("TestLsNonUnixfs", tp.TestLsNonUnixfs) t.Run("TestAddCloses", tp.TestAddCloses) t.Run("TestGetSeek", tp.TestGetSeek) } // `echo -n 'hello, world!' | ipfs add` var hello = "/ipfs/QmQy2Dw4Wk7rdJKjThjYXzfFJNaRKRHhHP5gHHXroJMYxk" var helloStr = "hello, world!" // `echo -n | ipfs add` var emptyFile = "/ipfs/QmbFMke1KXqnYyBBWxB74N4c5SBnJMVAiMNRcGu6x1AwQH" func strFile(data string) func() files.Node { return func() files.Node { return files.NewBytesFile([]byte(data)) } } func twoLevelDir() func() files.Node { return func() files.Node { return files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ "abc": files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ "def": files.NewBytesFile([]byte("world")), }), "bar": files.NewBytesFile([]byte("hello2")), "foo": files.NewBytesFile([]byte("hello1")), }) } } func flatDir() files.Node { return files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ "bar": files.NewBytesFile([]byte("hello2")), "foo": files.NewBytesFile([]byte("hello1")), }) } func wrapped(name string) func(f files.Node) files.Node { return func(f files.Node) files.Node { return files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ name: f, }) } } func (tp *provider) TestAdd(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() api, err := tp.makeAPI(ctx) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } p := func(h string) coreiface.ResolvedPath { c, err := cid.Parse(h) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return coreiface.IpfsPath(c) } rf, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "unixfs-add-real") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } rfp := rf.Name() if _, err := rf.Write([]byte(helloStr)); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } stat, err := rf.Stat() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := rf.Close(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer os.Remove(rfp) realFile := func() files.Node { n, err := files.NewReaderPathFile(rfp, ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(helloStr)), stat) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return n } cases := []struct { name string data func() files.Node expect func(files.Node) files.Node apiOpts []options.ApiOption path string err string wrap string events []coreiface.AddEvent opts []options.UnixfsAddOption }{ // Simple cases { name: "simpleAdd", data: strFile(helloStr), path: hello, opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{}, }, { name: "addEmpty", data: strFile(""), path: emptyFile, }, // CIDv1 version / rawLeaves { name: "addCidV1", data: strFile(helloStr), path: "/ipfs/zb2rhdhmJjJZs9qkhQCpCQ7VREFkqWw3h1r8utjVvQugwHPFd", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.CidVersion(1)}, }, { name: "addCidV1NoLeaves", data: strFile(helloStr), path: "/ipfs/zdj7WY4GbN8NDbTW1dfCShAQNVovams2xhq9hVCx5vXcjvT8g", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.CidVersion(1), options.Unixfs.RawLeaves(false)}, }, // Non sha256 hash vs CID { name: "addCidSha3", data: strFile(helloStr), path: "/ipfs/zb2wwnYtXBxpndNABjtYxWAPt3cwWNRnc11iT63fvkYV78iRb", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Hash(mh.SHA3_256)}, }, { name: "addCidSha3Cid0", data: strFile(helloStr), err: "CIDv0 only supports sha2-256", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.CidVersion(0), options.Unixfs.Hash(mh.SHA3_256)}, }, // Inline { name: "addInline", data: strFile(helloStr), path: "/ipfs/zaYomJdLndMku8P9LHngHB5w2CQ7NenLbv", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Inline(true)}, }, { name: "addInlineLimit", data: strFile(helloStr), path: "/ipfs/zaYomJdLndMku8P9LHngHB5w2CQ7NenLbv", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.InlineLimit(32), options.Unixfs.Inline(true)}, }, { name: "addInlineZero", data: strFile(""), path: "/ipfs/z2yYDV", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.InlineLimit(0), options.Unixfs.Inline(true), options.Unixfs.RawLeaves(true)}, }, { //TODO: after coreapi add is used in `ipfs add`, consider making this default for inline name: "addInlineRaw", data: strFile(helloStr), path: "/ipfs/zj7Gr8AcBreqGEfrnR5kPFe", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.InlineLimit(32), options.Unixfs.Inline(true), options.Unixfs.RawLeaves(true)}, }, // Chunker / Layout { name: "addChunks", data: strFile(strings.Repeat("aoeuidhtns", 200)), path: "/ipfs/QmRo11d4QJrST47aaiGVJYwPhoNA4ihRpJ5WaxBWjWDwbX", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Chunker("size-4")}, }, { name: "addChunksTrickle", data: strFile(strings.Repeat("aoeuidhtns", 200)), path: "/ipfs/QmNNhDGttafX3M1wKWixGre6PrLFGjnoPEDXjBYpTv93HP", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Chunker("size-4"), options.Unixfs.Layout(options.TrickleLayout)}, }, // Local { name: "addLocal", // better cases in sharness data: strFile(helloStr), path: hello, apiOpts: []options.ApiOption{options.Api.Offline(true)}, }, { name: "hashOnly", // test (non)fetchability data: strFile(helloStr), path: hello, opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.HashOnly(true)}, }, // multi file { name: "simpleDir", data: flatDir, wrap: "t", path: "/ipfs/QmRKGpFfR32FVXdvJiHfo4WJ5TDYBsM1P9raAp1p6APWSp", }, { name: "twoLevelDir", data: twoLevelDir(), wrap: "t", path: "/ipfs/QmVG2ZYCkV1S4TK8URA3a4RupBF17A8yAr4FqsRDXVJASr", }, // wrapped { name: "addWrapped", path: "/ipfs/QmVE9rNpj5doj7XHzp5zMUxD7BJgXEqx4pe3xZ3JBReWHE", data: func() files.Node { return files.NewBytesFile([]byte(helloStr)) }, wrap: "foo", expect: wrapped("foo"), opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Wrap(true)}, }, { name: "addNotWrappedDirFile", path: hello, data: func() files.Node { return files.NewBytesFile([]byte(helloStr)) }, wrap: "foo", }, { name: "stdinWrapped", path: "/ipfs/QmU3r81oZycjHS9oaSHw37ootMFuFUw1DvMLKXPsezdtqU", data: func() files.Node { return files.NewBytesFile([]byte(helloStr)) }, expect: func(files.Node) files.Node { return files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ "QmQy2Dw4Wk7rdJKjThjYXzfFJNaRKRHhHP5gHHXroJMYxk": files.NewBytesFile([]byte(helloStr)), }) }, opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Wrap(true)}, }, { name: "stdinNamed", path: "/ipfs/QmQ6cGBmb3ZbdrQW1MRm1RJnYnaxCqfssz7CrTa9NEhQyS", data: func() files.Node { rf, err := files.NewReaderPathFile(os.Stdin.Name(), ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(helloStr)), nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } return rf }, expect: func(files.Node) files.Node { return files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ "test": files.NewBytesFile([]byte(helloStr)), }) }, opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Wrap(true), options.Unixfs.StdinName("test")}, }, { name: "twoLevelDirWrapped", data: twoLevelDir(), wrap: "t", expect: wrapped("t"), path: "/ipfs/QmPwsL3T5sWhDmmAWZHAzyjKtMVDS9a11aHNRqb3xoVnmg", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Wrap(true)}, }, { name: "twoLevelInlineHash", data: twoLevelDir(), wrap: "t", expect: wrapped("t"), path: "/ipfs/zBunoruKoyCHKkALNSWxDvj4L7yuQnMgQ4hUa9j1Z64tVcDEcu6Zdetyu7eeFCxMPfxb7YJvHeFHoFoHMkBUQf6vfdhmi", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Wrap(true), options.Unixfs.Inline(true), options.Unixfs.RawLeaves(true), options.Unixfs.Hash(mh.SHA3)}, }, // hidden { name: "hiddenFiles", data: func() files.Node { return files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ ".bar": files.NewBytesFile([]byte("hello2")), "bar": files.NewBytesFile([]byte("hello2")), "foo": files.NewBytesFile([]byte("hello1")), }) }, wrap: "t", path: "/ipfs/QmehGvpf2hY196MzDFmjL8Wy27S4jbgGDUAhBJyvXAwr3g", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Hidden(true)}, }, { name: "hiddenFileAlwaysAdded", data: func() files.Node { return files.NewBytesFile([]byte(helloStr)) }, wrap: ".foo", path: hello, }, { name: "hiddenFilesNotAdded", data: func() files.Node { return files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ ".bar": files.NewBytesFile([]byte("hello2")), "bar": files.NewBytesFile([]byte("hello2")), "foo": files.NewBytesFile([]byte("hello1")), }) }, expect: func(files.Node) files.Node { return flatDir() }, wrap: "t", path: "/ipfs/QmRKGpFfR32FVXdvJiHfo4WJ5TDYBsM1P9raAp1p6APWSp", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Hidden(false)}, }, // NoCopy { name: "simpleNoCopy", data: realFile, path: "/ipfs/zb2rhdhmJjJZs9qkhQCpCQ7VREFkqWw3h1r8utjVvQugwHPFd", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Nocopy(true)}, }, { name: "noCopyNoRaw", data: realFile, path: "/ipfs/zb2rhdhmJjJZs9qkhQCpCQ7VREFkqWw3h1r8utjVvQugwHPFd", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Nocopy(true), options.Unixfs.RawLeaves(false)}, err: "nocopy option requires '--raw-leaves' to be enabled as well", }, { name: "noCopyNoPath", data: strFile(helloStr), path: "/ipfs/zb2rhdhmJjJZs9qkhQCpCQ7VREFkqWw3h1r8utjVvQugwHPFd", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Nocopy(true)}, err: helpers.ErrMissingFsRef.Error(), }, // Events / Progress { name: "simpleAddEvent", data: strFile(helloStr), path: "/ipfs/zb2rhdhmJjJZs9qkhQCpCQ7VREFkqWw3h1r8utjVvQugwHPFd", events: []coreiface.AddEvent{ {Name: "zb2rhdhmJjJZs9qkhQCpCQ7VREFkqWw3h1r8utjVvQugwHPFd", Path: p("zb2rhdhmJjJZs9qkhQCpCQ7VREFkqWw3h1r8utjVvQugwHPFd"), Size: strconv.Itoa(len(helloStr))}, }, opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.RawLeaves(true)}, }, { name: "silentAddEvent", data: twoLevelDir(), path: "/ipfs/QmVG2ZYCkV1S4TK8URA3a4RupBF17A8yAr4FqsRDXVJASr", events: []coreiface.AddEvent{ {Name: "t/abc", Path: p("QmU7nuGs2djqK99UNsNgEPGh6GV4662p6WtsgccBNGTDxt"), Size: "62"}, {Name: "t", Path: p("QmVG2ZYCkV1S4TK8URA3a4RupBF17A8yAr4FqsRDXVJASr"), Size: "229"}, }, wrap: "t", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Silent(true)}, }, { name: "dirAddEvents", data: twoLevelDir(), path: "/ipfs/QmVG2ZYCkV1S4TK8URA3a4RupBF17A8yAr4FqsRDXVJASr", events: []coreiface.AddEvent{ {Name: "t/abc/def", Path: p("QmNyJpQkU1cEkBwMDhDNFstr42q55mqG5GE5Mgwug4xyGk"), Size: "13"}, {Name: "t/bar", Path: p("QmS21GuXiRMvJKHos4ZkEmQDmRBqRaF5tQS2CQCu2ne9sY"), Size: "14"}, {Name: "t/foo", Path: p("QmfAjGiVpTN56TXi6SBQtstit5BEw3sijKj1Qkxn6EXKzJ"), Size: "14"}, {Name: "t/abc", Path: p("QmU7nuGs2djqK99UNsNgEPGh6GV4662p6WtsgccBNGTDxt"), Size: "62"}, {Name: "t", Path: p("QmVG2ZYCkV1S4TK8URA3a4RupBF17A8yAr4FqsRDXVJASr"), Size: "229"}, }, wrap: "t", }, { name: "progress1M", data: func() files.Node { return files.NewReaderFile(bytes.NewReader(bytes.Repeat([]byte{0}, 1000000))) }, path: "/ipfs/QmXXNNbwe4zzpdMg62ZXvnX1oU7MwSrQ3vAEtuwFKCm1oD", events: []coreiface.AddEvent{ {Name: "", Bytes: 262144}, {Name: "", Bytes: 524288}, {Name: "", Bytes: 786432}, {Name: "", Bytes: 1000000}, {Name: "QmXXNNbwe4zzpdMg62ZXvnX1oU7MwSrQ3vAEtuwFKCm1oD", Path: p("QmXXNNbwe4zzpdMg62ZXvnX1oU7MwSrQ3vAEtuwFKCm1oD"), Size: "1000256"}, }, wrap: "", opts: []options.UnixfsAddOption{options.Unixfs.Progress(true)}, }, } for _, testCase := range cases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) defer cancel() // recursive logic data := if testCase.wrap != "" { data = files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ testCase.wrap: data, }) } // handle events if relevant to test case opts := testCase.opts eventOut := make(chan interface{}) var evtWg sync.WaitGroup if len( > 0 { opts = append(opts, options.Unixfs.Events(eventOut)) evtWg.Add(1) go func() { defer evtWg.Done() expected := for evt := range eventOut { event, ok := evt.(*coreiface.AddEvent) if !ok { t.Fatal("unexpected event type") } if len(expected) < 1 { t.Fatal("got more events than expected") } if expected[0].Size != event.Size { t.Errorf("Event.Size didn't match, %s != %s", expected[0].Size, event.Size) } if expected[0].Name != event.Name { t.Errorf("Event.Name didn't match, %s != %s", expected[0].Name, event.Name) } if expected[0].Path != nil && event.Path != nil { if expected[0].Path.Cid().String() != event.Path.Cid().String() { t.Errorf("Event.Hash didn't match, %s != %s", expected[0].Path, event.Path) } } else if event.Path != expected[0].Path { t.Errorf("Event.Hash didn't match, %s != %s", expected[0].Path, event.Path) } if expected[0].Bytes != event.Bytes { t.Errorf("Event.Bytes didn't match, %d != %d", expected[0].Bytes, event.Bytes) } expected = expected[1:] } if len(expected) > 0 { t.Fatalf("%d event(s) didn't arrive", len(expected)) } }() } tapi, err := api.WithOptions(testCase.apiOpts...) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Add! p, err := tapi.Unixfs().Add(ctx, data, opts...) close(eventOut) evtWg.Wait() if testCase.err != "" { if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected an error: %s", testCase.err) } if err.Error() != testCase.err { t.Fatalf("expected an error: '%s' != '%s'", err.Error(), testCase.err) } return } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if p.String() != testCase.path { t.Errorf("expected path %s, got: %s", testCase.path, p) } // compare file structure with Unixfs().Get var cmpFile func(origName string, orig files.Node, gotName string, got files.Node) cmpFile = func(origName string, orig files.Node, gotName string, got files.Node) { _, origDir := orig.(files.Directory) _, gotDir := got.(files.Directory) if origDir != gotDir { t.Fatal("file type mismatch") } if origName != gotName { t.Errorf("file name mismatch, orig='%s', got='%s'", origName, gotName) } if !gotDir { defer orig.Close() defer got.Close() do, err := ioutil.ReadAll(orig.(files.File)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } dg, err := ioutil.ReadAll(got.(files.File)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !bytes.Equal(do, dg) { t.Fatal("data not equal") } return } origIt := orig.(files.Directory).Entries() gotIt := got.(files.Directory).Entries() for { if origIt.Next() { if !gotIt.Next() { t.Fatal("gotIt out of entries before origIt") } } else { if gotIt.Next() { t.Fatal("origIt out of entries before gotIt") } break } cmpFile(origIt.Name(), origIt.Node(), gotIt.Name(), gotIt.Node()) } if origIt.Err() != nil { t.Fatal(origIt.Err()) } if gotIt.Err() != nil { t.Fatal(gotIt.Err()) } } f, err := tapi.Unixfs().Get(ctx, p) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } orig := if testCase.expect != nil { orig = testCase.expect(orig) } cmpFile("", orig, "", f) }) } } func (tp *provider) TestAddPinned(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() api, err := tp.makeAPI(ctx) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } _, err = api.Unixfs().Add(ctx, strFile(helloStr)(), options.Unixfs.Pin(true)) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } pins, err := api.Pin().Ls(ctx) if len(pins) != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected 1 pin, got %d", len(pins)) } if pins[0].Path().String() != "/ipld/QmQy2Dw4Wk7rdJKjThjYXzfFJNaRKRHhHP5gHHXroJMYxk" { t.Fatalf("got unexpected pin: %s", pins[0].Path().String()) } } func (tp *provider) TestAddHashOnly(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() api, err := tp.makeAPI(ctx) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } p, err := api.Unixfs().Add(ctx, strFile(helloStr)(), options.Unixfs.HashOnly(true)) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } if p.String() != hello { t.Errorf("unxepected path: %s", p.String()) } _, err = api.Block().Get(ctx, p) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected an error") } if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "blockservice: key not found") { t.Errorf("unxepected error: %s", err.Error()) } } func (tp *provider) TestGetEmptyFile(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() api, err := tp.makeAPI(ctx) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = api.Unixfs().Add(ctx, files.NewBytesFile([]byte{})) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } emptyFilePath, err := coreiface.ParsePath(emptyFile) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } r, err := api.Unixfs().Get(ctx, emptyFilePath) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } buf := make([]byte, 1) // non-zero so that Read() actually tries to read n, err := io.ReadFull(r.(files.File), buf) if err != nil && err != io.EOF { t.Error(err) } if !bytes.HasPrefix(buf, []byte{0x00}) { t.Fatalf("expected empty data, got [%s] [read=%d]", buf, n) } } func (tp *provider) TestGetDir(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() api, err := tp.makeAPI(ctx) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } edir := unixfs.EmptyDirNode() err = api.Dag().Add(ctx, edir) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } p := coreiface.IpfsPath(edir.Cid()) emptyDir, err := api.Object().New(ctx, options.Object.Type("unixfs-dir")) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } if p.String() != coreiface.IpfsPath(emptyDir.Cid()).String() { t.Fatalf("expected path %s, got: %s", emptyDir.Cid(), p.String()) } r, err := api.Unixfs().Get(ctx, coreiface.IpfsPath(emptyDir.Cid())) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } if _, ok := r.(files.Directory); !ok { t.Fatalf("expected a directory") } } func (tp *provider) TestGetNonUnixfs(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() api, err := tp.makeAPI(ctx) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } nd := new(mdag.ProtoNode) err = api.Dag().Add(ctx, nd) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } _, err = api.Unixfs().Get(ctx, coreiface.IpfsPath(nd.Cid())) if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "proto: required field") { t.Fatalf("expected protobuf error, got: %s", err) } } func (tp *provider) TestLs(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() api, err := tp.makeAPI(ctx) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } r := strings.NewReader("content-of-file") p, err := api.Unixfs().Add(ctx, files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ "0": files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ "name-of-file": files.NewReaderFile(r), }), })) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } links, err := api.Unixfs().Ls(ctx, p) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } linkRes := <-links if linkRes.Err != nil { t.Fatal(linkRes.Err) } link := linkRes.Link if linkRes.Size != 15 { t.Fatalf("expected size = 15, got %d", link.Size) } if link.Name != "name-of-file" { t.Fatalf("expected name = name-of-file, got %s", link.Name) } if link.Cid.String() != "QmX3qQVKxDGz3URVC3861Z3CKtQKGBn6ffXRBBWGMFz9Lr" { t.Fatalf("expected cid = QmX3qQVKxDGz3URVC3861Z3CKtQKGBn6ffXRBBWGMFz9Lr, got %s", link.Cid) } if l, ok := <-links; ok { t.Errorf("didn't expect a second link") if l.Err != nil { t.Error(l.Err) } } } func (tp *provider) TestEntriesExpired(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() api, err := tp.makeAPI(ctx) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } r := strings.NewReader("content-of-file") p, err := api.Unixfs().Add(ctx, files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ "0": files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ "name-of-file": files.NewReaderFile(r), }), })) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx) nd, err := api.Unixfs().Get(ctx, p) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } cancel() it := files.ToDir(nd).Entries() if it == nil { t.Fatal("it was nil") } if it.Next() { t.Fatal("Next succeeded") } if it.Err() != context.Canceled { t.Fatalf("unexpected error %s", it.Err()) } if it.Next() { t.Fatal("Next succeeded") } } func (tp *provider) TestLsEmptyDir(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() api, err := tp.makeAPI(ctx) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } _, err = api.Unixfs().Add(ctx, files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{"0": files.NewSliceDirectory([]files.DirEntry{})})) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } emptyDir, err := api.Object().New(ctx, options.Object.Type("unixfs-dir")) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } links, err := api.Unixfs().Ls(ctx, coreiface.IpfsPath(emptyDir.Cid())) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } if len(links) != 0 { t.Fatalf("expected 0 links, got %d", len(links)) } } // TODO(lgierth) this should test properly, with len(links) > 0 func (tp *provider) TestLsNonUnixfs(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() api, err := tp.makeAPI(ctx) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } nd, err := cbor.WrapObject(map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"}, math.MaxUint64, -1) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = api.Dag().Add(ctx, nd) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } links, err := api.Unixfs().Ls(ctx, coreiface.IpfsPath(nd.Cid())) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } if len(links) != 0 { t.Fatalf("expected 0 links, got %d", len(links)) } } type closeTestF struct { files.File closed bool t *testing.T } type closeTestD struct { files.Directory closed bool t *testing.T } func (f *closeTestD) Close() error { if f.closed { f.t.Fatal("already closed") } f.closed = true return nil } func (f *closeTestF) Close() error { if f.closed { f.t.Fatal("already closed") } f.closed = true return nil } func (tp *provider) TestAddCloses(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() api, err := tp.makeAPI(ctx) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } n4 := &closeTestF{files.NewBytesFile([]byte("foo")), false, t} d3 := &closeTestD{files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ "sub": n4, }), false, t} n2 := &closeTestF{files.NewBytesFile([]byte("bar")), false, t} n1 := &closeTestF{files.NewBytesFile([]byte("baz")), false, t} d0 := &closeTestD{files.NewMapDirectory(map[string]files.Node{ "a": d3, "b": n1, "c": n2, }), false, t} _, err = api.Unixfs().Add(ctx, d0) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } d0.Close() // Adder doesn't close top-level file for i, n := range []*closeTestF{n1, n2, n4} { if !n.closed { t.Errorf("file %d not closed!", i) } } for i, n := range []*closeTestD{d0, d3} { if !n.closed { t.Errorf("dir %d not closed!", i) } } } func (tp *provider) TestGetSeek(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() api, err := tp.makeAPI(ctx) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } dataSize := int64(100000) tf := files.NewReaderFile(io.LimitReader(rand.New(rand.NewSource(1403768328)), dataSize)) p, err := api.Unixfs().Add(ctx, tf, options.Unixfs.Chunker("size-100")) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } r, err := api.Unixfs().Get(ctx, p) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } f := files.ToFile(r) if f == nil { t.Fatal("not a file") } orig := make([]byte, dataSize) if _, err := io.ReadFull(f, orig); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } f.Close() origR := bytes.NewReader(orig) r, err = api.Unixfs().Get(ctx, p) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } f = files.ToFile(r) if f == nil { t.Fatal("not a file") } test := func(offset int64, whence int, read int, expect int64, shouldEof bool) { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("seek%d+%d-r%d-%d", whence, offset, read, expect), func(t *testing.T) { n, err := f.Seek(offset, whence) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } origN, err := origR.Seek(offset, whence) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if n != origN { t.Fatalf("offsets didn't match, expected %d, got %d", origN, n) } buf := make([]byte, read) origBuf := make([]byte, read) origRead, err := origR.Read(origBuf) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("orig: %s", err) } r, err := io.ReadFull(f, buf) switch { case shouldEof && err != nil && err != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF: fallthrough case !shouldEof && err != nil: t.Fatalf("f: %s", err) case shouldEof: _, err := f.Read([]byte{0}) if err != io.EOF { t.Fatal("expected EOF") } _, err = origR.Read([]byte{0}) if err != io.EOF { t.Fatal("expected EOF (orig)") } } if int64(r) != expect { t.Fatal("read wrong amount of data") } if r != origRead { t.Fatal("read different amount of data than bytes.Reader") } if !bytes.Equal(buf, origBuf) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "original:\n%s\n", hex.Dump(origBuf)) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "got:\n%s\n", hex.Dump(buf)) t.Fatal("data didn't match") } }) } test(3, io.SeekCurrent, 10, 10, false) test(3, io.SeekCurrent, 10, 10, false) test(500, io.SeekCurrent, 10, 10, false) test(350, io.SeekStart, 100, 100, false) test(-123, io.SeekCurrent, 100, 100, false) test(0, io.SeekStart, int(dataSize), dataSize, false) test(dataSize-50, io.SeekStart, 100, 50, true) test(-5, io.SeekEnd, 100, 5, true) }