- [IPLD Big Picture](./big-picture.md) - [Nodes](./nodes.md) - [Node interface overview](./nodes.md#the-node-interface) - [Node implementation diversity](./nodes.md#node-implementations) - [how to use NodeBuilder](./nodes.md#using-nodebuilder) - [intro to typed nodes](./nodes.md#typed-nodes) - [using the fluent API](./fluent.md) - operationals - focus & paths - traverse & selectors - transform - constructing other operations - storing, loading, and linking - encoding - (this covers only cbor and json builtins) - (brief description of how to build-your-own (either with refmt tokens or nodewalking)) - cids are links - linkloader and linkbuilder - automatical link loading in operationals - [IPLD Schemas](./schema.md) - [Goals](./schema.md#goals) - [Features](./schema.md#features) - [Implementation](./schema.md#implementation) - [Migration Techniques](./schema.md#schemas-and-migration) - [Advanced Data Layouts](./advLayout.md) --- - [Development notes: on Node implementations](./dev/node-implementations.md)