package traversal_test import ( "fmt" "testing" . "" "" "" _ "" "" cidlink "" "" basicnode "" "" "" ) // Do some fixture fabrication. // We assume all the builders and serialization must Just Work here. var store = storage.Memory{} var ( leafAlpha, leafAlphaLnk = encode(basicnode.NewString("alpha")) leafBeta, leafBetaLnk = encode(basicnode.NewString("beta")) middleMapNode, middleMapNodeLnk = encode(fluent.MustBuildMap(basicnode.Prototype__Map{}, 3, func(na fluent.MapAssembler) { na.AssembleEntry("foo").AssignBool(true) na.AssembleEntry("bar").AssignBool(false) na.AssembleEntry("nested").CreateMap(2, func(na fluent.MapAssembler) { na.AssembleEntry("alink").AssignLink(leafAlphaLnk) na.AssembleEntry("nonlink").AssignString("zoo") }) })) middleListNode, middleListNodeLnk = encode(fluent.MustBuildList(basicnode.Prototype__List{}, 4, func(na fluent.ListAssembler) { na.AssembleValue().AssignLink(leafAlphaLnk) na.AssembleValue().AssignLink(leafAlphaLnk) na.AssembleValue().AssignLink(leafBetaLnk) na.AssembleValue().AssignLink(leafAlphaLnk) })) rootNode, rootNodeLnk = encode(fluent.MustBuildMap(basicnode.Prototype__Map{}, 4, func(na fluent.MapAssembler) { na.AssembleEntry("plain").AssignString("olde string") na.AssembleEntry("linkedString").AssignLink(leafAlphaLnk) na.AssembleEntry("linkedMap").AssignLink(middleMapNodeLnk) na.AssembleEntry("linkedList").AssignLink(middleListNodeLnk) })) ) // encode hardcodes some encoding choices for ease of use in fixture generation; // just gimme a link and stuff the bytes in a map. // (also return the node again for convenient assignment.) func encode(n ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, ipld.Link) { lp := cidlink.LinkPrototype{cid.Prefix{ Version: 1, Codec: 0x0129, MhType: 0x13, MhLength: 4, }} lsys := cidlink.DefaultLinkSystem() lsys.StorageWriteOpener = (&store).OpenWrite lnk, err := lsys.Store(ipld.LinkContext{}, lp, n) if err != nil { panic(err) } return n, lnk } // covers Focus used on one already-loaded Node; no link-loading exercised. func TestFocusSingleTree(t *testing.T) { t.Run("empty path on scalar node returns start node", func(t *testing.T) { err := traversal.Focus(basicnode.NewString("x"), ipld.Path{}, func(prog traversal.Progress, n ipld.Node) error { Wish(t, n, ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewString("x")) Wish(t, prog.Path.String(), ShouldEqual, ipld.Path{}.String()) return nil }) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) }) t.Run("one step path on map node works", func(t *testing.T) { err := traversal.Focus(middleMapNode, ipld.ParsePath("foo"), func(prog traversal.Progress, n ipld.Node) error { Wish(t, n, ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewBool(true)) Wish(t, prog.Path, ShouldEqual, ipld.ParsePath("foo")) return nil }) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) }) t.Run("two step path on map node works", func(t *testing.T) { err := traversal.Focus(middleMapNode, ipld.ParsePath("nested/nonlink"), func(prog traversal.Progress, n ipld.Node) error { Wish(t, n, ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewString("zoo")) Wish(t, prog.Path, ShouldEqual, ipld.ParsePath("nested/nonlink")) return nil }) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) }) } // covers Get used on one already-loaded Node; no link-loading exercised. // same fixtures as the test for Focus; just has fewer assertions, since Get does no progress tracking. func TestGetSingleTree(t *testing.T) { t.Run("empty path on scalar node returns start node", func(t *testing.T) { n, err := traversal.Get(basicnode.NewString("x"), ipld.Path{}) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n, ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewString("x")) }) t.Run("one step path on map node works", func(t *testing.T) { n, err := traversal.Get(middleMapNode, ipld.ParsePath("foo")) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n, ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewBool(true)) }) t.Run("two step path on map node works", func(t *testing.T) { n, err := traversal.Get(middleMapNode, ipld.ParsePath("nested/nonlink")) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n, ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewString("zoo")) }) } func TestFocusWithLinkLoading(t *testing.T) { t.Run("link traversal with no configured loader should fail", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("terminal link should fail", func(t *testing.T) { err := traversal.Focus(middleMapNode, ipld.ParsePath("nested/alink"), func(prog traversal.Progress, n ipld.Node) error { t.Errorf("should not be reached; no way to load this path") return nil }) Wish(t, err.Error(), ShouldEqual, `error traversing node at "nested/alink": could not load link "`+leafAlphaLnk.String()+`": no LinkTargetNodePrototypeChooser configured`) }) t.Run("mid-path link should fail", func(t *testing.T) { err := traversal.Focus(rootNode, ipld.ParsePath("linkedMap/nested/nonlink"), func(prog traversal.Progress, n ipld.Node) error { t.Errorf("should not be reached; no way to load this path") return nil }) Wish(t, err.Error(), ShouldEqual, `error traversing node at "linkedMap": could not load link "`+middleMapNodeLnk.String()+`": no LinkTargetNodePrototypeChooser configured`) }) }) t.Run("link traversal with loader should work", func(t *testing.T) { lsys := cidlink.DefaultLinkSystem() lsys.StorageReadOpener = (&store).OpenRead err := traversal.Progress{ Cfg: &traversal.Config{ LinkSystem: lsys, LinkTargetNodePrototypeChooser: basicnode.Chooser, }, }.Focus(rootNode, ipld.ParsePath("linkedMap/nested/nonlink"), func(prog traversal.Progress, n ipld.Node) error { Wish(t, n, ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewString("zoo")) Wish(t, prog.Path, ShouldEqual, ipld.ParsePath("linkedMap/nested/nonlink")) Wish(t, prog.LastBlock.Link, ShouldEqual, middleMapNodeLnk) Wish(t, prog.LastBlock.Path, ShouldEqual, ipld.ParsePath("linkedMap")) return nil }) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) }) } func TestGetWithLinkLoading(t *testing.T) { t.Run("link traversal with no configured loader should fail", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("terminal link should fail", func(t *testing.T) { _, err := traversal.Get(middleMapNode, ipld.ParsePath("nested/alink")) Wish(t, err.Error(), ShouldEqual, `error traversing node at "nested/alink": could not load link "`+leafAlphaLnk.String()+`": no LinkTargetNodePrototypeChooser configured`) }) t.Run("mid-path link should fail", func(t *testing.T) { _, err := traversal.Get(rootNode, ipld.ParsePath("linkedMap/nested/nonlink")) Wish(t, err.Error(), ShouldEqual, `error traversing node at "linkedMap": could not load link "`+middleMapNodeLnk.String()+`": no LinkTargetNodePrototypeChooser configured`) }) }) t.Run("link traversal with loader should work", func(t *testing.T) { lsys := cidlink.DefaultLinkSystem() lsys.StorageReadOpener = (&store).OpenRead n, err := traversal.Progress{ Cfg: &traversal.Config{ LinkSystem: lsys, LinkTargetNodePrototypeChooser: basicnode.Chooser, }, }.Get(rootNode, ipld.ParsePath("linkedMap/nested/nonlink")) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n, ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewString("zoo")) }) } func TestFocusedTransform(t *testing.T) { t.Run("UpdateMapEntry", func(t *testing.T) { n, err := traversal.FocusedTransform(rootNode, ipld.ParsePath("plain"), func(progress traversal.Progress, prev ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) { Wish(t, progress.Path.String(), ShouldEqual, "plain") Wish(t, must.String(prev), ShouldEqual, "olde string") nb := prev.Prototype().NewBuilder() nb.AssignString("new string!") return nb.Build(), nil }, false) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.Kind_Map) // updated value should be there Wish(t, must.Node(n.LookupByString("plain")), ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewString("new string!")) // everything else should be there Wish(t, must.Node(n.LookupByString("linkedString")), ShouldEqual, must.Node(rootNode.LookupByString("linkedString"))) Wish(t, must.Node(n.LookupByString("linkedMap")), ShouldEqual, must.Node(rootNode.LookupByString("linkedMap"))) Wish(t, must.Node(n.LookupByString("linkedList")), ShouldEqual, must.Node(rootNode.LookupByString("linkedList"))) // everything should still be in the same order Wish(t, keys(n), ShouldEqual, []string{"plain", "linkedString", "linkedMap", "linkedList"}) }) t.Run("UpdateDeeperMap", func(t *testing.T) { n, err := traversal.FocusedTransform(middleMapNode, ipld.ParsePath("nested/alink"), func(progress traversal.Progress, prev ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) { Wish(t, progress.Path.String(), ShouldEqual, "nested/alink") Wish(t, prev, ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewLink(leafAlphaLnk)) return basicnode.NewString("new string!"), nil }, false) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.Kind_Map) // updated value should be there Wish(t, must.Node(must.Node(n.LookupByString("nested")).LookupByString("alink")), ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewString("new string!")) // everything else in the parent map should should be there! Wish(t, must.Node(n.LookupByString("foo")), ShouldEqual, must.Node(middleMapNode.LookupByString("foo"))) Wish(t, must.Node(n.LookupByString("bar")), ShouldEqual, must.Node(middleMapNode.LookupByString("bar"))) // everything should still be in the same order Wish(t, keys(n), ShouldEqual, []string{"foo", "bar", "nested"}) }) t.Run("AppendIfNotExists", func(t *testing.T) { n, err := traversal.FocusedTransform(rootNode, ipld.ParsePath("newpart"), func(progress traversal.Progress, prev ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) { Wish(t, progress.Path.String(), ShouldEqual, "newpart") Wish(t, prev, ShouldEqual, nil) // REVIEW: should ipld.Absent be used here? I lean towards "no" but am unsure what's least surprising here. // An interesting thing to note about inserting a value this way is that you have no `prev.Prototype().NewBuilder()` to use if you wanted to. // But if that's an issue, then what you do is a focus or walk (transforming or not) to the parent node, get its child prototypes, and go from there. return basicnode.NewString("new string!"), nil }, false) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.Kind_Map) // updated value should be there Wish(t, must.Node(n.LookupByString("newpart")), ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewString("new string!")) // everything should still be in the same order... with the new entry at the end. Wish(t, keys(n), ShouldEqual, []string{"plain", "linkedString", "linkedMap", "linkedList", "newpart"}) }) t.Run("CreateParents", func(t *testing.T) { n, err := traversal.FocusedTransform(rootNode, ipld.ParsePath("newsection/newpart"), func(progress traversal.Progress, prev ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) { Wish(t, progress.Path.String(), ShouldEqual, "newsection/newpart") Wish(t, prev, ShouldEqual, nil) // REVIEW: should ipld.Absent be used here? I lean towards "no" but am unsure what's least surprising here. return basicnode.NewString("new string!"), nil }, true) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.Kind_Map) // a new map node in the middle should've been created n2 := must.Node(n.LookupByString("newsection")) Wish(t, n2.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.Kind_Map) // updated value should in there Wish(t, must.Node(n2.LookupByString("newpart")), ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewString("new string!")) // everything in the root map should still be in the same order... with the new entry at the end. Wish(t, keys(n), ShouldEqual, []string{"plain", "linkedString", "linkedMap", "linkedList", "newsection"}) // and the created intermediate map of course has just one entry. Wish(t, keys(n2), ShouldEqual, []string{"newpart"}) }) t.Run("CreateParentsRequiresPermission", func(t *testing.T) { _, err := traversal.FocusedTransform(rootNode, ipld.ParsePath("newsection/newpart"), func(progress traversal.Progress, prev ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) { Wish(t, true, ShouldEqual, false) // ought not be reached return nil, nil }, false) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, fmt.Errorf("transform: parent position at \"newsection\" did not exist (and createParents was false)")) }) t.Run("UpdateListEntry", func(t *testing.T) { n, err := traversal.FocusedTransform(middleListNode, ipld.ParsePath("2"), func(progress traversal.Progress, prev ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) { Wish(t, progress.Path.String(), ShouldEqual, "2") Wish(t, prev, ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewLink(leafBetaLnk)) return basicnode.NewString("new string!"), nil }, false) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.Kind_List) // updated value should be there Wish(t, must.Node(n.LookupByIndex(2)), ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewString("new string!")) // everything else should be there Wish(t, n.Length(), ShouldEqual, int64(4)) Wish(t, must.Node(n.LookupByIndex(0)), ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewLink(leafAlphaLnk)) Wish(t, must.Node(n.LookupByIndex(1)), ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewLink(leafAlphaLnk)) Wish(t, must.Node(n.LookupByIndex(3)), ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewLink(leafAlphaLnk)) }) t.Run("AppendToList", func(t *testing.T) { n, err := traversal.FocusedTransform(middleListNode, ipld.ParsePath("-"), func(progress traversal.Progress, prev ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) { Wish(t, progress.Path.String(), ShouldEqual, "4") Wish(t, prev, ShouldEqual, nil) return basicnode.NewString("new string!"), nil }, false) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.Kind_List) // updated value should be there Wish(t, must.Node(n.LookupByIndex(4)), ShouldEqual, basicnode.NewString("new string!")) // everything else should be there Wish(t, n.Length(), ShouldEqual, int64(5)) }) t.Run("ListBounds", func(t *testing.T) { _, err := traversal.FocusedTransform(middleListNode, ipld.ParsePath("4"), func(progress traversal.Progress, prev ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) { Wish(t, true, ShouldEqual, false) // ought not be reached return nil, nil }, false) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, fmt.Errorf("transform: cannot navigate path segment \"4\" at \"\" because it is beyond the list bounds")) }) t.Run("ReplaceRoot", func(t *testing.T) { // a fairly degenerate case and no reason to do this, but should work. n, err := traversal.FocusedTransform(middleListNode, ipld.ParsePath(""), func(progress traversal.Progress, prev ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) { Wish(t, progress.Path.String(), ShouldEqual, "") Wish(t, prev, ShouldEqual, middleListNode) nb := basicnode.Prototype.Any.NewBuilder() la, _ := nb.BeginList(0) la.Finish() return nb.Build(), nil }, false) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.Kind_List) Wish(t, n.Length(), ShouldEqual, int64(0)) }) } func TestFocusedTransformWithLinks(t *testing.T) { var store2 = storage.Memory{} lsys := cidlink.DefaultLinkSystem() lsys.StorageReadOpener = (&store).OpenRead lsys.StorageWriteOpener = (&store2).OpenWrite cfg := traversal.Config{ LinkSystem: lsys, LinkTargetNodePrototypeChooser: basicnode.Chooser, } t.Run("UpdateMapBeyondLink", func(t *testing.T) { n, err := traversal.Progress{ Cfg: &cfg, }.FocusedTransform(rootNode, ipld.ParsePath("linkedMap/nested/nonlink"), func(progress traversal.Progress, prev ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) { Wish(t, progress.Path.String(), ShouldEqual, "linkedMap/nested/nonlink") Wish(t, must.String(prev), ShouldEqual, "zoo") Wish(t, progress.LastBlock.Path.String(), ShouldEqual, "linkedMap") Wish(t, progress.LastBlock.Link.String(), ShouldEqual, "baguqeeye2opztzy") nb := prev.Prototype().NewBuilder() nb.AssignString("new string!") return nb.Build(), nil }, false) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.Kind_Map) // there should be a new object in our new storage! Wish(t, len(store2.Bag), ShouldEqual, 1) // cleanup for next test store2 = storage.Memory{} }) t.Run("UpdateNotBeyondLink", func(t *testing.T) { // This is replacing a link with a non-link. Doing so shouldn't hit storage. n, err := traversal.Progress{ Cfg: &cfg, }.FocusedTransform(rootNode, ipld.ParsePath("linkedMap"), func(progress traversal.Progress, prev ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) { Wish(t, progress.Path.String(), ShouldEqual, "linkedMap") nb := prev.Prototype().NewBuilder() nb.AssignString("new string!") return nb.Build(), nil }, false) Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil) Wish(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.Kind_Map) // there should be no new objects in our new storage! Wish(t, len(store2.Bag), ShouldEqual, 0) // cleanup for next test store2 = storage.Memory{} }) // link traverse to scalar // this is unspecifiable using the current path syntax! you'll just end up replacing the link with the scalar! } func keys(n ipld.Node) []string { v := make([]string, 0, n.Length()) for itr := n.MapIterator(); !itr.Done(); { k, _, _ := itr.Next() v = append(v, must.String(k)) } return v }