Commit fd0e1ff6 authored by Dirk McCormick's avatar Dirk McCormick

fix: log unexpected condition in peerWantManager.prepareSendWants()

parent 7348b26c
......@@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ import (
logging ""
cid ""
peer ""
var log = logging.Logger("bs:peermgr")
// PeerQueue provides a queue of messages to be sent for a single peer.
type PeerQueue interface {
......@@ -86,35 +86,44 @@ func (pwm *peerWantManager) prepareSendWants(p peer.ID, wantBlocks []cid.Cid, wa
resWantHvs := make([]cid.Cid, 0)
// Get the existing want-blocks and want-haves for the peer
if pws, ok := pwm.peerWants[p]; ok {
// Iterate over the requested want-blocks
for _, c := range wantBlocks {
// If the want-block hasn't been sent to the peer
if !pws.wantBlocks.Has(c) {
// Record that the CID was sent as a want-block
pws, ok := pwm.peerWants[p]
if !ok {
// In practice this should never happen:
// - PeerManager calls addPeer() as soon as the peer connects
// - PeerManager calls removePeer() as soon as the peer disconnects
// - All calls to PeerWantManager are locked
log.Errorf("prepareSendWants() called with peer %s but peer not found in peerWantManager", string(p))
return resWantBlks, resWantHvs
// Add the CID to the results
resWantBlks = append(resWantBlks, c)
// Iterate over the requested want-blocks
for _, c := range wantBlocks {
// If the want-block hasn't been sent to the peer
if !pws.wantBlocks.Has(c) {
// Record that the CID was sent as a want-block
// Make sure the CID is no longer recorded as a want-have
// Add the CID to the results
resWantBlks = append(resWantBlks, c)
// Increment the count of want-blocks
// Make sure the CID is no longer recorded as a want-have
// Increment the count of want-blocks
// Iterate over the requested want-haves
for _, c := range wantHaves {
// If the CID has not been sent as a want-block or want-have
if !pws.wantBlocks.Has(c) && !pws.wantHaves.Has(c) {
// Record that the CID was sent as a want-have
// Iterate over the requested want-haves
for _, c := range wantHaves {
// If the CID has not been sent as a want-block or want-have
if !pws.wantBlocks.Has(c) && !pws.wantHaves.Has(c) {
// Record that the CID was sent as a want-have
// Add the CID to the results
resWantHvs = append(resWantHvs, c)
// Add the CID to the results
resWantHvs = append(resWantHvs, c)
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