Unverified Commit 45869d35 authored by Jessica Schilling's avatar Jessica Schilling Committed by GitHub

Update readme for changes in update/test/release process

parent 269976b3
# dir-index-html
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> Directory listing HTML for go-ipfs gateways
> Directory listing HTML for `go-ipfs` gateways
This repo is not be used standalone. It's used by the gateway code in go-ipfs. It'll be merged into the gateway package, once the gateway has been extracted from go-ipfs.
**NOTE:** This repo is not intended to be used as a standalone project! This code is used by the gateway code within [`go-ipfs`](https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs). In the long term, once the the gateway is extracted from `go-ipfs`, the code in this repo will be merged into that gateway package.
## Updating
1. Make changes to _both_ dir-index.html and dir-index-uncat.html.
2. Follow the instructions in [go-ipfs](https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/tree/master/assets#updating-dir-index-html) for updating the directory index.
When making updates to the directory listing page template, please note the following:
1. Make your changes to the (human-friendly) source documents in the `src` directory
2. Before testing or releasing, make sure to run the build script to generate a minified version in the `dist` directory:
> npm run build
3. To get your updates into `go-ipfs`, you'll need to do the following:
- Cut a new, appropriately versioned release of `dir-index-html` (don't forget to bump the version number in `package.json`)
- Make a PR against `go-ipfs` following [these instructions](https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/tree/master/assets#updating-dir-index-html) for updating the directory index
## Testing
1. Install [go](https://golang.org/dl/).
2. Run the test server:
1. Make sure you have [Go](https://golang.org/dl/) installed
2. Start the test server, which lives in its own directory:
> cd test
> go run .
This will listen on [`localhost:3000`](http://localhost:3000/) and reload the template every time you refresh the page.
This will listen on `localhost:3000` and re-load the template every time you refresh the page.
If you get a "no such file or directory" error upon trying `go run .`, make sure you ran `npm run build` to generate the minified artifact that the test is looking for.
## Contribute
Feel free to join in. All welcome. A good place to start is [the issues](https://github.com/ipfs/dir-index-html/issues).
Feel free to join in. All are welcome! A good place to start is to check the [issues](https://github.com/ipfs/dir-index-html/issues) for anything you find interesting.
This repository falls under the IPFS [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/ipfs/community/blob/master/code-of-conduct.md).
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