package gengo import ( "io" "strconv" "" "" ) var _ TypeGenerator = &stringReprStringGenerator{} func NewStructReprMapGenerator(pkgName string, typ schema.TypeStruct, adjCfg *AdjunctCfg) TypeGenerator { return structReprMapGenerator{ structGenerator{ adjCfg, mixins.MapTraits{ pkgName, string(typ.Name()), adjCfg.TypeSymbol(typ), }, pkgName, typ, }, } } type structReprMapGenerator struct { structGenerator } func (g structReprMapGenerator) GetRepresentationNodeGen() NodeGenerator { return structReprMapReprGenerator{ g.AdjCfg, mixins.MapTraits{ g.PkgName, string(g.Type.Name()) + ".Repr", "_" + g.AdjCfg.TypeSymbol(g.Type) + "__Repr", }, g.PkgName, g.Type, } } type structReprMapReprGenerator struct { AdjCfg *AdjunctCfg mixins.MapTraits PkgName string Type schema.TypeStruct } func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeType(w io.Writer) { // The type is structurally the same, but will have a different set of methods. doTemplate(` type _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Repr _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }} `, w, g.AdjCfg, g) } func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeTypeAssertions(w io.Writer) { doTemplate(` var _ ipld.Node = &_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Repr{} `, w, g.AdjCfg, g) } func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeMethodLookupString(w io.Writer) { // Similar to the type-level method, except any undef fields also return ErrNotExists. doTemplate(` func (n *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Repr) LookupString(key string) (ipld.Node, error) { switch key { {{- range $field := .Type.Fields }} case "{{ $field | $field.Parent.RepresentationStrategy.GetFieldKey }}": {{- if $field.IsOptional }} if n.{{ $field | FieldSymbolLower }}.m == schema.Maybe_Absent { return ipld.Undef, ipld.ErrNotExists{ipld.PathSegmentOfString(key)} } {{- end}} {{- if $field.IsNullable }} if n.{{ $field | FieldSymbolLower }}.m == schema.Maybe_Null { return ipld.Null, nil } {{- end}} {{- if or $field.IsOptional $field.IsNullable }} return n.{{ $field | FieldSymbolLower }}.v, nil {{- else}} return &n.{{ $field | FieldSymbolLower }}, nil {{- end}} {{- end}} default: return nil, schema.ErrNoSuchField{Type: nil /*TODO*/, FieldName: key} } } `, w, g.AdjCfg, g) } func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeMethodLookup(w io.Writer) { doTemplate(` func (n *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Repr) Lookup(key ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) { ks, err := key.AsString() if err != nil { return nil, err } return n.LookupString(ks) } `, w, g.AdjCfg, g) } func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeMethodMapIterator(w io.Writer) { // The 'idx' int is what field we'll yield next. // Note that this iterator doesn't mention fields that are absent. // This makes things a bit trickier -- especially the 'Done' predicate, // since it may have to do lookahead if there's any optionals at the end of the structure! // It also means 'idx' can jump ahead by more than one per Next call in order to skip over absent fields. // TODO : support for implicits is still future work. // First: Count how many trailing fields are optional. // The 'Done' predicate gets more complex when in the trailing optionals. fields := g.Type.Fields() fieldCount := len(fields) beginTrailingOptionalField := fieldCount for i := fieldCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if !fields[i].IsOptional() { break } beginTrailingOptionalField = i } haveTrailingOptionals := beginTrailingOptionalField < fieldCount // Now: finally we can get on with the actual templating. // FIXME: this is still yielding type-level keys -- should handle rename directives. doTemplate(` func (n *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Repr) MapIterator() ipld.MapIterator { {{- if .HaveTrailingOptionals }} end := {{ len .Type.Fields }}`+ func() string { // this next part was too silly in templates due to lack of reverse ranging. v := "\n" for i := fieldCount - 1; i >= beginTrailingOptionalField; i-- { v += "\t\t\tif n." + g.AdjCfg.FieldSymbolLower(fields[i]) + ".m == schema.Maybe_Absent {\n" v += "\t\t\t\tend = " + strconv.Itoa(i) + "\n" v += "\t\t\t} else {\n" v += "\t\t\t\tgoto done\n" v += "\t\t\t}\n" } return v }()+`done: return &_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprMapItr{n, 0, end} {{- else}} return &_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprMapItr{n, 0} {{- end}} } type _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprMapItr struct { n *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Repr idx int {{if .HaveTrailingOptionals }}end int{{end}} } func (itr *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprMapItr) Next() (k ipld.Node, v ipld.Node, _ error) { advance: if itr.idx >= {{ len .Type.Fields }} { return nil, nil, ipld.ErrIteratorOverread{} } switch itr.idx { {{- $type := .Type -}} {{- /* ranging modifies dot, unhelpfully */ -}} {{- range $i, $field := .Type.Fields }} case {{ $i }}: k = &fieldName__{{ $type | TypeSymbol }}_{{ $field | FieldSymbolUpper }} {{- if $field.IsOptional }} if itr.n.{{ $field | FieldSymbolLower }}.m == schema.Maybe_Absent { itr.idx++ goto advance } {{- end}} {{- if $field.IsNullable }} if itr.n.{{ $field | FieldSymbolLower }}.m == schema.Maybe_Null { v = ipld.Null break } {{- end}} {{- if or $field.IsOptional $field.IsNullable }} v = itr.n.{{ $field | FieldSymbolLower}}.v {{- else}} v = &itr.n.{{ $field | FieldSymbolLower}} {{- end}} {{- end}} default: panic("unreachable") } itr.idx++ return } {{- if .HaveTrailingOptionals }} func (itr *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprMapItr) Done() bool { return itr.idx >= itr.end } {{- else}} func (itr *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprMapItr) Done() bool { return itr.idx >= {{ len .Type.Fields }} } {{- end}} `, w, g.AdjCfg, struct { Type schema.TypeStruct HaveTrailingOptionals bool BeginTrailingOptionalField int }{ g.Type, haveTrailingOptionals, beginTrailingOptionalField, }) } func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeMethodLength(w io.Writer) { // This is fun: it has to count down for any unset optional fields. // TODO : support for implicits is still future work. doTemplate(` func (rn *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Repr) Length() int { l := {{ len .Type.Fields }} {{- range $field := .Type.Fields }} {{- if $field.IsOptional }} if rn.{{ $field | FieldSymbolLower }}.m == schema.Maybe_Absent { l-- } {{- end}} {{- end}} return l } `, w, g.AdjCfg, g) } func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeMethodStyle(w io.Writer) { // REVIEW: this appears to be standard even across kinds; can we extract it? doTemplate(` func (_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Repr) Style() ipld.NodeStyle { return _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprStyle{} } `, w, g.AdjCfg, g) } func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeStyleType(w io.Writer) { // REVIEW: this appears to be standard even across kinds; can we extract it? doTemplate(` type _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprStyle struct{} func (_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprStyle) NewBuilder() ipld.NodeBuilder { var nb _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprBuilder nb.Reset() return &nb } `, w, g.AdjCfg, g) } // --- NodeBuilder and NodeAssembler ---> func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeBuilder(w io.Writer) { doTemplate(` type _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprBuilder struct { _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler } func (nb *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprBuilder) Build() ipld.Node { if nb.state != maState_finished { panic("invalid state: assembler for {{ .PkgName }}.{{ .Type.Name }}.Repr must be 'finished' before Build can be called!") } return nb.w } func (nb *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprBuilder) Reset() { var w _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }} *nb = _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprBuilder{_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler{w: &w, state: maState_initial}} } `, w, g.AdjCfg, g) } func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeAssembler(w io.Writer) { // FIXME this is getting egregious; it's high time to break EmitNodeAssembler down into a generator with more reusable parts. doTemplate(` type _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler struct { w *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }} state maState } func (na *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler) BeginMap(sizeHint int) (ipld.MapAssembler, error) { panic("todo structassembler reprmap beginmap") } func (_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler) BeginList(sizeHint int) (ipld.ListAssembler, error) { return mixins.MapAssembler{"{{ .PkgName }}.{{ .Type.Name }}.Repr"}.BeginList(0) } func (_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler) AssignNull() error { return mixins.MapAssembler{"{{ .PkgName }}.{{ .Type.Name }}.Repr"}.AssignNull() } func (_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler) AssignBool(bool) error { return mixins.MapAssembler{"{{ .PkgName }}.{{ .Type.Name }}.Repr"}.AssignBool(false) } func (_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler) AssignInt(int) error { return mixins.MapAssembler{"{{ .PkgName }}.{{ .Type.Name }}.Repr"}.AssignInt(0) } func (_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler) AssignFloat(float64) error { return mixins.MapAssembler{"{{ .PkgName }}.{{ .Type.Name }}.Repr"}.AssignFloat(0) } func (_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler) AssignString(v string) error { return mixins.MapAssembler{"{{ .PkgName }}.{{ .Type.Name }}.Repr"}.AssignString("") } func (_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler) AssignBytes([]byte) error { return mixins.MapAssembler{"{{ .PkgName }}.{{ .Type.Name }}.Repr"}.AssignBytes(nil) } func (_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler) AssignLink(ipld.Link) error { return mixins.MapAssembler{"{{ .PkgName }}.{{ .Type.Name }}.Repr"}.AssignLink(nil) } func (na *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler) AssignNode(v ipld.Node) error { panic("todo structassembler assignNode") } func (_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprAssembler) Style() ipld.NodeStyle { return _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprStyle{} } `, w, g.AdjCfg, g) }