session.go 7.61 KB
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package bitswap

import (

	notifications ""

9 10
	cid "gx/ipfs/QmNp85zy9RLrQ5oQD4hPyS39ezrrXpcaa7R4Y9kxdWQLLQ/go-cid"
	blocks "gx/ipfs/QmSn9Td7xgxm9EV7iEjTckpUWmWApggzPxu7eFGWkkpwin/go-block-format"
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	logging "gx/ipfs/QmSpJByNKFX1sCsHBEp3R73FL4NF6FnQTEGyNAXHm2GS52/go-log"
	loggables "gx/ipfs/QmT4PgCNdv73hnFAqzHqwW44q7M9PWpykSswHDxndquZbc/go-libp2p-loggables"
Jeromy's avatar
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	lru "gx/ipfs/QmVYxfoJQiZijTgPNHCHgHELvQpbsJNTg6Crmc3dQkj3yy/golang-lru"
	peer "gx/ipfs/QmXYjuNuxVzXKJCfWasQk1RqkhVLDM9jtUKhqc2WPQmFSB/go-libp2p-peer"
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15 16 17 18

const activeWantsLimit = 16

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19 20 21
// Session holds state for an individual bitswap transfer operation.
// This allows bitswap to make smarter decisions about who to send wantlist
// info to, and who to request blocks from
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22 23
type Session struct {
	ctx            context.Context
	tofetch        *cidQueue
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25 26 27
	activePeers    map[peer.ID]struct{}
	activePeersArr []peer.ID

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28 29 30 31 32
	bs           *Bitswap
	incoming     chan blkRecv
	newReqs      chan []*cid.Cid
	cancelKeys   chan []*cid.Cid
	interestReqs chan interestReq
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33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

	interest  *lru.Cache
	liveWants map[string]time.Time

	tick          *time.Timer
	baseTickDelay time.Duration

	latTotal time.Duration
	fetchcnt int

	notif notifications.PubSub

	uuid logging.Loggable
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46 47

	id uint64
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48 49

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50 51
// NewSession creates a new bitswap session whose lifetime is bounded by the
// given context
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52 53 54 55 56 57
func (bs *Bitswap) NewSession(ctx context.Context) *Session {
	s := &Session{
		activePeers:   make(map[peer.ID]struct{}),
		liveWants:     make(map[string]time.Time),
		newReqs:       make(chan []*cid.Cid),
		cancelKeys:    make(chan []*cid.Cid),
		tofetch:       newCidQueue(),
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		interestReqs:  make(chan interestReq),
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60 61 62 63 64 65
		ctx:           ctx,
		bs:            bs,
		incoming:      make(chan blkRecv),
		notif:         notifications.New(),
		uuid:          loggables.Uuid("GetBlockRequest"),
		baseTickDelay: time.Millisecond * 500,
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		id:            bs.getNextSessionID(),
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67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

	cache, _ := lru.New(2048)
	s.interest = cache

	bs.sessions = append(bs.sessions, s)


	return s

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81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
func (bs *Bitswap) removeSession(s *Session) {
	defer bs.sessLk.Unlock()
	for i := 0; i < len(bs.sessions); i++ {
		if bs.sessions[i] == s {
			bs.sessions[i] = bs.sessions[len(bs.sessions)-1]
			bs.sessions = bs.sessions[:len(bs.sessions)-1]

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93 94 95 96 97
type blkRecv struct {
	from peer.ID
	blk  blocks.Block

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func (s *Session) receiveBlockFrom(from peer.ID, blk blocks.Block) {
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99 100 101 102
	select {
	case s.incoming <- blkRecv{from: from, blk: blk}:
	case <-s.ctx.Done():
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103 104

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105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
type interestReq struct {
	c    *cid.Cid
	resp chan bool

// TODO: PERF: this is using a channel to guard a map access against race
// conditions. This is definitely much slower than a mutex, though its unclear
// if it will actually induce any noticeable slowness. This is implemented this
// way to avoid adding a more complex set of mutexes around the liveWants map.
// note that in the average case (where this session *is* interested in the
// block we received) this function will not be called, as the cid will likely
// still be in the interest cache.
func (s *Session) isLiveWant(c *cid.Cid) bool {
	resp := make(chan bool)
	s.interestReqs <- interestReq{
		c:    c,
		resp: resp,
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123 124 125 126 127 128 129

	select {
	case want := <-resp:
		return want
	case <-s.ctx.Done():
		return false
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130 131

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func (s *Session) interestedIn(c *cid.Cid) bool {
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	return s.interest.Contains(c.KeyString()) || s.isLiveWant(c)
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134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161

const provSearchDelay = time.Second * 10

func (s *Session) addActivePeer(p peer.ID) {
	if _, ok := s.activePeers[p]; !ok {
		s.activePeers[p] = struct{}{}
		s.activePeersArr = append(s.activePeersArr, p)

func (s *Session) resetTick() {
	if s.latTotal == 0 {
	} else {
		avLat := s.latTotal / time.Duration(s.fetchcnt)
		s.tick.Reset(s.baseTickDelay + (3 * avLat))

func (s *Session) run(ctx context.Context) {
	s.tick = time.NewTimer(provSearchDelay)
	newpeers := make(chan peer.ID, 16)
	for {
		select {
		case blk := <-s.incoming:

162 163 164
			if blk.from != "" {
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165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172

			s.receiveBlock(ctx, blk.blk)

		case keys := <-s.newReqs:
			for _, k := range keys {
				s.interest.Add(k.KeyString(), nil)
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173 174
			if len(s.liveWants) < activeWantsLimit {
				toadd := activeWantsLimit - len(s.liveWants)
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175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183
				if toadd > len(keys) {
					toadd = len(keys)

				now := keys[:toadd]
				keys = keys[toadd:]

				s.wantBlocks(ctx, now)
184 185 186
			for _, k := range keys {
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187 188 189 190 191
		case keys := <-s.cancelKeys:

		case <-s.tick.C:
			var live []*cid.Cid
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			for c := range s.liveWants {
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193 194 195 196 197 198
				cs, _ := cid.Cast([]byte(c))
				live = append(live, cs)
				s.liveWants[c] = time.Now()

			// Broadcast these keys to everyone we're connected to
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199, live, nil,
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200 201

			if len(live) > 0 {
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202 203 204 205 206 207 208
				go func(k *cid.Cid) {
					// TODO: have a task queue setup for this to:
					// - rate limit
					// - manage timeouts
					// - ensure two 'findprovs' calls for the same block don't run concurrently
					// - share peers between sessions based on interest set
					for p := range, k, 10) {
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209 210
						newpeers <- p
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212 213 214 215
		case p := <-newpeers:
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		case lwchk := <-s.interestReqs:
			lwchk.resp <- s.cidIsWanted(lwchk.c)
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		case <-ctx.Done():
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221 222 223 224 225

226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234
func (s *Session) cidIsWanted(c *cid.Cid) bool {
	_, ok := s.liveWants[c.KeyString()]
	if !ok {
		ok = s.tofetch.Has(c)

	return ok

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func (s *Session) receiveBlock(ctx context.Context, blk blocks.Block) {
236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245
	c := blk.Cid()
	if s.cidIsWanted(c) {
		ks := c.KeyString()
		tval, ok := s.liveWants[ks]
		if ok {
			s.latTotal += time.Since(tval)
			delete(s.liveWants, ks)
		} else {
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246 247 248

249 250
		if next := s.tofetch.Pop(); next != nil {
			s.wantBlocks(ctx, []*cid.Cid{next})
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251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258

func (s *Session) wantBlocks(ctx context.Context, ks []*cid.Cid) {
	for _, c := range ks {
		s.liveWants[c.KeyString()] = time.Now()
Jeromy's avatar
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259, ks, s.activePeersArr,
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260 261 262 263

func (s *Session) cancel(keys []*cid.Cid) {
	for _, c := range keys {
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265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278

func (s *Session) cancelWants(keys []*cid.Cid) {
	s.cancelKeys <- keys

func (s *Session) fetch(ctx context.Context, keys []*cid.Cid) {
	select {
	case s.newReqs <- keys:
	case <-ctx.Done():

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279 280 281
// GetBlocks fetches a set of blocks within the context of this session and
// returns a channel that found blocks will be returned on. No order is
// guaranteed on the returned blocks.
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282 283 284 285 286
func (s *Session) GetBlocks(ctx context.Context, keys []*cid.Cid) (<-chan blocks.Block, error) {
	ctx = logging.ContextWithLoggable(ctx, s.uuid)
	return getBlocksImpl(ctx, keys, s.notif, s.fetch, s.cancelWants)

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// GetBlock fetches a single block
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288 289 290
func (s *Session) GetBlock(parent context.Context, k *cid.Cid) (blocks.Block, error) {
	return getBlock(parent, k, s.GetBlocks)
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333

type cidQueue struct {
	elems []*cid.Cid
	eset  *cid.Set

func newCidQueue() *cidQueue {
	return &cidQueue{eset: cid.NewSet()}

func (cq *cidQueue) Pop() *cid.Cid {
	for {
		if len(cq.elems) == 0 {
			return nil

		out := cq.elems[0]
		cq.elems = cq.elems[1:]

		if cq.eset.Has(out) {
			return out

func (cq *cidQueue) Push(c *cid.Cid) {
	if cq.eset.Visit(c) {
		cq.elems = append(cq.elems, c)

func (cq *cidQueue) Remove(c *cid.Cid) {

func (cq *cidQueue) Has(c *cid.Cid) bool {
	return cq.eset.Has(c)

func (cq *cidQueue) Len() int {
	return cq.eset.Len()