Commit d9d56825 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

Better document why some of the branches around direct byte slice access matter in LinkSystem.

(It can be hard to intuit this just by reading the code, because some
of the key relevance is actually in *other* functions that might not
be in this repo at all!)
parent 6386588d
......@@ -68,9 +68,14 @@ func (lsys *LinkSystem) Fill(lnkCtx LinkContext, lnk Link, na NodeAssembler) err
return ErrHashMismatch{Actual: lnk2, Expected: lnk}
// Perform decoding (knowing the hash is already verified).
// Note that the decoder recieves the same reader as we started with,
// and as a result, is also free to detect a `Bytes() []byte` accessor and do any optimizations it wishes to based on that.
return decoder(na, reader)
} else {
// Tee the stream so that the hasher is fed as the unmarshal progresses through the stream.
// Note: the tee means *the decoder doesn't get to see the original reader type*.
// This is part of why the `Bytes() []byte` branch above is useful; the decoder loses any ability to do a similar check
// and optimization when the tee is in the middle.
tee := io.TeeReader(reader, hasher)
decodeErr := decoder(na, tee)
if decodeErr != nil { // It is important to security to check the hash before returning any other observation about the content.
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