sessionwantsender.go 21.5 KB
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package session

import (

	bsbpm ""
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7 8 9 10 11

	cid ""
	peer ""

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
const (
	// Maximum number of changes to accept before blocking
	changesBufferSize = 128
	// If the session receives this many DONT_HAVEs in a row from a peer,
	// it prunes the peer from the session
	peerDontHaveLimit = 16
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19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

// BlockPresence indicates whether a peer has a block.
// Note that the order is important, we decide which peer to send a want to
// based on knowing whether peer has the block. eg we're more likely to send
// a want to a peer that has the block than a peer that doesnt have the block
// so BPHave > BPDontHave
type BlockPresence int

const (
	BPDontHave BlockPresence = iota

33 34 35 36 37 38
// SessionWantsCanceller provides a method to cancel wants
type SessionWantsCanceller interface {
	// Cancel wants for this session
	CancelSessionWants(sid uint64, wants []cid.Cid)

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39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
// update encapsulates a message received by the session
type update struct {
	// Which peer sent the update
	from peer.ID
	// cids of blocks received
	ks []cid.Cid
	// HAVE message
	haves []cid.Cid
	// DONT_HAVE message
	dontHaves []cid.Cid

// peerAvailability indicates a peer's connection state
type peerAvailability struct {
	target    peer.ID
	available bool

57 58
// change can be new wants, a new message received by the session,
// or a change in the connect status of a peer
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59 60 61
type change struct {
	// new wants requested
	add []cid.Cid
62 63
	// wants cancelled
	cancel []cid.Cid
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64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
	// new message received by session (blocks / HAVEs / DONT_HAVEs)
	update update
	// peer has connected / disconnected
	availability peerAvailability

type onSendFn func(to peer.ID, wantBlocks []cid.Cid, wantHaves []cid.Cid)
type onPeersExhaustedFn func([]cid.Cid)

// sessionWantSender is responsible for sending want-have and want-block to
// peers. For each want, it sends a single optimistic want-block request to
// one peer and want-have requests to all other peers in the session.
// To choose the best peer for the optimistic want-block it maintains a list
// of how peers have responded to each want (HAVE / DONT_HAVE / Unknown) and
// consults the peer response tracker (records which peers sent us blocks).
type sessionWantSender struct {
	// The context is used when sending wants
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	ctx context.Context
84 85
	// Called to shutdown the sessionWantSender
	shutdown func()
	// The sessionWantSender uses the closed channel to signal when it's
87 88
	// finished shutting down
	closed chan struct{}
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89 90 91 92 93 94
	// The session ID
	sessionID uint64
	// A channel that collects incoming changes (events)
	changes chan change
	// Information about each want indexed by CID
	wants map[cid.Cid]*wantInfo
95 96
	// Keeps track of how many consecutive DONT_HAVEs a peer has sent
	peerConsecutiveDontHaves map[peer.ID]int
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97 98 99 100 101 102
	// Tracks which peers we have send want-block to
	swbt *sentWantBlocksTracker
	// Tracks the number of blocks each peer sent us
	peerRspTrkr *peerResponseTracker
	// Sends wants to peers
	pm PeerManager
103 104
	// Keeps track of peers in the session
	spm SessionPeerManager
105 106
	// Cancels wants
	canceller SessionWantsCanceller
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107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
	// Keeps track of which peer has / doesn't have a block
	bpm *bsbpm.BlockPresenceManager
	// Called when wants are sent
	onSend onSendFn
	// Called when all peers explicitly don't have a block
	onPeersExhausted onPeersExhaustedFn

func newSessionWantSender(sid uint64, pm PeerManager, spm SessionPeerManager, canceller SessionWantsCanceller,
	bpm *bsbpm.BlockPresenceManager, onSend onSendFn, onPeersExhausted onPeersExhaustedFn) sessionWantSender {
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	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	sws := sessionWantSender{
		ctx:                      ctx,
		shutdown:                 cancel,
		closed:                   make(chan struct{}),
123 124 125 126 127 128
		sessionID:                sid,
		changes:                  make(chan change, changesBufferSize),
		wants:                    make(map[cid.Cid]*wantInfo),
		peerConsecutiveDontHaves: make(map[peer.ID]int),
		swbt:                     newSentWantBlocksTracker(),
		peerRspTrkr:              newPeerResponseTracker(),
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129 130

		pm:               pm,
		spm:              spm,
		canceller:        canceller,
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133 134 135 136 137
		bpm:              bpm,
		onSend:           onSend,
		onPeersExhausted: onPeersExhausted,

	return sws
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139 140

141 142
func (sws *sessionWantSender) ID() uint64 {
	return sws.sessionID
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143 144 145

// Add is called when new wants are added to the session
func (sws *sessionWantSender) Add(ks []cid.Cid) {
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147 148 149
	if len(ks) == 0 {
	sws.addChange(change{add: ks})
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151 152

153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
// Cancel is called when a request is cancelled
func (sws *sessionWantSender) Cancel(ks []cid.Cid) {
	if len(ks) == 0 {
	sws.addChange(change{cancel: ks})

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161 162
// Update is called when the session receives a message with incoming blocks
func (sws *sessionWantSender) Update(from peer.ID, ks []cid.Cid, haves []cid.Cid, dontHaves []cid.Cid) {
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	hasUpdate := len(ks) > 0 || len(haves) > 0 || len(dontHaves) > 0
	if !hasUpdate {
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166 167 168

169 170 171
		update: update{from, ks, haves, dontHaves},
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172 173 174 175

// SignalAvailability is called by the PeerManager to signal that a peer has
// connected / disconnected
func (sws *sessionWantSender) SignalAvailability(p peer.ID, isAvailable bool) {
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	availability := peerAvailability{p, isAvailable}
178 179 180
	// Add the change in a non-blocking manner to avoid the possibility of a
	// deadlock
	sws.addChangeNonBlocking(change{availability: availability})
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181 182 183

// Run is the main loop for processing incoming changes
func (sws *sessionWantSender) Run() {
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185 186
	for {
		select {
187 188
		case ch := <-sws.changes:
189 190 191 192
		case <-sws.ctx.Done():
			// Unregister the session with the PeerManager

193 194 195
			// Close the 'closed' channel to signal to Shutdown() that the run
			// loop has exited
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196 197 198 199 200

201 202 203
// Shutdown the sessionWantSender
func (sws *sessionWantSender) Shutdown() {
	// Signal to the run loop to stop processing
205 206 207 208
	// Wait for run loop to complete

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// addChange adds a new change to the queue
func (sws *sessionWantSender) addChange(c change) {
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	select {
	case sws.changes <- c:
	case <-sws.ctx.Done():
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214 215 216

217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232
// addChangeNonBlocking adds a new change to the queue, using a go-routine
// if the change blocks, so as to avoid potential deadlocks
func (sws *sessionWantSender) addChangeNonBlocking(c change) {
	select {
	case sws.changes <- c:
		// changes channel is full, so add change in a go routine instead
		go func() {
			select {
			case sws.changes <- c:
			case <-sws.ctx.Done():

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233 234
// collectChanges collects all the changes that have occurred since the last
// invocation of onChange
func (sws *sessionWantSender) collectChanges(changes []change) []change {
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236 237
	for len(changes) < changesBufferSize {
		select {
		case next := <-sws.changes:
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239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247
			changes = append(changes, next)
			return changes
	return changes

// onChange processes the next set of changes
func (sws *sessionWantSender) onChange(changes []change) {
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249 250
	// Several changes may have been recorded since the last time we checked,
	// so pop all outstanding changes from the channel
	changes = sws.collectChanges(changes)
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252 253 254

	// Apply each change
	availability := make(map[peer.ID]bool, len(changes))
	cancels := make([]cid.Cid, 0)
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256 257 258 259
	var updates []update
	for _, chng := range changes {
		// Initialize info for new wants
		for _, c := range chng.add {
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261 262

263 264 265 266 267 268
		// Remove cancelled wants
		for _, c := range chng.cancel {
			cancels = append(cancels, c)

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269 270
		// Consolidate updates and changes to availability
		if chng.update.from != "" {
271 272 273
			// If the update includes blocks or haves, treat it as signaling that
			// the peer is available
			if len(chng.update.ks) > 0 || len(chng.update.haves) > 0 {
274 275 276 277 278
				p := chng.update.from
				availability[p] = true

				// Register with the PeerManager, sws)
279 280

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281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
			updates = append(updates, chng.update)
		if != "" {
			availability[] = chng.availability.available

	// Update peer availability
	newlyAvailable, newlyUnavailable := sws.processAvailability(availability)
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290 291

	// Update wants
	dontHaves := sws.processUpdates(updates)
293 294 295

	// Check if there are any wants for which all peers have indicated they
	// don't have the want
	sws.checkForExhaustedWants(dontHaves, newlyUnavailable)
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298 299 300 301 302
	// If there are any cancels, send them
	if len(cancels) > 0 {
		sws.canceller.CancelSessionWants(sws.sessionID, cancels)

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	// If there are some connected peers, send any pending wants
304 305
	if sws.spm.HasPeers() {
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306 307 308 309 310

// processAvailability updates the want queue with any changes in
// peer availability
311 312 313
// It returns the peers that have become
// - newly available
// - newly unavailable
func (sws *sessionWantSender) processAvailability(availability map[peer.ID]bool) (avail []peer.ID, unavail []peer.ID) {
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	var newlyAvailable []peer.ID
	var newlyUnavailable []peer.ID
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	for p, isNowAvailable := range availability {
318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329
		stateChange := false
		if isNowAvailable {
			isNewPeer := sws.spm.AddPeer(p)
			if isNewPeer {
				stateChange = true
				newlyAvailable = append(newlyAvailable, p)
		} else {
			wasAvailable := sws.spm.RemovePeer(p)
			if wasAvailable {
				stateChange = true
				newlyUnavailable = append(newlyUnavailable, p)
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330 331
332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339

		// If the state has changed
		if stateChange {
			sws.updateWantsPeerAvailability(p, isNowAvailable)
			// Reset the count of consecutive DONT_HAVEs received from the
			// peer
			delete(sws.peerConsecutiveDontHaves, p)
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340 341

	return newlyAvailable, newlyUnavailable
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343 344 345

// trackWant creates a new entry in the map of CID -> want info
346 347
func (sws *sessionWantSender) trackWant(c cid.Cid) {
	if _, ok := sws.wants[c]; ok {
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348 349 350 351

	// Create the want info
352 353
	wi := newWantInfo(sws.peerRspTrkr)
	sws.wants[c] = wi
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354 355 356

	// For each available peer, register any information we know about
	// whether the peer has the block
357 358
	for _, p := range sws.spm.Peers() {
		sws.updateWantBlockPresence(c, p)
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359 360 361

362 363 364 365 366
// untrackWant removes an entry from the map of CID -> want info
func (sws *sessionWantSender) untrackWant(c cid.Cid) {
	delete(sws.wants, c)

367 368
// processUpdates processes incoming blocks and HAVE / DONT_HAVEs.
// It returns all DONT_HAVEs.
func (sws *sessionWantSender) processUpdates(updates []update) []cid.Cid {
370 371
	// Process received blocks keys
	blkCids := cid.NewSet()
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	for _, upd := range updates {
373 374
		for _, c := range upd.ks {
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376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385
			// Remove the want
			removed := sws.removeWant(c)
			if removed != nil {
				// Inform the peer tracker that this peer was the first to send
				// us the block
			delete(sws.peerConsecutiveDontHaves, upd.from)
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387 388 389 390
	// Process received DONT_HAVEs
	dontHaves := cid.NewSet()
	prunePeers := make(map[peer.ID]struct{})
	for _, upd := range updates {
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		for _, c := range upd.dontHaves {
392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400
			// Track the number of consecutive DONT_HAVEs each peer receives
			if sws.peerConsecutiveDontHaves[upd.from] == peerDontHaveLimit {
				prunePeers[upd.from] = struct{}{}
			} else {

			// If we already received a block for the want, there's no need to
			// update block presence etc
401 402 403 404
			if blkCids.Has(c) {

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405 406 407

			// Update the block presence for the peer
			sws.updateWantBlockPresence(c, upd.from)
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409 410 411

			// Check if the DONT_HAVE is in response to a want-block
			// (could also be in response to want-have)
			if sws.swbt.haveSentWantBlockTo(upd.from, c) {
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413 414
				// If we were waiting for a response from this peer, clear
				// sentTo so that we can send the want to another peer
415 416
				if sentTo, ok := sws.getWantSentTo(c); ok && sentTo == upd.from {
					sws.setWantSentTo(c, "")
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417 418 419
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422 423
	// Process received HAVEs
	for _, upd := range updates {
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		for _, c := range upd.haves {
425 426 427 428
			// If we haven't already received a block for the want
			if !blkCids.Has(c) {
				// Update the block presence for the peer
				sws.updateWantBlockPresence(c, upd.from)
429 430 431

			// Clear the consecutive DONT_HAVE count for the peer
			delete(sws.peerConsecutiveDontHaves, upd.from)
			delete(prunePeers, upd.from)
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434 435 436

437 438
	// If any peers have sent us too many consecutive DONT_HAVEs, remove them
	// from the session
439 440 441 442 443 444 445
	for p := range prunePeers {
		// Before removing the peer from the session, check if the peer
		// sent us a HAVE for a block that we want
		for c := range sws.wants {
			if sws.bpm.PeerHasBlock(p, c) {
				delete(prunePeers, p)
446 447
448 449
	if len(prunePeers) > 0 {
450 451
		go func() {
			for p := range prunePeers {
				// Peer doesn't have anything we want, so remove it
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				log.Infof("peer %s sent too many dont haves, removing from session %d", p, sws.ID())
				sws.SignalAvailability(p, false)
455 456
458 459 460 461 462 463

	return dontHaves.Keys()

// checkForExhaustedWants checks if there are any wants for which all peers
// have sent a DONT_HAVE. We call these "exhausted" wants.
func (sws *sessionWantSender) checkForExhaustedWants(dontHaves []cid.Cid, newlyUnavailable []peer.ID) {
465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477
	// If there are no new DONT_HAVEs, and no peers became unavailable, then
	// we don't need to check for exhausted wants
	if len(dontHaves) == 0 && len(newlyUnavailable) == 0 {

	// We need to check each want for which we just received a DONT_HAVE
	wants := dontHaves

	// If a peer just became unavailable, then we need to check all wants
	// (because it may be the last peer who hadn't sent a DONT_HAVE for a CID)
	if len(newlyUnavailable) > 0 {
		// Collect all pending wants
478 479
		wants = make([]cid.Cid, len(sws.wants))
		for c := range sws.wants {
480 481 482 483 484
			wants = append(wants, c)

		// If the last available peer in the session has become unavailable
		// then we need to broadcast all pending wants
485 486
		if !sws.spm.HasPeers() {
487 488 489 490 491 492 493

	// If all available peers for a cid sent a DONT_HAVE, signal to the session
	// that we've exhausted available peers
	if len(wants) > 0 {
494 495
		exhausted := sws.bpm.AllPeersDoNotHaveBlock(sws.spm.Peers(), wants)
496 497 498 499 500

// processExhaustedWants filters the list so that only those wants that haven't
// already been marked as exhausted are passed to onPeersExhausted()
501 502
func (sws *sessionWantSender) processExhaustedWants(exhausted []cid.Cid) {
	newlyExhausted := sws.newlyExhausted(exhausted)
	if len(newlyExhausted) > 0 {
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506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527

// convenience structs for passing around want-blocks and want-haves for a peer
type wantSets struct {
	wantBlocks *cid.Set
	wantHaves  *cid.Set

type allWants map[peer.ID]*wantSets

func (aw allWants) forPeer(p peer.ID) *wantSets {
	if _, ok := aw[p]; !ok {
		aw[p] = &wantSets{
			wantBlocks: cid.NewSet(),
			wantHaves:  cid.NewSet(),
	return aw[p]

// sendNextWants sends wants to peers according to the latest information
// about which peers have / dont have blocks
func (sws *sessionWantSender) sendNextWants(newlyAvailable []peer.ID) {
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529 530
	toSend := make(allWants)

	for c, wi := range sws.wants {
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532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550
		// Ensure we send want-haves to any newly available peers
		for _, p := range newlyAvailable {

		// We already sent a want-block to a peer and haven't yet received a
		// response yet
		if wi.sentTo != "" {

		// All the peers have indicated that they don't have the block
		// corresponding to this want, so we must wait to discover more peers
		if wi.bestPeer == "" {
			// TODO: work this out in real time instead of using bestP?

		// Record that we are sending a want-block for this want to the peer
		sws.setWantSentTo(c, wi.bestPeer)
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552 553 554 555 556

		// Send a want-block to the chosen peer

		// Send a want-have to each other peer
		for _, op := range sws.spm.Peers() {
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558 559 560 561 562 563 564
			if op != wi.bestPeer {

	// Send any wants we've collected
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566 567 568

// sendWants sends want-have and want-blocks to the appropriate peers
func (sws *sessionWantSender) sendWants(sends allWants) {
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570 571 572
	// For each peer we're sending a request to
	for p, snd := range sends {
		// Piggyback some other want-haves onto the request to the peer
		for _, c := range sws.getPiggybackWantHaves(p, snd.wantBlocks) {
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574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582

		// Send the wants to the peer.
		// Note that the PeerManager ensures that we don't sent duplicate
		// want-haves / want-blocks to a peer, and that want-blocks take
		// precedence over want-haves.
		wblks := snd.wantBlocks.Keys()
		whaves := snd.wantHaves.Keys()
583, p, wblks, whaves)
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584 585

		// Inform the session that we've sent the wants
		sws.onSend(p, wblks, whaves)
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587 588

		// Record which peers we send want-block to
		sws.swbt.addSentWantBlocksTo(p, wblks)
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590 591 592 593 594

// getPiggybackWantHaves gets the want-haves that should be piggybacked onto
// a request that we are making to send want-blocks to a peer
func (sws *sessionWantSender) getPiggybackWantHaves(p peer.ID, wantBlocks *cid.Set) []cid.Cid {
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	var whs []cid.Cid
	for c := range sws.wants {
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598 599
		// Don't send want-have if we're already sending a want-block
		// (or have previously)
		if !wantBlocks.Has(c) && !sws.swbt.haveSentWantBlockTo(p, c) {
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601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608
			whs = append(whs, c)
	return whs

// newlyExhausted filters the list of keys for wants that have not already
// been marked as exhausted (all peers indicated they don't have the block)
func (sws *sessionWantSender) newlyExhausted(ks []cid.Cid) []cid.Cid {
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610 611
	var res []cid.Cid
	for _, c := range ks {
		if wi, ok := sws.wants[c]; ok {
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613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622
			if !wi.exhausted {
				res = append(res, c)
				wi.exhausted = true
	return res

// removeWant is called when the corresponding block is received
623 624 625
func (sws *sessionWantSender) removeWant(c cid.Cid) *wantInfo {
	if wi, ok := sws.wants[c]; ok {
		delete(sws.wants, c)
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626 627 628 629 630 631 632
		return wi
	return nil

// updateWantsPeerAvailability is called when the availability changes for a
// peer. It updates all the wants accordingly.
633 634
func (sws *sessionWantSender) updateWantsPeerAvailability(p peer.ID, isNowAvailable bool) {
	for c, wi := range sws.wants {
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		if isNowAvailable {
			sws.updateWantBlockPresence(c, p)
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637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644
		} else {

// updateWantBlockPresence is called when a HAVE / DONT_HAVE is received for the given
// want / peer
645 646
func (sws *sessionWantSender) updateWantBlockPresence(c cid.Cid, p peer.ID) {
	wi, ok := sws.wants[c]
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647 648 649 650 651 652
	if !ok {

	// If the peer sent us a HAVE or DONT_HAVE for the cid, adjust the
	// block presence for the peer / cid combination
	if sws.bpm.PeerHasBlock(p, c) {
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		wi.setPeerBlockPresence(p, BPHave)
	} else if sws.bpm.PeerDoesNotHaveBlock(p, c) {
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656 657 658 659 660 661 662
		wi.setPeerBlockPresence(p, BPDontHave)
	} else {
		wi.setPeerBlockPresence(p, BPUnknown)

// Which peer was the want sent to
663 664
func (sws *sessionWantSender) getWantSentTo(c cid.Cid) (peer.ID, bool) {
	if wi, ok := sws.wants[c]; ok {
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665 666 667 668 669 670
		return wi.sentTo, true
	return "", false

// Record which peer the want was sent to
671 672
func (sws *sessionWantSender) setWantSentTo(c cid.Cid, p peer.ID) {
	if wi, ok := sws.wants[c]; ok {
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673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763
		wi.sentTo = p

// wantInfo keeps track of the information for a want
type wantInfo struct {
	// Tracks HAVE / DONT_HAVE sent to us for the want by each peer
	blockPresence map[peer.ID]BlockPresence
	// The peer that we've sent a want-block to (cleared when we get a response)
	sentTo peer.ID
	// The "best" peer to send the want to next
	bestPeer peer.ID
	// Keeps track of how many hits / misses each peer has sent us for wants
	// in the session
	peerRspTrkr *peerResponseTracker
	// true if all known peers have sent a DONT_HAVE for this want
	exhausted bool

// func newWantInfo(prt *peerResponseTracker, c cid.Cid, startIndex int) *wantInfo {
func newWantInfo(prt *peerResponseTracker) *wantInfo {
	return &wantInfo{
		blockPresence: make(map[peer.ID]BlockPresence),
		peerRspTrkr:   prt,
		exhausted:     false,

// setPeerBlockPresence sets the block presence for the given peer
func (wi *wantInfo) setPeerBlockPresence(p peer.ID, bp BlockPresence) {
	wi.blockPresence[p] = bp

	// If a peer informed us that it has a block then make sure the want is no
	// longer flagged as exhausted (exhausted means no peers have the block)
	if bp == BPHave {
		wi.exhausted = false

// removePeer deletes the given peer from the want info
func (wi *wantInfo) removePeer(p peer.ID) {
	// If we were waiting to hear back from the peer that is being removed,
	// clear the sentTo field so we no longer wait
	if p == wi.sentTo {
		wi.sentTo = ""
	delete(wi.blockPresence, p)

// calculateBestPeer finds the best peer to send the want to next
func (wi *wantInfo) calculateBestPeer() {
	// Recalculate the best peer
	bestBP := BPDontHave
	bestPeer := peer.ID("")

	// Find the peer with the best block presence, recording how many peers
	// share the block presence
	countWithBest := 0
	for p, bp := range wi.blockPresence {
		if bp > bestBP {
			bestBP = bp
			bestPeer = p
			countWithBest = 1
		} else if bp == bestBP {
	wi.bestPeer = bestPeer

	// If no peer has a block presence better than DONT_HAVE, bail out
	if bestPeer == "" {

	// If there was only one peer with the best block presence, we're done
	if countWithBest <= 1 {

	// There were multiple peers with the best block presence, so choose one of
	// them to be the best
	var peersWithBest []peer.ID
	for p, bp := range wi.blockPresence {
		if bp == bestBP {
			peersWithBest = append(peersWithBest, p)
	wi.bestPeer = wi.peerRspTrkr.choose(peersWithBest)