Unverified Commit 03e6d1f0 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen Committed by GitHub

test(message): test custom CID type (#309)

This got dropped from my other patch.
parent 21d88348
package bitswap_message_pb_test
import (
u "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-util"
pb "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/message/pb"
func TestCID(t *testing.T) {
var expected = [...]byte{
10, 34, 18, 32, 195, 171,
143, 241, 55, 32, 232, 173,
144, 71, 221, 57, 70, 107,
60, 137, 116, 229, 146, 194,
250, 56, 61, 74, 57, 96,
113, 76, 174, 240, 196, 242,
c := cid.NewCidV0(u.Hash([]byte("foobar")))
msg := pb.Message_BlockPresence{Cid: pb.Cid{Cid: c}}
actual, err := msg.Marshal()
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(actual, expected[:]) {
t.Fatal("failed to correctly encode custom CID type")
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