Unverified Commit 9f788466 authored by Rod Vagg's avatar Rod Vagg

untangle marshal

parent c93d8a66
......@@ -88,6 +88,18 @@ func validate(t *testing.T, actual ipld.Node, expected *pb.PBNode) {
func runTest(t *testing.T, bytsHex string, expected *pb.PBNode) {
byts, _ := hex.DecodeString(bytsHex)
roundTrip := func(t *testing.T, node ipld.Node) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := Marshal(node, &buf); err != nil {
// fmt.Printf("CMP\n\tFrom: %v\n\tTo: %v\n", hex.EncodeToString(byts), hex.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()))
if bytes.Compare(buf.Bytes(), byts) != 0 {
t.Fatal("Round-trip resulted in different bytes")
t.Run("basicnode", func(t *testing.T) {
nb := basicnode.Prototype__Map{}.NewBuilder()
err := Unmarshal(nb, bytes.NewReader(byts))
......@@ -97,15 +109,7 @@ func runTest(t *testing.T, bytsHex string, expected *pb.PBNode) {
node := nb.Build()
validate(t, node, expected)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := Marshal(node, &buf); err != nil {
if bytes.Compare(buf.Bytes(), byts) != 0 {
t.Fatal("Round-trip resulted in different bytes")
roundTrip(t, node)
t.Run("typed", func(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -114,7 +118,9 @@ func runTest(t *testing.T, bytsHex string, expected *pb.PBNode) {
if err != nil {
validate(t, nb.Build(), expected)
node := nb.Build()
validate(t, node, expected)
roundTrip(t, node)
......@@ -3,133 +3,195 @@ package dagpb
import (
math_bits "math/bits"
ipld "github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime"
cidlink "github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/linking/cid"
pb "github.com/rvagg/go-dagpb/pb"
type pbLink struct {
hash cid.Cid
name string
hasName bool
tsize uint64
hasTsize bool
func Marshal(inNode ipld.Node, out io.Writer) error {
// Wrap in a typed node for some basic schema form checking
builder := Type.PBNode.NewBuilder()
if err := builder.AssignNode(inNode); err != nil {
return err
node := builder.Build()
curField := pb.TypeLinks
var linksIter ipld.ListIterator
var link ipld.Node
tokenSource := func() (pb.Token, error) {
if curField == pb.TypeLinks {
links, err := node.LookupByString("Links")
if err != nil {
return pb.Token{}, err
if links.Length() == 0 {
curField = pb.TypeData
} else {
curField = pb.TypeHash
linksIter = links.ListIterator()
_, link, err = linksIter.Next()
if err != nil {
return pb.Token{}, err
return err
if links.Length() > 0 {
// collect links into a slice so we can properly sort for encoding
pbLinks := make([]pbLink, links.Length())
if curField == pb.TypeData {
curField = pb.TypeEnd
d, err := node.LookupByString("Data")
if err != nil {
return pb.Token{}, err
if !d.IsAbsent() {
b, err := d.AsBytes()
linksIter := links.ListIterator()
for !linksIter.Done() {
ii, link, err := linksIter.Next()
if err != nil {
return pb.Token{}, err
return pb.Token{Type: pb.TypeData, Bytes: b}, nil
if curField == pb.TypeEnd {
return pb.Token{Type: pb.TypeEnd}, nil
return err
for {
if curField == pb.TypeHash {
curField = pb.TypeName
{ // Hash
d, err := link.LookupByString("Hash")
if err != nil {
return pb.Token{}, err
return err
// TODO:
// return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid DAG-PB form (link must have a Hash)")
l, err := d.AsLink()
if err != nil {
return pb.Token{}, err
return err
if err != nil {
return err
if cl, ok := l.(cidlink.Link); ok {
return pb.Token{Type: pb.TypeHash, Cid: &cl.Cid}, nil
cl, ok := l.(cidlink.Link)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected Link type [%v]", l)
return pb.Token{}, fmt.Errorf("unexpected Link type [%v]", l)
pbLinks[ii].hash = cl.Cid
if curField == pb.TypeName {
curField = pb.TypeTSize
{ // Name
nameNode, err := link.LookupByString("Name")
if err != nil {
return pb.Token{}, err
return err
if !nameNode.IsAbsent() {
name, err := nameNode.AsString()
if err != nil {
return pb.Token{}, err
return err
return pb.Token{Type: pb.TypeName, Bytes: []byte(name)}, nil
pbLinks[ii].name = name
pbLinks[ii].hasName = true
if curField == pb.TypeTSize {
curField = pb.TypeLinkEnd
{ // Tsize
tsizeNode, err := link.LookupByString("Tsize")
if err != nil {
return pb.Token{}, err
return err
if !tsizeNode.IsAbsent() {
tsize, err := tsizeNode.AsInt()
if err != nil {
return pb.Token{}, err
return err
if tsize < 0 {
return pb.Token{}, fmt.Errorf("Link has negative Tsize value [%v]", tsize)
return fmt.Errorf("Link has negative Tsize value [%v]", tsize)
utsize := uint64(tsize)
pbLinks[ii].tsize = utsize
pbLinks[ii].hasTsize = true
} // for
for _, link := range pbLinks {
size := link.encodedSize()
chunk := make([]byte, size+sizeOfVarint(uint64(size))+1)
chunk[0] = 0x12
offset := encodeVarint(chunk, 1, uint64(size))
wrote, err := link.marshal(chunk, offset)
if err != nil {
return err
return pb.Token{Type: pb.TypeTSize, Int: uint64(tsize)}, nil
if wrote != size {
return fmt.Errorf("bad PBLink marshal, wrote wrong number of bytes")
} // if links
if curField == pb.TypeLinkEnd {
if linksIter.Done() {
curField = pb.TypeData
} else {
curField = pb.TypeHash
var err error
_, link, err = linksIter.Next()
data, err := node.LookupByString("Data")
if err != nil {
return pb.Token{}, err
return err
if !data.IsAbsent() {
byts, err := data.AsBytes()
if err != nil {
return err
return pb.Token{Type: pb.TypeLinkEnd}, nil
size := uint64(len(byts))
lead := make([]byte, sizeOfVarint(size)+1)
lead[0] = 0xa
encodeVarint(lead, 1, size)
if curField != pb.TypeHash {
return pb.Token{}, fmt.Errorf("unexpected and invalid token state")
return nil
func (link pbLink) encodedSize() (n int) {
l := link.hash.ByteLen()
n += 1 + l + sizeOfVarint(uint64(l))
if link.hasName {
l = len(link.name)
n += 1 + l + sizeOfVarint(uint64(l))
if link.hasTsize {
n += 1 + sizeOfVarint(uint64(link.tsize))
return n
func (link pbLink) marshal(data []byte, offset int) (int, error) {
base := offset
data[offset] = 0xa
byts := link.hash.Bytes()
offset = encodeVarint(data, offset+1, uint64(len(byts)))
copy(data[offset:], byts)
offset += len(byts)
if link.hasName {
data[offset] = 0x12
offset = encodeVarint(data, offset+1, uint64(len(link.name)))
copy(data[offset:], link.name)
offset += len(link.name)
if link.hasTsize {
data[offset] = 0x18
offset = encodeVarint(data, offset+1, uint64(link.tsize))
return offset - base, nil
func encodeVarint(data []byte, offset int, v uint64) int {
for v >= 1<<7 {
data[offset] = uint8(v&0x7f | 0x80)
v >>= 7
data[offset] = uint8(v)
return offset + 1
func sortLinks(links []pbLink) {
type pbLinkSlice []pbLink
func (ls pbLinkSlice) Len() int { return len(ls) }
func (ls pbLinkSlice) Swap(a, b int) { ls[a], ls[b] = ls[b], ls[a] }
func (ls pbLinkSlice) Less(a, b int) bool { return pbLinkLess(ls[a], ls[b]) }
func pbLinkLess(a pbLink, b pbLink) bool {
return a.name < b.name
return pb.Marshal(out, tokenSource)
func sizeOfVarint(x uint64) (n int) {
return (math_bits.Len64(x|1) + 6) / 7
......@@ -60,7 +60,11 @@ func NewPBLink(name string, c cid.Cid, tsize uint64) *PBLink {
func (node *PBNode) SortLinks() {
func SortLinks(links []*PBLink) {
type pbLinkSlice []*PBLink
......@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ import (
// Marshal TODO
func Marshal(out io.Writer, tokenSource func() (Token, error)) error {
writeLead := func(wire byte, size uint64) {
lead := make([]byte, sizeOfVarint(size)+1)
lead := make([]byte, SizeOfVarint(size)+1)
lead[0] = wire
encodeVarint(lead, len(lead), size)
EncodeVarint(lead, len(lead), size)
......@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ func Marshal(out io.Writer, tokenSource func() (Token, error)) error {
writeLead(0xa, uint64(len(tok.Bytes)))
case TypeLinkEnd:
l := link.size()
l := link.EncodedSize()
writeLead(0x12, uint64(l))
chunk := make([]byte, l)
wrote, err := link.marshal(chunk)
wrote, err := link.Marshal(chunk)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -59,50 +59,50 @@ func Marshal(out io.Writer, tokenSource func() (Token, error)) error {
func MarshalPBNode(node *PBNode) ([]byte, error) {
if err := node.validate(); err != nil {
if err := node.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
size := node.size()
size := node.EncodedSize()
data := make([]byte, size)
i := len(data)
if node.Data != nil {
i -= len(node.Data)
copy(data[i:], node.Data)
i = encodeVarint(data, i, uint64(len(node.Data))) - 1
i = EncodeVarint(data, i, uint64(len(node.Data))) - 1
data[i] = 0xa
if len(node.Links) > 0 {
for index := len(node.Links) - 1; index >= 0; index-- {
size, err := node.Links[index].marshal(data[:i])
size, err := node.Links[index].Marshal(data[:i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
i -= size
i = encodeVarint(data, i, uint64(size)) - 1
i = EncodeVarint(data, i, uint64(size)) - 1
data[i] = 0x12
return data[:size], nil
func (link *PBLink) marshal(data []byte) (int, error) {
func (link *PBLink) Marshal(data []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(data)
if link.Tsize != nil {
i = encodeVarint(data, i, uint64(*link.Tsize)) - 1
i = EncodeVarint(data, i, uint64(*link.Tsize)) - 1
data[i] = 0x18
if link.Name != nil {
i -= len(*link.Name)
copy(data[i:], *link.Name)
i = encodeVarint(data, i, uint64(len(*link.Name))) - 1
i = EncodeVarint(data, i, uint64(len(*link.Name))) - 1
data[i] = 0x12
if link.Hash != nil {
byts := link.Hash.Bytes()
i -= len(byts)
copy(data[i:], byts)
i = encodeVarint(data, i, uint64(len(byts))) - 1
i = EncodeVarint(data, i, uint64(len(byts))) - 1
data[i] = 0xa
} else {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid DAG-PB form (link must have a Hash)")
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func (link *PBLink) marshal(data []byte) (int, error) {
return len(data) - i, nil
func (node *PBNode) validate() error {
func (node *PBNode) Validate() error {
if node == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("PBNode not defined")
......@@ -132,45 +132,45 @@ func (node *PBNode) validate() error {
return nil
func (link *PBLink) size() (n int) {
func (link *PBLink) EncodedSize() (n int) {
if link == nil {
return 0
var l int
if link.Hash != nil {
l = link.Hash.ByteLen()
n += 1 + l + sizeOfVarint(uint64(l))
n += 1 + l + SizeOfVarint(uint64(l))
if link.Name != nil {
l = len(*link.Name)
n += 1 + l + sizeOfVarint(uint64(l))
n += 1 + l + SizeOfVarint(uint64(l))
if link.Tsize != nil {
n += 1 + sizeOfVarint(uint64(*link.Tsize))
n += 1 + SizeOfVarint(uint64(*link.Tsize))
return n
func (node *PBNode) size() (n int) {
func (node *PBNode) EncodedSize() (n int) {
if node == nil {
return 0
var l int
if node.Data != nil {
l = len(node.Data)
n += 1 + l + sizeOfVarint(uint64(l))
n += 1 + l + SizeOfVarint(uint64(l))
if len(node.Links) > 0 {
for _, e := range node.Links {
l = e.size()
n += 1 + l + sizeOfVarint(uint64(l))
l = e.EncodedSize()
n += 1 + l + SizeOfVarint(uint64(l))
return n
func encodeVarint(data []byte, offset int, v uint64) int {
offset -= sizeOfVarint(v)
func EncodeVarint(data []byte, offset int, v uint64) int {
offset -= SizeOfVarint(v)
base := offset
for v >= 1<<7 {
data[offset] = uint8(v&0x7f | 0x80)
......@@ -181,6 +181,6 @@ func encodeVarint(data []byte, offset int, v uint64) int {
return base
func sizeOfVarint(x uint64) (n int) {
func SizeOfVarint(x uint64) (n int) {
return (math_bits.Len64(x|1) + 6) / 7
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