Commit 22687e04 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

Remarks on effects and visibility and wip states.

And tests for them and when they should fail.

Which provokes the inclusion of a few fixes, to make things fail where
they dang well should.

Tests, yo.  They're definitely important.  *Especially* for when things
get *off* the happy path.
parent 9fda6b77
......@@ -108,3 +108,33 @@ Related to the above heading.
Maps and lists in this package do their own internal handling of scalars,
using unexported features inside the package, because they can more efficient.
### when to invalidate the 'w' pointers
The 'w' pointer -- short for 'wip' node pointer -- has an interesting lifecycle.
In a NodeAssembler, the 'w' pointer should be intialized before the assembler is used.
This means either the matching NodeBuilder type does so; or,
if we're inside recursive structure, the parent assembler did so.
The 'w' pointer is used throughout the life of the assembler.
When assembly becomes "finished", the 'w' pointer should be set to nil,
in order to make it impossible to continue to mutate that node.
However, this doesn't *quite* work... because in the case of builders (at the root),
we need to continue to hold onto the node between when it becomes "finished"
and when Build is called, allowing us to return it (and then finally nil 'w').
This has some kinda wild implications. In recursive structures, it means the
child assembler wrapper type is the one who takes reponsibility for nilling out
the 'w' pointer at the same time as it updates the parent's state machine to
proceed with the next entry. In the case of scalars at the root of a build,
it means *you can actually use the assign method more than once*.
We could normalize the case with scalars at the root of a tree by adding another
piece of memory to the scalar builders... but currently we haven't bothered.
We're not in trouble on compositional correctness because nothing's visible
until Build is called (whereas recursives have to be a lot stricter around this,
because if something gets validated and finished, it's already essential that
it now be unable to mutate out of the validated state, even if it's also not
yet 'visible').
......@@ -386,7 +386,8 @@ func (ma *_Map_K_T__Assembler) AssembleDirectly(k string) (ipld.NodeAssembler, e
l := len(ma.w.t)
ma.w.t = append(ma.w.t, _Map_K_T__entry{k: K{k}})
ma.w.m[K{k}] = &ma.w.t[l].v
// Init the value assembler with a pointer to its target and yield it.
// Init the value assembler with a pointer to its target and to whole 'ma' and yield it. = ma = &ma.w.t[l].v
return &, nil
......@@ -400,7 +401,8 @@ func (ma *_Map_K_T__Assembler) AssembleKey() ipld.NodeAssembler {
// Extend entry table.
l := len(ma.w.t)
ma.w.t = append(ma.w.t, _Map_K_T__entry{})
// Init the key assembler with a pointer to its target and yield it.
// Init the key assembler with a pointer to its target and to whole 'ma' and yield it. = ma = &ma.w.t[l].k
return &ma.ka
......@@ -410,7 +412,8 @@ func (ma *_Map_K_T__Assembler) AssembleValue() ipld.NodeAssembler {
ma.state = maState_midValue
// Init the value assembler with a pointer to its target and yield it.
// Init the value assembler with a pointer to its targetand to whole 'ma' and yield it. = ma = &ma.w.t[len(ma.w.t)-1].v
return &
......@@ -450,6 +453,7 @@ func (mka *_Map_K_T__KeyAssembler) AssignString(v string) error {[K{v}] = &[len(].v
// Update parent assembler state: clear to proceed. = maState_expectValue = nil // invalidate self to prevent further incorrect use.
return nil
func (_Map_K_T__KeyAssembler) AssignBytes([]byte) error { panic("no") }
......@@ -491,12 +495,14 @@ func (mva *_Map_K_T__ValueAssembler) AssignNode(v ipld.Node) error {
func (mva *_Map_K_T__ValueAssembler) flush() {
// The child assembler already assigned directly into the target memory,
// and should have invalided its 'w' pointer when it was finished doing so,
// so there's not much to do here... except update the assembler state machine.
// We also don't check the previous state because:
// A) the appropriate time to do that would've been *before* assignments; and
// B) if we were in a wrong state, we should've gotten a nil ptr panic when assigning 'w' content.
// We also don't check the previous state because context makes us already sure:
// A) the appropriate time to do that would've been *before* assignments;
// A.2) accordingly, we did so before exposing this value assembler at all; and
// B) if we were in a wrong state because someone holds onto this too long,
// the invalidation we're about to do on `` will make . = maState_initial = nil // invalidate self to prevent further incorrect use.
func (_Map_K_T__ValueAssembler) Style() ipld.NodeStyle { panic("later") }
......@@ -151,6 +151,30 @@ func CheckMapStrInt(t *testing.T, ns ipld.NodeStyle) {
// (and if it's clever, it'll differ from untyped, which will mean no assertion possible!).
t.Run("using expired child assemblers should panic", func(t *testing.T) {
nb := ns.NewBuilder()
ma, err := nb.BeginMap(3)
// Assemble a key, and then try to assign it again. Latter should fail.
ka := ma.AssembleKey()
func() {
defer func() { recover() }()
t.Fatal("must not be reached")
// Assemble a value, and then try to assign it again. Latter should fail.
// (This does assume your system can continue after disregarding the last error.)
va := ma.AssembleValue()
func() {
defer func() { recover() }()
t.Fatal("must not be reached")
t.Run("builder reset works", func(t *testing.T) {
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