Commit 49805313 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen

avoid spawning goroutines for canceled dials

This may speed up working through our dial queue a bit (bit probably isn't the
main issue).
parent f056f38c
......@@ -77,17 +77,26 @@ func newDialLimiterWithParams(df dialfunc, fdLimit, perPeerLimit int) *dialLimit
func (dl *dialLimiter) freeFDToken() {
if len(dl.waitingOnFd) > 0 {
for len(dl.waitingOnFd) > 0 {
next := dl.waitingOnFd[0]
dl.waitingOnFd[0] = nil // clear out memory
dl.waitingOnFd = dl.waitingOnFd[1:]
if len(dl.waitingOnFd) == 0 {
dl.waitingOnFd = nil // clear out memory
// clear out memory.
dl.waitingOnFd = nil
// Skip over canceled dials instead of queuing up a goroutine.
if next.cancelled() {
// we already have activePerPeer token at this point so we can just dial
go dl.executeDial(next)
......@@ -99,18 +108,25 @@ func (dl *dialLimiter) freePeerToken(dj *dialJob) {
waitlist := dl.waitingOnPeerLimit[dj.peer]
if len(waitlist) > 0 {
for len(waitlist) > 0 {
next := waitlist[0]
if len(waitlist) == 1 {
waitlist[0] = nil // clear out memory
waitlist = waitlist[1:]
if len(waitlist) == 0 {
delete(dl.waitingOnPeerLimit, next.peer)
} else {
waitlist[0] = nil // clear out memory
dl.waitingOnPeerLimit[next.peer] = waitlist[1:]
dl.waitingOnPeerLimit[next.peer] = waitlist
if next.cancelled() {
dl.activePerPeer[next.peer]++ // just kidding, we still want this token
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