Commit 85f0e9fa authored by Dirk McCormick's avatar Dirk McCormick

refactor: simplify PeerWantManager pending want counts

parent 47129f71
......@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ func (pwm *peerWantManager) removePeer(p peer.ID) {
pwm.reverseIndexRemove(c, p)
// Decrement the gauges by the number of pending want-blocks to the peer
peersWantingBlock, peersWantingHave := pwm.peersWanting(c)
if peersWantingBlock == 0 {
peerCounts := pwm.wantPeerCounts(c)
if peerCounts.wantBlock == 0 {
if peersWantingHave == 0 && !pwm.broadcastWants.Has(c) {
if !peerCounts.wanted() {
return nil
......@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ func (pwm *peerWantManager) removePeer(p peer.ID) {
pwm.reverseIndexRemove(c, p)
// Decrement the gauge by the number of pending want-haves to the peer
peersWantingBlock, peersWantingHave := pwm.peersWanting(c)
if peersWantingBlock == 0 && peersWantingHave == 0 && !pwm.broadcastWants.Has(c) {
peerCounts := pwm.wantPeerCounts(c)
if !peerCounts.wanted() {
return nil
......@@ -177,12 +177,12 @@ func (pwm *peerWantManager) sendWants(p peer.ID, wantBlocks []cid.Cid, wantHaves
// Increment the want gauges
peersWantingBlock, peersWantingHave := pwm.peersWanting(c)
if peersWantingBlock == 0 {
peerCounts := pwm.wantPeerCounts(c)
if peerCounts.wantBlock == 0 {
if peersWantingHave == 0 && !pwm.broadcastWants.Has(c) {
if !peerCounts.wanted() {
// Make sure the CID is no longer recorded as a want-have
......@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ func (pwm *peerWantManager) sendWants(p peer.ID, wantBlocks []cid.Cid, wantHaves
// If the CID has not been sent as a want-block or want-have
if !pws.wantBlocks.Has(c) && !pws.wantHaves.Has(c) {
// Increment the total wants gauge
peersWantingBlock, peersWantingHave := pwm.peersWanting(c)
if peersWantingHave == 0 && !pwm.broadcastWants.Has(c) && peersWantingBlock == 0 {
peerCounts := pwm.wantPeerCounts(c)
if !peerCounts.wanted() {
......@@ -238,10 +238,9 @@ func (pwm *peerWantManager) sendCancels(cancelKs []cid.Cid) {
// Record how many peers have a pending want-block and want-have for each
// key to be cancelled
peersWantingBefore := make(map[cid.Cid][]int, len(cancelKs))
peerCounts := make(map[cid.Cid]wantPeerCnts, len(cancelKs))
for _, c := range cancelKs {
blks, haves := pwm.peersWanting(c)
peersWantingBefore[c] = []int{blks, haves}
peerCounts[c] = pwm.wantPeerCounts(c)
// Create a buffer to use for filtering cancels per peer, with the
......@@ -311,18 +310,16 @@ func (pwm *peerWantManager) sendCancels(cancelKs []cid.Cid) {
// Decrement the wants gauges
for _, c := range cancelKs {
before := peersWantingBefore[c]
peersWantingBlockBefore := before[0]
peersWantingHaveBefore := before[1]
peerCnts := peerCounts[c]
// If there were any peers that had a pending want-block for the key
if peersWantingBlockBefore > 0 {
if peerCnts.wantBlock > 0 {
// Decrement the want-block gauge
// If there was a peer that had a pending want or it was a broadcast want
if peersWantingBlockBefore > 0 || peersWantingHaveBefore > 0 || pwm.broadcastWants.Has(c) {
if peerCnts.wanted() {
// Decrement the total wants gauge
......@@ -340,9 +337,24 @@ func (pwm *peerWantManager) sendCancels(cancelKs []cid.Cid) {
// peersWanting counts how many peers have a pending want-block and want-have
// wantPeerCnts stores the number of peers that have pending wants for a CID
type wantPeerCnts struct {
// number of peers that have a pending want-block for the CID
wantBlock int
// number of peers that have a pending want-have for the CID
wantHave int
// whether the CID is a broadcast want
isBroadcast bool
// wanted returns true if any peer wants the CID or it's a broadcast want
func (pwm *wantPeerCnts) wanted() bool {
return pwm.wantBlock > 0 || pwm.wantHave > 0 || pwm.isBroadcast
// wantPeerCounts counts how many peers have a pending want-block and want-have
// for the given CID
func (pwm *peerWantManager) peersWanting(c cid.Cid) (int, int) {
func (pwm *peerWantManager) wantPeerCounts(c cid.Cid) wantPeerCnts {
blockCount := 0
haveCount := 0
for p := range pwm.wantPeers[c] {
......@@ -358,7 +370,7 @@ func (pwm *peerWantManager) peersWanting(c cid.Cid) (int, int) {
return blockCount, haveCount
return wantPeerCnts{blockCount, haveCount, pwm.broadcastWants.Has(c)}
// Add the peer to the list of peers that have sent a want with the cid
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