Commit 29aaf384 authored by vyzo's avatar vyzo

context option for simultaneous connect

parent 412dbb35
......@@ -14,10 +14,12 @@ type noDialCtxKey struct{}
type dialPeerTimeoutCtxKey struct{}
type forceDirectDialCtxKey struct{}
type useTransientCtxKey struct{}
type simConnectCtxKey struct{}
var noDial = noDialCtxKey{}
var forceDirectDial = forceDirectDialCtxKey{}
var useTransient = useTransientCtxKey{}
var simConnect = simConnectCtxKey{}
// WithForceDirectDial constructs a new context with an option that instructs the network
......@@ -37,6 +39,24 @@ func GetForceDirectDial(ctx context.Context) (forceDirect bool, reason string) {
return false, ""
// WithSimultaneousConnect constructs a new context with an option that instructs the transport
// to apply hole punching logic where applicable.
func WithSimultaneousConnect(ctx context.Context, reason string) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, simConnect, reason)
// GetSimultaneousConnect returns true if the simultaneous connect option is set in the context
func GetSimultaneousConnect(ctx context.Context) (simconnect bool, reason string) {
v := ctx.Value(simConnect)
if v != nil {
return true, v.(string)
return false, ""
// WithNoDial constructs a new context with an option that instructs the network
// to not attempt a new dial when opening a stream.
func WithNoDial(ctx context.Context, reason string) context.Context {
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