Commit 3633c0b1 authored by Hector Sanjuan's avatar Hector Sanjuan

Extract go-detect-race from Godeps

I have forked it, put it under ipfs namespace, published to gx

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarHector Sanjuan <>
parent c26feecf
......@@ -15,13 +15,12 @@ import (
mockrouting ""
delay ""
detectrace ""
tu "gx/ipfs/QmVvkK7s5imCiq3JVbL3pGfnhcCnf3LrFJPF4GE2sAoGZf/go-testutil"
travis "gx/ipfs/QmVvkK7s5imCiq3JVbL3pGfnhcCnf3LrFJPF4GE2sAoGZf/go-testutil/ci/travis"
p2ptestutil "gx/ipfs/QmYVR3C8DWPHdHxvLtNFYfjsXgaRAdh6hPMNH3KiwCgu4o/go-libp2p-netutil"
cid "gx/ipfs/QmcZfnkapfECQGcLZaf9B79NRg7cRa9EnZh4LSbkCzwNvY/go-cid"
blocks "gx/ipfs/Qmej7nf81hi2x2tvjRBF3mcp74sQyuDH4VMYDGd1YtXjb2/go-block-format"
detectrace "gx/ipfs/Qmf7HqcW7LtCi1W8y2bdx2eJpze74jkbKqpByxgXikdbLF/go-detect-race"
// FIXME the tests are really sensitive to the network delay. fix them to work
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