Commit 74d13f3c authored by Brian Tiger Chow's avatar Brian Tiger Chow Committed by Juan Batiz-Benet

doc: some comments about the future of the decision engine

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarBrian Tiger Chow <>
parent c3d5b6ee
......@@ -11,6 +11,36 @@ import (
u ""
// TODO consider taking responsibility for other types of requests. For
// example, there could be a |cancelQueue| for all of the cancellation
// messages that need to go out. There could also be a |wantlistQueue| for
// the local peer's wantlists. Alternatively, these could all be bundled
// into a single, intelligent global queue that efficiently
// batches/combines and takes all of these into consideration.
// Right now, messages go onto the network for four reasons:
// 1. an initial `sendwantlist` message to a provider of the first key in a request
// 2. a periodic full sweep of `sendwantlist` messages to all providers
// 3. upon receipt of blocks, a `cancel` message to all peers
// 4. draining the priority queue of `blockrequests` from peers
// Presently, only `blockrequests` are handled by the decision engine.
// However, there is an opportunity to give it more responsibility! If the
// decision engine is given responsibility for all of the others, it can
// intelligently decide how to combine requests efficiently.
// Some examples of what would be possible:
// * when sending out the wantlists, include `cancel` requests
// * when handling `blockrequests`, include `sendwantlist` and `cancel` as appropriate
// * when handling `cancel`, if we recently received a wanted block from a
// peer, include a partial wantlist that contains a few other high priority
// blocks
// In a sense, if we treat the decision engine as a black box, it could do
// whatever it sees fit to produce desired outcomes (get wanted keys
// quickly, maintain good relationships with peers, etc).
var log = u.Logger("engine")
const (
......@@ -26,18 +56,24 @@ type Envelope struct {
type Engine struct {
// FIXME peerRequestQueue isn't threadsafe nor is it protected by a mutex.
// consider a way to avoid sharing the peerRequestQueue between the worker
// and the receiver
// peerRequestQueue is a priority queue of requests received from peers.
// Requests are popped from the queue, packaged up, and placed in the
// outbox.
peerRequestQueue *taskQueue
// FIXME it's a bit odd for the client and the worker to both share memory
// (both modify the peerRequestQueue) and also to communicate over the
// workSignal channel. consider sending requests over the channel and
// allowing the worker to have exclusive access to the peerRequestQueue. In
// that case, no lock would be required.
workSignal chan struct{}
// outbox contains outgoing messages to peers
outbox chan Envelope
bs bstore.Blockstore
lock sync.RWMutex
lock sync.RWMutex // protects the fields immediatly below
// ledgerMap lists Ledgers by their Partner key.
ledgerMap map[u.Key]*ledger
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